Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

HalleluYah Scriptures Warehouse – Parcels & Shipments Galore Coming & Going

by | Jun 5, 2023

“And YHWH shall be judge, and rightly rule between you and me, and see and plead my case, and rightly rule me out of your hand.” ~ Shemu’ĕl / 1 Samuel 24:15. This verse is so important to us and many of you. Our reward is with the Father and not in or of this world. We praise the Most High for you and thank you for your prayers, fasting, and donations, for truly, you have changed lives forever, and we pray that the Father shows you much favor, as you have shown much favor to many.

We want to share the progress of the work that has been and is currently being done by the team over the past three or so months, this is only a small amount of photographs compared to the work that was done by a very small team. We try and share as much as we can in videos, articles, and newsletters as time allows, for we are so busy with much on our plate.

It takes many hours and days to do videos and articles, but we love to share the wonderful work the Father is doing with His Project, and we feel the need to be a good steward for all those that entrust this service to us. Thank you for bearing with us, as the workload is very heavy, but nonetheless exciting!

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Aḏon and not to men, knowing that from the Aḏon you shall receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Aḏon, Mashiah, you serve.” ~ Qolasim / Colossians 3:23-24

We want to share the progress of the work that has been, and is currently being done by the team over the past three or so months. We try and share as much as we can in videos, articles, and newsletters as time allows, for we are so busy with much on our plate.

It takes many hours and days to do videos and articles, but we love to share the wonderful work the Father is doing with His Project, and we feel the need to be a good steward for all those that entrust this service to us. Thank you for bearing with us, as the workload is very heavy, but nonetheless exciting!


We pray for you all as a whole and extend a very special thank you for your love and support. We have been incredibly busy with increased orders and shipments coming in and going out all over the world, with the workload having tripled and the support doubled, all praise to the Most High, for He will always provide for His Word, for He is the Owner of it, and it is His love Letter to His people.
You will always find the Author of the HalleluYah Scriptures – YHWH – emblazoned on the cover. It has been a wonderful honor to restore His Name to His Word, for we will never ever take credit for something that belongs to the Most High.

“Serve YHWH with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.”Tehillah / Psalm 100:2

Many firsts in history have been accomplished by the Project with the direction of the Ruach. The HalleluYah Scriptures is the only Project that has completed the only FREE Restored Names Bible for those that cannot afford, supported by those who can afford, which is the heart of the Father and is Scripture in action. It is the only Ministry that has completed the only Restored Names English/Hebrew Parallel Bible.
The Project worked on dramatized Audio Books that have many voices, sound effects and handwritten music, Children’s Books that are all Scripture with life-like images, and this Project is the only one that has produced a Waterproof Edition, the Extra-Biblical books with the Restored Names, and completed the Messianic Prophecies Book – over 300 prophecies of the Messiah in English and Hebrew.
Also, the Torah of YHWH Book that itemizes the Torah and Commands to make it easy to understand for His people and also a book on the Titles of Yahweh in English, Biblical Hebrew, Paleo and Proto-Hebrew and is the only Project that has just completed the 4×4 Edition, – FOUR languages in one – English, Biblical Hebrew, Paleo-Hebrew & Proto-Hebrew. This is very special Edition which is our offering to the Most High for His people.

There is nothing that the enemy can do to stop the Father and His Word as it goes from strength to strength, and around a million materials have gone around the world and those are shared by families, friends and those seeking truth so the materials are spread around to many others. This does not even include the stock we printed last year and this year. All praise to the Most High!

Our main team has taken over the task of sending all the orders in and out for the Project in the US and it has made a huge difference! We have no issues or returns, no wrong orders being sent out and orders are getting done daily and sent as fast as possible with prayer over each one.
The main team has been together for many years, and we have a love and respect for each other. As you well know, the enemy hates the Father’s Word and will do anything to destroy it and stop it going into the hands of those in need. Our US warehouse can send out Special Editions internationally without an issue, and it is done with ease, shalom and with extra prayer. HalleluYah!

We have an amazing peace each day and we sleep peacefully knowing that His Word is in the hands of upright people that love to serve with all their hearts. A wonderful brother in the ministry said to us one day,

“Never let the enemy steal your joy,” and Scripture instructs us to be joyful. Our hearts will always praise the Most High until our last breath and nothing in this world will stop our joy.

“And all these curses shall come upon you, and they shall pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of YHWH your Elohim, to guard His Commands and His Laws which He commanded you. And they shall be upon you for a sign and for a wonder, and on your seed, forever, because you did not serve YHWH your Elohim with joy and gladness of heart for all the plenty.” Deḇarim / Deuteronomy 28:45-47

The Project will not have independent postal agents again in the US as we feel the team needs to deal with all the parcels and shipments so that we know they will go out, and most importantly, we pray over each and every order with sincere prayer, naming each person and their loved ones. We consider this important, as prayer is powerful.

“And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness.” Tas’loniqim 2 / 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

This is why you will find that people put their hands to wickedness, abuse, hate, and accuse others that are trying to do the best they can. They are deluded and would rather believe a lie than the Truth, so the Father will blind that person’s eyes and there is little we can do to take that blindness:

“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I should heal them.” ~ Yoḥanan / John 12:40  

“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I should heal them.” Yoḥanan / John 12:40

This is why the Savior never opened His mouth when they accused Him and would not believe Him, and sadly, this is happening with those who call themselves believers.

They are turning on each other and our Savior tells us that this will happen, and it will get a lot worse and cannot be changed, as it is in the Word. Those that accused our Savior ended up killing Him and we know this will happen to His people (John 16:2).

You cannot convince those that believe a lie, which is why our Savior never opened His mouth to defend Himself against those that accused, abused Him, and told all kinds of lies about Him, even to the point of calling His works “demonic.” That is why we do not waste our valuable time defending ourselves against slander or hate, but use it wisely by helping those in need. The “fruit” of our works is clearly seen by those who walk in the Ruaḥ.
“…so that the righteousness of the Torah should be completed in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Ruaḥ. For those who live according to the flesh put their minds on that of the flesh, but those according to the Ruaḥ, that of the Ruaḥ.  For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Ruaḥ is ḥai and peace.” ~ Romiyim / Romans 8:4-6


“It is necessary for Me to work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day – night is coming, when no one is able to work.” Yoḥanan / John 9:4

All we do as a team is try and get as many materials out as possible and try and do the best we can with the time given each day, for a time is coming soon when no one who follows the Messiah will be able to do this work.
We, as a team, are only lowly, willing servants who are nothing but worthless vessels the Father uses. We love this work and have no other life but to serve in this way, and have no desire for what this world offers, nor does this world interest us, as all our days and nights are filled with doing all we can to help those in need. We are honored to serve in this way, as it is our breath and life.
We praise the Most High for those of you whose eyes are opened and see the wonderful things that Father has done for His people all over the world. Thank you to those that encourage the team with your lovely emails. You can see the wonderful works the Father has done for His people, and you can see the good works the Father has done.
“So then, by their fruits you shall know them.” ~ Mattithyahu / Matthew 7:20

This Project does not belong to any man and you will never see our names or the team wanting praise or thanks, nor will we ever proclaim how great we are, as we are nothing but simple servants. All we have always asked is that you thank and praise the Father and His Son, for He deserves all the praise and esteem, for He is an incredible loving Father that cares for His people.

We are doing even more larger print runs and sending directly from the printers we deal with and will continue to do this to take pressure off the main warehouse in the US. The main warehouse is more stable and safer for the stock for the times to come. We know that all works out well for those that put their trust in the Father.
The Main Warehouse is busier than ever, sending out daily orders and preparing pallets to replenish stocks for other countries, like the UK which covers Scotland, Ireland as well as all of Europe, also covering distribution in countries like the Ukraine, Russia and a number of other countries which include Australia, and Canada.

The UK is so busy and the dear Sister that does this work has been serving since she was around 18 years old, and has been with us for almost 13 years, serving with such dedication and love for the Father and His Word, without payment. It truly is the Father and His messengers that help, as the workload is often so massive, that when looked at with human eyes, it is impossible, but with Yah, all is possible.
We want to share with you about Canada. Since we obtained a postal agent in Canada, the orders and requests have more than tripled, and there is a huge awakening in Canada for the Father’s Word. It really is amazing!
There are many new believers coming through and wanting a pure version of the Father’s Word. Truly, we have been so excited to see many coming to Truth in this Country and in many other countries around the world – mostly in 3rd world countries. Please keep this postal agent family in your prayers, along with all the other postal agents.

We trust you enjoy all the pictures and give much of praise to the Most High. We praise Him for the wonderful volunteers that work freely each day.
We truly praise the Most High for using us – we, who are the lowest of the low. It has been a wonderful journey and we have built amazing relationships with thousands all over the world and have been able to meet a number of you over the years. We thank you once again for your prayers, fasting, love, and encouragement. It truly means a lot to us all.

“And He said to them, ‘Why were you seeking Me? Did you not know that I had to be at that of My Father?’ ” ~ Luqas / Luke 2:49

We feel your prayers each day and they are effective, as it strengthens us when we feel the prayers surrounding us all and allowing us to do this work in peace. Just like in the times or Ezra and Nehemiah, we do not do the battle, as the Father and you, His children, do this through your prayers and fasting.

We, as a team, will continue to do this work until our last breath, for we serve the Most High and you, His children, and we do this with love and passion.

Look up, for your redemption is coming soon! Let us all serve the Most High as much as we can each day with joy and excitement in our hearts for what is pure and good.

“And when these begin to take place, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” ~ Luqas / Luke 21:28

The Project has many postal agents around the world doing the most amazing work for the Father, and the Project works with 50 postal agents and volunteers around the world that have been with the Project for over 10 years. We praise the Most High for them all, for their services to the Father is wonderful.
Due to the workload of all the postal agents around the world and even in the US we are only showing a very small number of pictures, as the workload is very heavy and has to be done, so taking pictures is not always number one on the list, but we try our hardest for you, His people, as we know you enjoy seeing them. HalleluYah!

There are no words in this world to say how thankful and grateful we are, as a team, for your support, your prayers, and love towards the Father’s Word and team is amazing. 
Here are some pictures of our postal agents in South Africa. They are so dedicated to this work and have done this work for the Father and His people in South Africa for a number of years. The way they wrap and deal with His Word is amazing and outstanding.
They have been able to send out thousands upon thousands of copies, and before this family took over, the family that did this work for over 10 years, now retired, were also able to send out hundreds of thousands of free materials. Our hearts are close to this country and we are honored to work with those in this country and all the other countries the Project works in.


Two of the long-standing team members are postal agents for this country and Australia for many years until the Project got an Australian Postal Agent, who is so very special.

They have been dedicated in their full-time work for the Father in this Project. They consider it a great honor to serve the Father and His people in this country. Kindly enjoy just a few pictures they took. They have sent out thousands of free parcels for the Project.

As shared many times, our heart is very close to South Africa and always has since the beginning of the work on this translation over 20 years ago. Kindly check the article called: “About the Translation” on the front page of the website on the purple bar. You will understand how special this translation is and how the Father is the Author and Finisher of His Word and He is the rightful Owner of His Word and all He wants to do is have His Name on His Word and that no man claims it as their own or promote themselves, for this is wickedness. We are not to take esteem or praise, for it all belongs to the Father!

Remember the words of our Savior, 

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)”

Those who walk righteously and are walking in Truth will ALWAYS be under attack and hated, accused and abused, and if you are doing all you can for the Father, serving Him, you will be hated and attacked more and even more if you are dealing with the ONLY FREE restored Name Scriptures since the beginning of the printing of His Word. We, as a team, will always serve with joy and gladness for this is Commanded in the Torah.
“Baruḵ are you when they reproach and persecute you, and falsely say every wicked word against you, for My sake.” ~ Mattithyahu / Matthew 5:11

They also accused our Savor, that His Works were of Satan, and we know they will accuse the Father’s Word and work in this Project as being from Satan. How sad it is that people who call themselves believers would say such things out of their mouths, but nothing is new under the sun.

“But some of them said, ‘He casts out demons by Be’elzebul, the ruler of the demons.’ ” (Luke 11:15)

Remember: those that are of the Father will always see Truth, for their eyes are opened. For those who see good as evil, Scriptures say this:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~ Yeshayahu / Isaiah 5:20  

Let us pray that we keep our eyes opened and on the Most High and that we walk close to the Father and be in His Word, not taking our eyes off Him, for we are in the last days and it is our Father that will get us through the last days. If we want His protection and love, then let us obey and keep our eyes on Him.

“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I should heal them.” ~ Yoḥanan / John 12:40

“The coming is against the working of Satan, with all his power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved.” ~ Tas’loniqim 2 / 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

Please keep the postal agent family in South Africa in your daily prayers, as they work so very hard in sending out and hand delivering parcels. As you can see it above, they take such pride in their wrapping and dealing with each parcel, wrapping each parcel with joy. We are so honored, as a team, to work with them as they have a genuine passion to do all they can for the Father and His people.
The Project has a lot of stock in different places in South Africa and has send out tens of thousands of free materials for this country which has been a great honor.

“To him, then, who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

Revelation tells us what and who will be around in the last days, and we know, as the Savior told us, that brother will turn against brother and they will hand you over to authorities and they will do this with lies and hate thinking they are doing the Father a favor. Let those who are of the Father stand strong and shoulder to shoulder, for there is strength together.

A little taste of India. The Postal Agent in India has been with the project 12 years now and is very dedicated to this work. We work with a good number of fellowships and groups in India and have a number of Orphans, Widows and Lepers that we have helped for over 10 years in this country. Enjoy.

The days are getting darker and hundreds that write to us also share that they feel the darkness growing in this world, and we know it will not be better but worse, so this is why true believers need to come together and pray for each other and not rip each other down, as the emery’s plans are to divide and weaken the Father’s children.

Even those you may have known for years will turn on you! Dawid speaks clearly about this, but do not worry, as those who are true believers will be, and are, praying for you.

“Even my own friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me.” (Psalm 41:9


But as for the cowardly, and untrustworthy, and abominable, and murderers, and those who whore, and drug sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the false, their part is in the lake which burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.” ~ Ḥazon / Revelation 21:8

Praises to the Most High, this team and all postal agents and volunteers will never be a coward, no matter what the Father wants done with His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures, we will keep going until our last breath for it will be Him that will make the decision in that He wants done with His Word. We know a time is coming soon when we will not be able to be so public with His Word. Things have been put in place for the last days.

New Zealand

The New Zealand postal agents have been sending out parcels for over 13 years now and send out a good number of orders. They used to send the Australian orders out up to 2 years ago until the project obtained a postal agent in Australia, which has been amazing. Thousands of free copies have gone into New Zealand and Australia. They have shared a few photos of their work in sending out His Word.

All postal agents and teams who work for the Father and His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, do not receive a wage, and this is very clear on the website under “the Vow.” We serve with all our hearts and do this for our wonderful Father and you, His children.

What a fantastic journey this has been over the years! Reaching thousands upon tens of thousands with His Word, for His Word is His Love Letter to His people, and is our Instruction Book for our walk in Truth. We know we will never be loved doing this work and that the enemy will always try and stop His Word getting into the hands of those in need.

“Who would rise up for me against evil-doers? Who would stand up for me against workers of wickedness?” (Psalm 94:16)

Be sure to check out the comments page. We have a huge number of comments to make live as time allows. The comments are an offering of praise and thanks to the Most High. If you would like leave a comment of praise and thanks to the Father for His Word, see the link below:

The collection above is what a dear Sister put together as she travels for work from time to time so wanted to be ready for anyone that the Father brings on her path.
Let us have this on our heart, to think of others who the Father brings before us.
We want to say a special, heartfelt thank you once again for this work could not be done firstly is the Father was not in control and secondly you who donate to make it happen. We kindly ask that you keep the Project and team in your daily prayers.
Even the Uganda Police are witnessed to. We will share this amazing story in an up and coming article.
You can support this amazing work that is very important and urgent through prayer, fasting and donating. You can even donate monthly.  Here is the link if you feel to support this work.
May the Most High show favor to all those that pray, fast and donate to this wonderful project that belongs to the Most High. Be sure to check out the videos and articles on the website.
Thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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