Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

HalleluYah Scriptures Prison Report

by | Feb 22, 2013

“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them , and those being mistreated since you yourselves also are in the Body.” – Ibrim/Hebrews 13:3

There is no doubt that lives are being touched through the Prisoner Missions of the HalleluYAH Scriptures. Todate, the HalleluYah Scriptures got into the hands of scores of prisoners not only in the U.S. but in other countries across the world. Halleluyah!

We receive quite a large number of letters now each week from prisoners who are seeking a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. They have heard about the Halleluyah Scriptures from other inmates or have seen copies of it in the hands of other prisoners or have heard about it from some people outside the prison. The requests continue to grow fast!

Here is a part of a recent request we received this is one of hundreds we have received:

“I am asking…if possible to receive a HalleluYah Scriptures. I have been learning with the Assemblies of YHWH for almost a year now and am in need of the Holy Scriptures that has the proper Names and wording so I can grow and set a good firm foundation to serve YHWH in spirit and truth. I am very serious about my faith and will serve YHWH even if it costs me my life.”

We have also received many “thank you” letters from many who have received their copies. Here is what one prisoner said,

“I want to thank you for the HalleluYah Scriptures. It is a blessing for me to receive it. YHWH is showing me a lot in His Word through His Ben.”

More comments:

“I have a deep desire to learn the deeper truths of the scriptures. I have been a believer since 1986 and have attended nondenominational assemblies for most of the time since then. Last year, a brother began to tell me about the sacred names of the Father and Son. I was skeptical at first but began to research everything he told me. My spiritual life has been transformed: praise YHWH!”

“I am a firm believer that the true names of our Almighty Elohim and His only begotten Son have been kept hidden from believers for too long. And I thank YHWH (written in paleo hebrew) for allowing me to be one of the few to have his eyes opened to the truth of His Sacred Name.”

“I want to thank you for the Halleluyah Scriptures. It is a blessing to receive it. Yahweh is showing me a lot in His word through His Ben.”

“I’m writing in regards to something I really, really am in desperate need of. I would love to be the owner of the translation called “Halleluyah Scriptures”. Please. I would love to have a bible, a correct translation without the words lord, god, jesus christ, etc. etc. Please help me.”

“When I saw the Halleluyah Scriptures I was amazed. I will also admit thought I shouldn’t really be surprised because the Ruach ha’Qodesh is moving all over the world.”

There are hundreds of letters that touch our hearts, individuals who need our prayers, and those who are desperate to get the HalleluYah Scriptures. Even some who are already on death row write to us! We will be working on a special page that will feature a large number of letters from prisoners.

Hundres of free copies of the Halleluyah Scriptures go into prisons each month, either directly from us or thru those we support in their Prison Ministries.

As of this writing, almost nearly every prison in the USA has a copy of the Halleluyah Scriptures in their Library. This has surely helped hundreds to come to know and to order the HalleluYah Scriptures. Updated: 1500 free copies have gone into each prison library in the USA. The project has also put a copy into many prisoners hands around the world.

The HalleluYah Scriptures that go to prisoners are solely supported from gifts outside the prisons. Those that donate to make this happen are truly investing in life everlasting. The vast majority, if not all, of the prisoners simply have no means to support the HalleluYah Scriptures.

If YHWH has barak us with the power to help these prisoners, as well as those who are desperately seeking for comfort and answers, then we should do it.

They, brothers and sisters, are like those in the Third World Countries who do not have any opportunities nor options whatsoever to get a job or extra work. They live in such poor conditions and their wages, if ever they do have jobs, are next to nothing. Like the prisoners, they cannot go and get a job and are truly in genuine need of our help. With your donations, please help us to help these needy people even more.

We have several who actively support this “Prisoner Missions” of the Halleluyah Scriptures and regularly give donations to help the many prisoners. May the Father baruk them and may He continue to direct us as we receive more requests from those behind the bars that they may know and be set free in Yahushua our Messiah!


We will soon be working on a page featuring the letters from prisoners. The team who works with the prisoners mail said that it is such an honor to read letters from these brothers and sisters and they count it a great joy and privilege to do this job.

There is a number of letters that get replies from the HalleluYah Scriptures team and also a number of the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters who write to some of these prisoners on a regular basis. Also, a team member in the UK has started sending out letters to prisons and has received some replies back which is very exciting.

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who support and help to get the HalleluYah Scriptures into prisons. We can only praise the Father and His Ben as we see how the prisoners hold their HalleluYah Scriptures in awe and praise His Name every single day for that gift you gave them. Halleluyah!!!

We pray that when we face our Mashiah and King someday, we will be worthy of His Words:

“… I was in prison and you came to me.” – Mattithyahu 25:36

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