Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Pakistan & The Philippines Loving & Enjoying The HalleluYah Scriptures.

by | Nov 11, 2013

Pastor Emmanuel Ghafoor… the kindness of YHWH is from everlasting to everlasting upon those who revere Him, And His righteousness to children’s children, To those who guard His Covenant…” – Psalms/Tehillim 103:17-18

Our Father YHWH is so amazing! His instruments (those who have donated) have been a berakah (blessing) to the Father’s children in Pakistan and the Philippines.

The picture above is a Pastor in Pakistan, who has has been working very hard to reach a good number of brothers,sisters, groups and fellowships in Pakistan. This used to be an unreached country when it comes to His Restored Name Scriptures. The hearts of many Pakistani are open to the Names of the Father and His Son and His Truth. HalleluYah — there is currently a big awakening around the world to YHWH’s Truth … that the Father and His Son have Personal Names and His People are to call on these Names. The HalleluYah Scriptures has been a big part of making His Name known.  A number of people now realize how they have been lied to and are seeking truth with all their hearts. With the help of YHWH’s Ruach Ha Qodesh, many brethren are finding that truth thru the HalleluYah Scriptures. HalleluYah indeed!.

Here are some messages we received from some of those who have received free copies of HalleluYah Scriptures in Pakistan. :

Shalom, Hope that you and your ministry is doing good by the name of our HaMashiach. Glad to see updates from Pakistan on your website. We are praying for you…”

“Here is the comment from Punjab (Province) because I have sent HS to our brother. When you will send new order then I will send more copies to interior provinces who cannot afford but thirsty for the voice of truth: Shalom to all the team of HalleluYah Scriptures, I want to thank and congratulate (HS) for all their good efforts for the glory of Almighty Father,I saw and read the HalleuYah Scriptures and the special thing in this book is that; other Bibles have different translations which are not giving actual name of (the Almighty) or Messiah. This Bible (HS) has a unique thing for us, this Bible has all the Nouns in real language. I wish and pray for all the team of HalleluYah Scriptures to prosper for the glory of our Father. (Amien)  Pastor Q. I. Gujranwala

“Shalom… It is one of the most authentic translations I’ve ever read in English. Thank you. May HaShem Bless Your Team.”

aaapakistan 4The above picture shows Pastor Emmanuel Ghafoor presenting HS to Deacon Moon Gulzar Bhatti. This deacon said :

“I am very pleased to have this Bible (HS) as a gift and thankful to Pastor Emmanuel Ghafoor for choosing me to get this beautiful gift. I like the translation and specially Paleo-Hebrew Names, original names of the Books and places.I pray for the blessings of YHWH for all the team and supporters of HalleluYah Scriptures and for Pastor Emmanuel Ghafoor. Thanks and Shalom.”

The Philippines Being Reached philippines 2

Meanwhile, growing numbers of Filipino brethen are being awaken to truth of the Father’s Name. This country is Catholic controlled as most follow the Catholic way. Our supporters have helped the HalleluYah Scriptures project proclaim the Father and His Son’s Name worldwide and thousands of lives have been changed for ever. The Father’s Name is becoming known because His people care enough about brothers and sisters in desperate need who need answers and comfort. Those who have very little have such an excitement when they receive such a gift and want to proclaim and show those who have never seen. They are so happy and joyful when receiving freely they can hardly contain themselves and show many others “Here is the Father’s Name”, it is so rare to see a Bible with the Father and His Son’s Name. The way the Father wrote His Name on the 10 commandment stones. 999088_612706398751071_1526974257_n Elder Serafin Quiminales with HS

Believers receiving a copy of the Father’s love letter for the first time. Just think if you have never seen the Father’s Word ever and you were told about this special book, you would walk miles and days to seek out this treasure and when you receive it your heart will jump for joy and fall to your knees in weeping and then you will want to share this treasured gift with others who need the Father’s comfort.

Please praise and thank the Father and His Son for all those that have made this happen. Those that receive this free gift are so greatful and they ask us to pass on a HUGE THANK YOU AND A HUG to those that made this happen. They will never forget your gift and we know they praise the Father daily for you and your family. philiipines 333As we have shared with you many young people are coming to truth and know they have been lied to about the Father and His Son and just want His pure Word and truth and they are finding that in the HalleluYah Scriptures.

“Today my copy of the scriptures arrived, I want to say thank you so much for this gift, It is true that this version is so easy to read, so alive, I feel so blessed. Bless You!!!”

All praise to the Father HalleluYah!!!


philippines 3 “Thank you so much for sending it so quickly.  I was thinking that it would take longer.  I really love the cover and I already started researching various scriptures last night.  I am very grateful that you all have taken on this beautiful project of accurately translating the Word of Elohim. My Saviour is teaching me more and more through His Ruach ha’Quodesh, as I catch myself using the pagan origin of words and how He reminds/corrects me when I do through His Ruah.  Thank you, again and may Elohim bless you mightily in all that you do in His name. In service to the one true and living Elohim.”   philippines 17

Those who receive freely are so overjoyed with the gift and their hearts are so filled with joy they go and tell all they know about this special gift and they share the Father’s Name and truth with whoever will listen to them. Most of us know what that this like as we felt the same when we came to truth, nothing would stop us in sharing this most amazing and exciting news. It has been hard for a number of believers who had been given a KJV and they try and use this to share truth to others and they said it is hard as people do not see His Name. So when they receive the HalleluYah Scriptures it makes a huge difference.   Picture1We want to be able to get His pure Word the HalleluYah Scriptures into as many countries, towns and villages all over the world, to places that are not aware the Father has a special book a love letter to them. It is so exciting to hear the reactions from our brothers and sisters who receive your gift freely, their hearts and lives are never the same again and they are truly shocked by your generous gift. As we have said many times what a hard walk it would be without the Father’s Word, you faith would have to be very strong and your trust in Him would have to be rock solid. Picture2A very special thank you to you the supporters for making this happen, for touching and changing lives forever and for giving the greatest gift anyone can own. It is worth more than all the gold, silver and any material thing this world has to offer.  We know you consider it a great honour to do this for the Father and His children. Believe us when we say they praise the Father and His Son all the time over this special gift. Picture3

Meanwhile, Bro Carl (in the picture on the right and on the right hand side), he is the brother that features in many articles on the HS web site. The Ruach has used him to lead a large number to truth and he has given them a copy of the HS to take back to their countries if they were visiting the Philippines. He shared the Father and Son’s Name to a good number in the Philippines, he said, as he was sleeping the Father gave him and many people a miracle, before the floods surged in the town he lives and into the houses. The Father woke Bro Carl and showed to him the situation. Armed with the warning from the Father, many were able to prepare and secure all things, there was no damage, no casualties and every ministry thing (like the Father’s Word) was secured. HalleluYah!!! The place was the center where the HalleluYah Scriptures was distributed to various leaders and Elders and people who he led to the truth and who love the the Father’s love letter the HalleluYah Scriptures. This was the hardest hit area but we know His people will only grow stronger in their trails. Our prayers are with them all. Picture5Over the years we have seen many miracles with the HalleluYah Scriptures. They have been going into places and countries we could never have reached. One copy to a 3rd world country family can help around 10 others in their family and then they also share that copy with people in their area or village or town so that others can come to know the Father and His Son’s Name and truth. u  809 They have commented that it is hard to share a bible without the Father and His Son’s Name as people cannot see the truth. So a special thank you from these brothers and sisters as they can now go out and share the Father and Son’s Names. They go out with such excitement and can barely believe their eyes when given such a treasure. These brother’s were told about the Father’s truth and the Name of the Father and His Son and they were so excited to receive His truth and were equipped to go and share with their family and friends. u 820 813We want to say a special heartfelt thanks to all the brothers and sisters that have supported the Halleluyah Scriptures project and have enable thousands to receive the Father’s love letter. The Father and His Son are praised daily by those who have received freely. Your good works shine so brightly before the Father and His Son. It has been a great honour to do this work and come to know you all. We thank for the countless emails and letters that pour in daily and let us say they encourage us and refresh us so much. We praise the Father daily for you all.

Thank you

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team



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