Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled – Over 300 Prophecies – In English & Hebrew

by | Jun 8, 2015

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible + The Scriptures & Cepher Yahweh & Yahwah & waterproof bible 3“And He said to them, ‘These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all have to be filled that were written in the Torah of Mosheh and the Neḇi’im and the Tehillim concerning Me.’ ” Luke 24:44 

HalleluYah, this special book was completed and printed in 2016 and we have been able to send out thousands upon thousands of these all over the world and many free copies have gone into many hands all over the world, to those who cannot afford to cover the costs. HalleluYah.

We have been able to share this with many in Israel and also have been able to give freely to the Jewish people around the world.
We are so excited to have announce to the world this exciting book that is another first of it’s kind for this project. This we believe will lead many Jewish people and those seeking His Truth to the Messiah.

There is no more urgent or important time in history as it is today to reach those in Israel and worldwide with the prophecies of the Savior. His Word is Truth and there is no denying it. We as a team are always praying and thinking of ways to reach those in darkness and those seeking His Truth worldwide. We have worked on many projects that have changed lives forever, all for the esteem of the Most High.

This special book contains around 300 prophecies of Ha’Mashiach in the first Covenant alongside all their fulfilments recorded in the Renewed Covenant.

This has and will help many people who do not believe that our Savior was the promised Redeemer of Yisrael/Israel. This book will and has proved without a shadow of a doubt that He is the Savior.

HalleluYah Scriptures Waterproof + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible Cepher bible + Waterproof + Messianic prophecies book 2

The book features the full text of the English HalleluYah Scriptures followed by the Hebrew text which will speak to the heart of the Hebrew speaking people as they can read these prophecies and their fulfilments in their own language and it has benefit many believers who enjoy reading and learning the Hebrew language.

HalleluYah Scriptures Waterproof + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible Cepher bible + Waterproof + Messianic prophecies book 4

As most of you know the HalleluYah Scriptures project is about helping those who cannot afford supported by those who can, this is Scripture and the heart of the Father and this project. We have been able to help many receive freely because His people have had a heart to help those who are without.

Thank you on behalf of those who have received freely. So if you can afford please consider donating extra so we can give this book away to prisoners, homeless, those in 3rd world countries and those who just have no means to afford.

This book has over 300 prophecies and is 120 pages in English/Hebrew. Please consider helping others who cannot afford.

Cost Only To The Project – Includes Shipping:
*All prices given are in USD

USA – $15.00
Canada – $19.00
International – $28.00

Any donations after covering costs go to helping the project.

Thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters who pray, fast and donate to this very urgent and important project.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible + The Scriptures & Cepher Yahweh & Yahwah & waterproof bible 5

Please use the form below to make your order.

Any donations after covering costs go to helping the project.

Thank You
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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