Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Let All That Has Breathe Say HALLELUYAH – He Has Provided 100%

by | Jul 18, 2023

“Baruḵ is he who considers the poor; YHWH delivers him in a day of evil. YHWH guards him and keep him alive; He is baruḵ on the earth, And You do not hand him over to the desire of his enemies.” ~ Tehillah / Psalm 41:1-2. Let all that have breathe say, HALLELUYAH, for He is worthy to be praised with all the air in our lungs. HalleluYah! The Father has provided 100% for all the pallets to be shipped out to many countries, 130K of materials will start to be packed and shipped over the next month, HalleluYah. We serve the Most amazing Father and He sure does provide for His Word!. And He has also provided for the country Botswana Africa. A family who we know contacted us today saying they are moving to Botswana and are prepared to be the postal agents in Botswana. We have been praying for this country. HalleluYah We are also praying for a number of other countries in Africa and know the Father will lead others to us. We are organizing another very large print run for other countries that are in our prayers. We just need to wait on the Father to lead those that are His to contact us.

When His people cry out for His Word, He will always hear those cries and provides, as the HalleluYah Scriptures belongs to Him. He is the Author and Finisher of His Word and there has never been a free Restored Names Bible since the beginning of the first printed Bible.

Those that donated and prayed for these needs did what the Father requested. May He show you so much favor. You have been so generous and kind towards the very poor and needy, believing brothers and sisters. A HUGH Thank you & HalleluYah.

“You shall certainly give to him, and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him, because for this reason YHWH your Elohim barak you in all your works and in all to which you put your hand. Because the poor one does not cease from the land, therefore I am commanding you, saying ‘You shall certainly open your hand to your brother to your poor and to your needy one, in your land.’ ” Debarim (Deuteronomy) 15:10-11

He gave a vision to the team over 20 years ago to deal with His Word the way He wanted, and the vision has what this Project has followed, and has proven, since the beginning of the first print run. Please take your time to watch the videos and read the articles, comments page, and newsletters that the team has given up days/weeks/months to put together to bring praise and esteem to the Father, who deserves it all.

Please, we ask that you give praises to the Most High each and every day for His Word. Kindly never thank us, as we are only lowly, willing servants serving the Father and you, His people. It is a great honor to serve in this way.

We have wonderful news to share about the 130K of materials and the pallet sponsorship.

Let us all say HALLELUYAH! Praises to the Most High, for He is wonderful, and a great provider. The Father has always provided for His Word to go out all over the world, and we have never doubted one bit, for it is His Word and He will always protect it. But we know a time is coming when this work will stop publicly. We know when the support stops then we know He has put a stop to it.

The Father heard the cries of those in need in many countries and has provided 100% of the funds now. HalleluYah.

HalleluYah the funds have been provided for shipping the 40 pallets. The donations came in within hours for most of the pallets and provided 100% within a week. Please Join us and say HALLELUYAH! We are now organizing to get the pallets moving out over the next month. A huge thank you to those that prayed and donated to make this happen so fast. HalleluYah! The Father knows who you are and we pray he shows you a lot of favor.

We have never asked for pallet/s to be sponsored before, but we have not sent out this many pallets at once, so it is a different situation, but one that we feel needed to be done. We feel it is important, as we just never know when the next lockdown might occur that will stop the shipping. We feel to get as much stock out as possible before things change even more in this world.

We will be sharing the pallet packing and shipping pictures with you all once they are on their way, and will add an article to the website, as we love and enjoy sharing this wonderful work that the Father is doing, through you. We pray you enjoy the pictures in this article and seeing all the stock being checked and boxed up.

We are so touched by all your lovely messages that have encouraged us and strengthened us each day. Truly, they mean a lot to us. The days seem to be going fast and there is so much to do each day, so with your prayers and fasting, we are coping. The enemy tries to attack us, but the Father fights the battle each day with His messengers. We know you are there praying for the Father’s Word and the team. We need it more than ever.

We are so excited, as the Father provided for the 130K stock through those that donated, and through those that ordered and donated. As stated on the website: ALL donations up and above the cost of the printing of the materials go to printing and shipping free materials, and this is what we are doing. We have shipped many times from different printers around the world directly to the postal agents and to those in need, but never this much in one lot. HalleluYah, 130K of materials for empty hands that will praise His Name forever.

Most of you understand the heart of the Father and this Project that belongs to Him, and no man. All donations up and above the costs of the items go to printing and shipping free materials for those who cannot afford them. Simply put: Free to those who cannot afford, supported by those who can. This is Scripture, and important to the Project.

This is also how we help those in 3rd world countries with pallets of free materials, they are supported by those who can afford them and through Special Editions. We also send pallets of free materials to the Western world for those who cannot afford and also thousands upon thousands of free copies are sent all over the USA for prisoners, the homeless, and those who cannot afford to cover the costs, and for those new to Truth.

The Project has shared thousands upon thousands of free materials for groups and social media believers to share with those seeking Truth over the years. It has helped many fellowships and groups who share the Truth with others and also helped many prison ministries in many States to take stock into prisons. We have to spread the free copies to many locations and countries, so are very prayerful about where they go.

The Project has helped tens of thousands of prisoners receive His Word freely. We love helping prisoners, as we are commanded to help them by the Savior. You may want to check out the articles on the website pertaining to the prison work the project does and has done since 2010.

We have truly given all we have to this work and consider it the greatest joy of our lives. It is our breath and life, and we want for nothing else but to see those in genuine need, who cannot afford, receive His Word freely, to help the orphans, widows, lepers, and the truly poor.

This has only been possible because of supporters like you, who pray, fast, and donate because you have eyes to see clearly the wonderful things the Father has done through this special Project.

He will always stand up for His Word and fight for it, as it is worth fighting for, for a time is coming soon when we will not be able to do this work so openly, and even the internet will go, and we will all be faced with trusting in Him, for the Father is our strong foundation. Those that want to follow Truth will be abused and hated and persecuted. HalleluYah.

If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)

The HalleluYah Scriptures website gets thousands a day visiting, and we see this as something special as they come to say HalleluYah, praises to the Father, and this is very important in a world that is growing darker by the day. The website gives so much praise and esteem to Yah, as those who come by, see it belongs to the Father, and not man. They see clearly the wonderful work that is being done to help those who are without His Word.

We are starting a new system for the Project that will help us get even more stock out. The Father has led us to print even more materials and store them around the world so that at any time we need stock somewhere, it is ready to go with no issues or waiting for those in need. The enemy, over the years, has tried to stop the Father’s Word from going out, but not anymore. The work has tripled and so has the support, and we will keep going until our last breath, with gladness and joy.

“What then shall we say to this? If Elohim is for us, who is against us?”
~ Romiyim / Romams 8:31

Our heart has been broken many times in not getting stock out to those in desperate need due to issues with postal agents in the USA. This does not happen anywhere else in the world, for the Project works with 50 other postal agents and volunteers who have worked with us for 10 to 13 years with no problems, no payments, and never a problem. They serve the Father with joy, as we do, and it’s not always easy, but rewarding, as the enemy hates the Father’s Word and will do all he can to put a stop to it. But we know who wins in the end, HalleluYah.

Shaul was visited by the Savior who told him that he was kicking against the prods (Acts 9:5).

When the enemy and those who do his work try and stop the Father’s Word, they are fighting against the Father, and it will never work out well for them…

We have a fulfilment center for the Project and wished we had this in the beginning, as it would have helped to get even more out without issues. The team has also taken the Project back under their wings and will not take on any independent contractors or helpers to do this work, as it has never worked out. In the last 6 months, we have moved more stock and orders out than at any other time, and it is a wonderful feeling, that thousands more are getting His Word. All praise to the Father, HalleluYah!

Sadly, there has never been a free restored Names Bible since the beginning of the first printing of the Bible, so it does not shock us that this Project is hated by the enemy. We will always serve with joy and gladness and when the Father has finished with His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, then He will put a stop to it, and that will be a very sad day as there will be a famine of His Word.

Find comfort in what our Savior shared – Let us stand strong together:

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they shall persecute you too. If they have guarded My Word, they would guard yours too. But all this they shall do to you because of My Name, because they do not know Him who sent Me.” John 15:20-21

We praise the Most High for you all, also for your wonderful support towards the Father’s Word for those who cannot afford it and have no means or options of affording a copy. It takes a special person to see the needs of others and step forward to help.

His Word is very important in a person’s life, it has the answers we all seek and gives comfort and joy. Those that receive freely are so thankful and grateful and give praises to the Most High for the donor that allowed them to have this valuable treasure. On behalf of them, we thank you with all our hearts.

We want to say a special thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those that support this urgent and important work. We praise the Father for you and keep you in our daily prayers. 

We are working on sorting stock for other countries and will keep you updated in future newsletters and articles. Can you please pray daily for the pallets/shipments and for the team who are working very long hours to try and get as much work as possible each day. The workload is heavy and so much to do but the Father through your prayers gives us so much strength. We ask for prayer for wisdom, knowledge and for good health as the enemy loves to battle the team. Your prayers work and we thank you.

Seeking Your Help To Spread The Word

Do you know any believers, groups, or fellowships in 3rd world countries that are in need of free materials? We have other countries sorted, but we want to reach more believers in 3rd world countries, as we are sending a lot of stock to be shared to those in need.

Those in these types of countries have no means or options of affording. Those all around them are just as poor, so they cannot find a job to cover costs. Please help us to spread the HalleluYah Scriptures to even more in genuine need. Thank you in advance. You can let us know as soon as possible so we can help those in need.

We want to say a heartfelt deep thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters, please know you are in our daily prayers, and we praise the Most High for you.

Thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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