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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Amanda – USA

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication on these books. Look forward to ordering from you again.

Isaam – USA

Ever since learning about your organization my relationship with YHWH has grown tremendously. Reading Scripture with his true name feels more authentic. Before I would read KJV and translated in my head. Thank you for all the hard work your team commits to this project!

Marshall – USA

Thanks for what you do. I am looking forward to receiving this translation and hope to oder more material later. Shalom.

Rose – France

Thank you so much for your work, i wish i could give way more, may our beloved Father YHWH bless you all 🙏🫂

Toni – USA

I would like to thank YHWH for me being able to donate and help others. I’ve been wanting to order this for a while and I’m so excited that I finally can. Thank you all for all you do and your vision. I pray Yah continues to lead and guide you so His word can reach the World.

Ian – USA

I thank YHWH truly that his presence is felt amongst believers to be able to do such a project to this extent. Maybe you’ve realized it already or maybe you’re so focused you cannot perceive it as an outsider could see it. What you’re doing is a high level work. I couldn’t even fathom what I would have to do to provide for those who don’t even have the ability to completely pay the costs that you may have to cover. HALLALUYAH PRAISE YHWH. I appreciate you so much and pray favor comes to you in this eternal life YHWH has planned for all of us. Truly I just say thank you.

Lisa – USA

I love this ministry! You have very instrumental in my walk with YHWH! Thank You.

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