Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Philippines Rejoicing Over HalleluYah Scriptures

by | Jan 26, 2024

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Be glad in YHWH and exult, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” ~Tehillim /Psalms 32:11. The devotion and tenderness by those who donate towards the HalleluYah Scriptures Project is so special and wonderful, and it really touches our hearts, as this work is not always easy, but so very important. We need as much prayer as we can get for wisdom, strength and protection as the world is heading into some hard times, the workload is very heavy and demanding but we love it and enjoy it. We really love doing this service for YHWH and His Son and you, His children. It is a great honor and we are truly thankful and grateful, and it means so much to us to know that you care enough for those in need, and us as volunteers.

Thank you so much HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES TEAM for giving me the opportunity to own this bible all thanks ang GLORY TO OUR ABBAH YHWH AND MESSIAH I’ve been blessed to have this Be Blessed All of You SHALAWAM! (Free Copy Sent)

‘Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not look around, for I am your Elohim. I shall strengthen you, I shall also help you, I shall also uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.’  Yeshayahu / Isaiah 41:10

halleluYah Scriptures Restored Name Bible + Hebrew Bible + Hebrew Roots Philippines 22HalleluYah for believers in the Philippines! So many of our Filipino brothers and sisters around the world have been working with us for over 12 years to make many of the HalleluYah Scriptures, books, children’s books, cards of hope and audio materials available to their families and friends in the Philippines. Their love and compassion for YHWH inspire and encourage us and fill our hearts with warmth.

Thank you HalleluYah Scriptures for my new Bible. I absolutely love it and am going to read and study it in spirit and in truth with exceeding joy. I am blessed and highly favored to be able to own a Hebrew bible and I’m going to share it with everyone that I can. Yah’s word is for all and I will be a messenger for his word to be spread and his work to be done. Praise Yah! Shabbat Sholom.

The archipelagic country in Southeast Asia consists of more than 7,600 islands where about 107 million people live. It ranks 75th among the poorest countries, with about 16% or 17.6 million Filipinos living below the poverty line and struggling to afford basic necessities.  

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However, we praise YHWH! For whatever they lack in material possession, they make up for with their hard work, resilience and hospitality. And although life is not without it’s challenges in this small and seemingly poor country, our partners here have been relentless in seeking YHWH in His Word and striving to contribute to its continuous proliferation.

HalleluYah Scriptures distribution team are well coordinated. Shalom.. Its my honor to received a free copy of the HS.. may your ministry be bless more by our Almighty Creator and be an instrument of reaching people as with spreading the very Word of Yah to those who diligently seeks His kingdom.. Todah HS team..

And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that Elohim is light and in Him is no darkness at all.  Yoḥanan 1 / 1 John 1:5

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Thank you very much for this a hundred folds of Yah’s abundant barach and favor returns to you as this is what we pray. Thank you for the great efforts and unwavering love of service.  Thanks and shalom., Sis. Lorna.

To my Brothers and Sisters behind Halleluyah Scriptures I pray that you will continue to share to the world for free the truth especially the true name of our Abbah father, our Elohim/Alahayam and His son our Messiah and King. Halahwayah Alahayam, Yadah..

“How precious is Your kindness, O Elohim! And the sons of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” ~Tehillim / Psalms 36:7

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The HalleluYah Scriptures has always been first for the poor and needy of this world, supported by those that can afford, as this is the principle of His Word. For the poor and needy would never receive if those that can afford did not help and His people have helped over the years, HalleluYah!

Those that have supported this urgent and important Project have really understood the heart of this Project and how important His Word is to a world that is in such darkness. Those that come into the light of His Truth are very grateful that a believer has thought of them unselfishly, as this is rare in this day and age.

I have freely received one of your scriptures from a brother, and my daughter told me she wanted one of her own. May YHWH keep your program alive! We love your scriptures :)

Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, as indeed you do.  Tas’loniqim 1 / 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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We love the Philippines and the Filipino people; they are humble and passionate about their belief and their walk. We have worked many years with hundreds of believers in this country and have been able to send tens of thousands of free materials. They sure have a passion to share the Truth.

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The receivers were very happy to receive the copies and extended their blessings to Halleluyah Scriptures for the great work they are doing for making people know our heavenly father and his son by their personal names (proverbs 30:4).

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We are so honored to have come to know thousands of brothers, sisters and Groups in many countries, and be able to you work with them, and we are always singing praises to the Father for the generous prayers, fasting, and kind donations that have helped so many all over the world. All the support the Project has received has enabled us to reach even more in many countries.

Thank you for offering this wonderful gift to us all.

Elohim, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wonders. Tehillim / Psalm 71:17

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We have been working with a number of groups and believers in the Philippines for over 12 years and have enjoyed working with the Filipino people, the HalleluYah Scriptures Project has a number of Filipino workers/volunteers who have been working with dedication and love for His people and this work is their lives.
We are sending large shipments into the Philippines next month with many other large shipments going into 3rd world countries for His people to share with those coming to Truth, or are in Truth and have no copy of His Word. We enjoy reading the many comments that come out of the Philippines.

Many thanks to book your given great help them in my study of truth. (Free Copy Sent)

For we are His workmanship, created in Mashiaḥ Yahushua unto good works, which YHWH prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.  Eph’siyim / Ephesians 2:10

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The heart and passion of this Project is to get a free copy of His Word into the hands of those who cannot afford and have no means of affording His Word. It is the heart of the Father and this project to help all we can.

You all are so selfless to give HalleluYah Scriptures to those who cannot afford it. you are doing something very special here!

“He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”  Luqas / Luke 10:16

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We feel we really owe it to believers around the world in many countries and languages, to try our best to reach them anyway possible, so they have a chance of knowing His truth, as we all have.
Therefore we are envoys on behalf of Mashiaḥ, as though Elohim were pleading through us. We beg, on behalf of Mashiaḥ: Be restored to favour with Elohim. Qorin’tiyim 2 / 2 Corinthians 5:20
Those that have been helped have been so grateful and thankful to the person that donated for their copy. They feel so special that someone would take the time to work at a job and give of their time to help them get His Word into their hands. We also praise His Name for those that donate, pray and fast for this Project and volunteers as we surely need it in these last days.

I am very happy to learn about HalleluYah Scriptures because ever since I got out of my religion we’ve been asking for the Bible with the real name of YHWH. Please go on with your advocacy and produce more because we, Ophirians, this we call our group, are multiplying in numbers here in the Philippines and Filipinos in other countries. Thank you very much for availing HalleluYah Scriptures which I really need.

But you be sober in all, suffer hardships, do the work of an evangelist, accomplish your service completely.  Timotiyos 2 / 2 Timothy 4:5

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Here is a special message from a believer in the Philippines. 

Chedie – Philippines

When these Bibles were distributed to an individual per family, they were surprised and amazed of how beautiful these Bible are. They were so happy to have a Bible with the Name of our Elohim.
They never expected that they will have it FREE.  After the service, our pastor started discussing to church members about the Book. He was overwhelmed with joy and confidence while discussing because of so much research that he has done, it was exact to the research and this Book. Some of our church members find it hard to believe the true name of Father YHWH because they are not used to it but by the aid from this Book, it became easier to our pastor to explain it to them.
We are barak so much for receiving these HalleluYah Scriptures. We praise Father YHWH for hearing our deepest need of His anointed Scripture and now is in our hands. We would never forget the day that we receive these books because we believe that after we received these, our life will change, our future will become so much different. Striving to expand the Kingdom of YHWH with the help and guidance of His Ruach. Thank you so much HalleluYah Scripture Team for wonderous endeavour for Father YHWH that you become the way to help us. HalleluYah! Chedie – Philippines

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I received the bible more than a month after I ordered it, the distributor is kind enough to send me updates and freebies. What’s more, I didn’t even have to spend money, because I have low income to make a donation. Thank you so much! It’s wonderful and has the restored name I always wanted. Thanks also for sending it to me for free! My the Almighty Father continue to bless the people behind this project. Shalawam!

“Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am Ĕl, and there is none else.” Yeshayahu / Isaiah 45:22


The scripture distribution has quite fast. Thank you so much! The Hebraic Names use are good especially the the Meaning of Hebrew Names. I’m so blessed to have this HalleluYah Scriptures.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible Philippines 93 HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible Philippines 92

Love my book already, getting another as a gift.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of ḥai, and he who is winning lives is wise. Mishlěy / Proverbs 11:30

Feeding the Poor in India

HalleluYah, a special thank you to those that donate to help the very poor and needy in this world. Those the Project support through your donations are very thankful and grateful to those that donate to help their needs. Those that work with the very poor and needy are also very grateful to those that donate. This work would be impossible without the small handful that help the orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor and needy. Thank you also for allowing us to do this work. May the Most High show you favor always.

Those that have received your free gift are so very thankful and grateful to you and keep you in their prayers, as we do, as a team. We want to take the time to say a very special, “thank you” for your support, kindness and encouragement over the years. Your prayers, fasting and donations have made this possible and we pray for you daily asking the Father to show you favor as you have shown many of His people much favor.
HalleluYah and thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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