Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

HalleluYah For Our Brothers, Sisters & Children In The Philippines – Praise The Father & His Son!!!

by | Jan 25, 2015

New group Philipines July 9th July 2014 3“My being, finds rest in Elohim alone because my expectation is from Him. He alone is my rock and my deliverance, my
strong tower; I am not shaken.”
Psalms/Tehillim 62:6

A huge HalleluYah for the Philippines. As most of you will know, the Philippines is mostly made up of Catholics. The HalleluYah Scriptures has made a huge difference in this country and we work daily to make a difference for the Father and His Son. The night will come soon when we will not be able to openly do this important work. Each day that is given to us we praise the Father, for it is another day we can get His Word freely to those in need.

New group Philipines July 9th July 2014 2

There is no greater excitement than receiving His Word freely and be able to own the best gift in the world apart from our Salvation. His Word is important,  for it gives us our instruction for life. Look at these lovely children above that are so excited to get this box of HalleluYah Scriptures.

Philiipines HalleluYah Scriptures 1

They have never seen the Father’s Word before with His Name and His Son’s Name restored. How exciting for them and those receiving this shipment. It was an exciting time for them all and also an exciting time for us as a team to be able to send this shipment to them.

New group Philipines July 9th July 2014 4

Children love their parents reading from the HalleluYah Scriptures and they get so excited to hear the Words from the Father and His Son; they cannot get enough of His Word. It has been wonderful to provide parents with His Word the HallelluYah Scriptures as they can now teach and read to their children and bring them up in the Word.  A big HalleluYah!!!

New group Philipines July 9th July 2014 6

Shipments like this are being sent all over the world on a daily basis and though they have not upacked all this shipment they want to display some of them for us to see. We are excited to share the Audio, the Name Meanings Book (which was 15 years of research,) the wristbands and bookmarks in this shipment. They will have the Children’s Book and Cards of Hope now to hand out and share with others around them.

HalleluYah Scriptures restored Name Bible +The best Bible + Sacared Name Bible review 1a

Many have shared with us that teenagers are asking about having a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures as they want to understand and read His Word for themselves. They get so excited about having their own copy to share with their family and friends. It has been a great honor in sending copies for the young for they are our future.

Philiipines HalleluYah Scriptures 2HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible philippines 110a

 “HalleluYah to YHWH for the Bibles we received today. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for we have been blessed.”

Shalom to you at HalleluYah Scriptures. We praising Yah today for the copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures Bibles. We received a parcel here in the Philippines and were very pleased to open and see such a good gift. We pray He rewards your work. Thank you.”

000 halleluyah scriptures 2We have just sent another large shipment off the to the Philippines (see above,) as we still have thousands to reach in many towns, cities and villages and surrounding countries. We as a team praise the Father when we see shipments like this leaving for we know there are waiting hands that are so desperate at the other end. These are prayed over and we know the Father’s hand is over them. His desire is to see His people receive His love letter. The BEST gift in the world is His Word.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible India 115a

We have just printed 35,000 Cards of Hope and Bookmarks in the Filipino language for believers to hand out and share with those seeking truth. These have been going all over the world in English for a number of months now, proclaiming the Names and Truth. We have printed over 200,000 cards of hope and bookmarks last year and just printed another 200,000 this month.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible India 100


We have been able to work with a number of groups and fellowships in the Philippines over the years. We have a wonderful and dedicated family that work with others in this country to get orders out.

There are a number of brothers and elders that travel very long hours to get copies to take to outback villages to believers who would otherwise not know about this project. They are so dedicated and hardworking and work long hours to make sure that those who are without receive freely.

We must not forget brothers in the Philippines who travel many hours standing up on buses just to come and pick up their order for their group for they consider it urgent and important for their people to have a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review Philippines 16

Our supporters all over the world have helped these brothers and sisters receive freely and it is they that the Father has used to get His Word out – the HalleluYah Scriptures out to a world that has never seen nor owned a copy and have no means or options of affording. A big Thank you to you all.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review Philippines 14

I think your dramatic audio is the best thing EVER EVER EVER to exist.  I would love to distribute these audio’s to everyone i know that would be interested.”

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + The best Restored Name Bible - Philippines 3“Thank you for all of the kind work you are doing in the Father’s Name. I admire your system of not charging for the scriptures, that is very honorable. Blessings & Shalom”


HalleluYah Scriptures Review + The best Restored Name Bible - Philippines 2

 “A special thank you from us here in the Philippines who have received a shipment of HalleluYah Scriptures – Praise YHWH. These will go out to our people who will share them with their families. We all send our prayers and thanks to you all.”

HalleluYah Scriptures Review Philippines 23

A huge HalleluYah and a special thank you to all those who helped all these brothers and sisters receive freely. We try and get as many pictures as possible to share with you but not everyone likes their picture taken. They are shy in many cases. Please enjoy the ones we do receive and rejoice with us. All praise, honor and esteem to the Father and His Son for They have done a wonderful thing through you Their people.

May the Father show you favour always

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team


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