Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Delighted by YHWH’s Word – Nigeria, Madagascar, Fiji, Ghana and Philippines

by | Mar 26, 2024

“In the day I am afraid, I trust in You. In Elohim, whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted; I do not fear; What could flesh do to me?” – Tehillim / Psalm 56:3-4. There are no words to express how important supporters have been towards those who are in such desperate need of His Word, there truly is no greater service than this, so we pass on a THANK YOU from all those that have received your free Gift, not just from those who have received a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, but also from the team of volunteers on the Project who have been able to do this work. Without kindhearted supporters like you, we would not be able to do this service and been able to do as much as we have. With the strength, peace and joy from the Most High and your support, the Project has been able to ship tens of thousands of free materials all over the world to hands that were once empty but are now filled with His Word. Smile and praise the Father for using you to do this amazing work. These are the Fruits of your “Good Work”. HalleluYah let us rejoice together.


Brothers, sisters and families greatly benefit from your free Gift and do their best to share it with as many as they come in contact with and, as we have said, one copy can help so many, as they share it with their families, extended families and those in their area or village.

I look forward to learning greater insight concerning YHWH through these scriptures in desire to teach someone else the TRUTH. I appreciate the support of Halleluyahscriptures in making that a reality. I will forever me indebted to you. I am grateful for people who preach and teach the truth concerning our Savior!!!
Tanica – USA

They get so excited, as they can go out and show those who are not aware that the Father has a Name, with the Name of the Father in the Son, and they can finally show the Names in the HalleluYah Scriptures which cannot be denied. They go around as if they are floating on a cloud sharing from the HalleluYah Scriptures with passion and dedication and in love.

Thank you for the free copy of HalleluYah Scriptures, I have really enjoyed reading it and sharing the good news with friends and family, could not have been possible without all the great people involved, thank you and Almighty bless.

“For Elohim has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of self-control.” – Timotiyos 2 / 2 Timothy 1:7

The free gift of His Word serves to bring many believers together in strength and comfort, allowing them to provide an atmosphere for creating joy and peace. They really hold their copy with pride and joy and many sleep with the Word, as they just do not want to let it go.

I believed that obtaining a personal copy of this HalleluYAH Scriptures will help me a lot in proving to others the truth that we are all fighting for. The truth that our Almighty Father’s Name is YHWH and His Son is Yahushua. I also wanted to really read a Scripture that has restored names and not the names of pagans,Thank you for being so generous, May YHWH richly bless and keep you!!!
Free copy and materials sent Vanessa – Philippines

They are dedicated in reading it daily and giving praises to the Most High. All our supporters have become an inspiration to many brothers and sisters in many countries and we thank you on behalf of them. We weep so much over this Project, as it has been a great joy in doing this work.  

I really enjoy the free edition of HalleluYah Scriptures. It was given to me as a gift. I can’t wait to read the other books you have translated. Keep up the good work!

“Watch, stand fast in the belief, be men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” – Qorin’tiyim 1 / 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Please allow us to share from our hearts. The Father deserves so much praise, honor and esteem for what He has done for us all. He has given us life and breath and what we do with that is important.

We, here at HalleluYah Scriptures, are only lowly, willing servants and are nothing but the lowest of the low and know the Father could have sought better believers to do this work, but He allowed this strong and loving team, who have been working together daily for 8 years in agreement and a translation team that has been together for 20 years who work on the translation and Books of the HalleluYah Scriptures constantly.

With love and mighty thanks giving for all your team has given in serving YHWH!!! HalleluYah!!!!!!!! Melissa – Australia

We are a small team that live each day in His strength because, in all honesty, the amount of work being done daily it is impossible when you see how many hands there are that work the very long hours daily, 6 days a week. It is only because the Project belongs to Him and His Son and the Ruach who gives us strength daily and we have said many times, that the Ruach and Messengers do the bulk of the work.

Truth seeking the ways of YHWH is found here. I really love this Bible and was able to receive it freely. Thank you to all.

“For as the shamayim are high above the earth, so great is His kindness toward those who revere Him…” – Tehillim / Psalm 103:11

We are truly touched by the love and support of those who love the Father so much that they want His Love Letter to go into every hand that loves and obeys Him. They do not want to see His people go without and have been so unselfish and gone without, just to see another receive His Word.

We have never had to worry or concern ourselves with donations or stock over the years, as they have always been there to print and ship all over the world.

Thank you for the free Bible you were able to send me.

“For wisdom would enter your heart, and knowledge be pleasant to your being, discretion would guard you; Understanding would watch over you…”
–  Mishlěy / Proverbs 2:10-11

So, we want to say a special, “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts to all the supporters, those who have been the battlement walls to the Project, you who have prayed and fasted for the Project and volunteers. Without this, we truly would not have had the strength to do this work. Thank you!

Bless you for all of your hard work. I feel the holy spirit has guided me here.
Tammey – Canada

To those that donated to help others receive a free copy and free materials due to not affording, we thank you for allowing us to do this work. Your reward will be with the Father and we pray that He will show you much favor. What a great honor in coming to know you and work with you over these years.

The needs are growing in many countries with so many asking questions and wanting to know their Creator. He will also call those that are His, HalleluYah.

Many believers have made it their life’s mission to seek out those who have an ear to hear. Many work very hard and travel many days to find people who want to listen to and accept His Truth. It is wonderful that they now can have the HalleluYah Scriptures on hand to gift to each family that have wanted His Truth. There is no better Gift to leave behind. 

Thank you very much, i just received this Bible for free. Blessing from YHWH for me today- Thank you once again.

He has made it all, pretty in its time. Even the ages He has put in their hearts, except that no one finds out the work that Elohim does from beginning to end. – Qoheleth / Ecclessiastes 3:11



Ask YHWH for rain in the time of the latter rain, YHWH who makes storm clouds. And He gives them showers of rain, the plants in the field to everyone. ZeḵarYah/Zechariah 10:1

Madagascar – such a wonderful country that we have a special connection with, as shared in an article, through a miracle meeting in Israel by the small team that visit to organize stock for the Jewish people who come to Truth. Out of that divine encounter there are well over 300 believers in this country. Again, all praise to the Most High for it is He that bought that meeting together.

HalleluYah, for the Father always provides through you His people and we have always seen the work the Father does for HIs people. We have a wonderful history of miracles we have seen over the years. Hundreds of thousands have received freely His materials, and He will continue to help those who are in need until the very end.

I am grateful to you and the Halleluyah Scriptures Team for your offer of free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Thank you for the opportunity to share Yah’s Word with others. I pray that Yah will continue to bless your ministry and that many persons will come into a relationship with Him through the reading of His Word. Have a blessed day. Shalom. Lincoln – Saint Kitts and Nevis


A good number of free materials have gone into Fiji over the years, and we are planning on sending more stock soon. It is amazing how the Father leads those who are His to contact us for copies, and never ceases to amaze us how we know He is in control; this is His Project, and we, like you, are servants – willing servants working with joy and gladness.

I have received the package you sent, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart thank you to all members of the HalleluYah scriptures team, may we all find Shalom in our Elohim rest. And I’d like to give my berakah onto the team and wish further prosperity in your future endeavors. Thank you very much! Shalom.

O YHWH, in the morning You hear my voice; I present myself to You in the morning, and I look up. Tehillim/Psalm 5:3

Dear sisters and brothers in the Elohim!
Thank you very much for your wonderful ministry. I am Japanese and I started a little church. I told you this news last time.This Bible has been wonderful for me. It really has the power of our Elohim…Praise the wonderful Name of our Father and His Son! Japan


What wonderful believers there are in Ghana. We have received hundreds of lovely messages and comments from this country. They have received a very large shipment, and we are arranging for more pallets as the needs are very urgent in many countries like Ghana. We love our postal agent who serves the Father and His people in a wonderful way.

These books have been such a blessing to me that I have decided to gift them to others!!! Thank you so much for following YHWH in all that you do. To Him be the glory forever. May He barak you and this project Amen! Jacqueline – USA

HalleluYah for Ghana, we have a wonderful postal agent in this country and have for many years. We work with 50 postal agents and volunteers all over the world who are so dedicated and passionate about helping the Father and His Word, and this has been possible because of you, the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. Your heart and passion to see His people get free materials, due to them not affording, is a wonderful thing. Your reward is with the Father.


Shalom Thank you very much for the gifts, I appreciate them very much . As the earth is faced with these challenging times Father gives me a opportunity to know Him better. He used your generous ministry to bless me with a gift that is eternal. TSEPHANYAH 3:9 “For then I shall turn into the people’s a clean lip, so that they all call on the Name of YAHWEH, to serve Him with one shoulder.

Hear the voice of my prayers when I cry to You, when I lift up my hands toward Your Qodesh Speaking Place. Tehillim/Psalm 28:2

HalleluYah for the believers who shares the Father’s Truth in this country as the needs have grown so much over the years.

Hello thank you for being very generous and supplying to those in need.
Karl – Mozambique

These books have been such a blessing to me that I have decided to gift them to others!!! Thank you so much for following YHWH in all that you do. To Him be the glory forever. May He barak you and this project Amen! Jacqueline – USA

Thank you and your hard work, be blessed and have strength in coming days in the name of Yahusha. We use the name YHWH Joonas – Finland

Keep up the good work of YHWH as per His commission to His disciples.
Eddie – South Africa

May YHWH bless you and guide you and may he shine his face upon you. You are very special and loved. Jessie – Canada

I thank YHWH for leading me here all praise to the Elohim of Israel…
Lise – Netherlands

Praise Yah for His precious Word. Thank you for the wonderful work you’re doing. Madini – India

The HS version looks very interesting to me, and I would be very interested also in any other books you’d be willing to provide me with. They all seem potentially valuable additions to my resources as I prepare lessons.
It seems to me of great benefit to be able to recognise easily where in the bible the name of Elohim is used. My feeling is that your translation would be a real enrichment for me, and indirectly for my students. Johannes – UK

I thank you for the work you are doing. I’ve been looking at this bible on youtube for over 2 years, and kept saying, “I think I want this copy”. I know Abba is blessing this work. I know He hears our prayers no matter what word we use if we are ignorant but come with a sincere heart, but I believe He smiles when we try to say His name. I love our Father, and ask for prayer for myself and my family. He knows my concerns. Thank you for blessing me.
Christina – USA

Thanks for your constant service to all who seek their spiritual help. Baruch hashem YHWH Elohim for His mercy toward all who were the lost sheep of Yisrael to restore back to His pasture. USA



HalleluYah for the Philippines! So many are seeking His Name and His Son’s Name and the Truth in His Word. Over the years, we have been able to send thousands upon thousands of free materials to spread all over the Philippines,and many are walking away from false religion and seeking His Torah and Ways.

It has been an honor to work with many groups and believers in this country and we have two postal agents who work diligently to get parcels out to those in need. Please keep this country in your prayers. We have recently sent two very large shipments to this country. HalleluYah.

I received a free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures with a book called name meanings, this is an interesting book and I look forward to learning more about YHWH. I also received a free audio cd. Thanks to you all

Therefore my heart was glad, and my esteem rejoices; My flesh also dwells in safety. – Tehillim / Psalm 16:9

It has been an honor to work with many groups and believers in this country and we have 2 postal agents who work hard to get parcels out to those in need. Please keep this country in your prayers. We have sent two very large shipments to this country. HalleluYah.

We love the Philippines and have three team members who live in this country and who work so very hard for the Project. Two are full-time on the Project with emails and organizing many parts of the Project, and the other is our Missions Team Sister who has worked hard for 12 years now. With her hard work the Project has been able to send tens of thousands of free materials to believers in need and numerous boxes to persecuted countries.

I look forward to learning greater insight concerning YHWH through these scriptures in desire to teach someone else the TRUTH. I appreciate the support of Halleluyahscriptures in making that a reality. I will forever me indebted to you. I am grateful for people who preach and teach the truth concerning our Savior!!!
Tanica – USA

She is very dedicated and professional in her work and works with shipping companies and groups outside the USA, a huge task, but with the strength from the Most High, she was been able to do this work as well as teach her children His Ways and look after her family.

HalleluYah, my parcel was received from your ministry. I am sorry again that I could not afford to give you funds. You were so kind in sending me this book for free.

You are my hiding place and my shield; I have waited for Your Word. – Tehillim / Psalm 119:114

HalleluYah for many free materials sent into the poorer countries, we have also been able to send Large Print Editions for those that share His Truth, as their eyesight has not been great, also Hebrew/English Editions so many can help those who want to learn Hebrew. We have been able to send the Books like the Name Meanings Book, Messianic Prophecies Book and the Extra-Biblical Books and the New Torah Book as well as all the Children’s Materials, Cards of Hope, Bookmarks, Wristbands, Hebrew Cards and so much more! A special thank you once again to those that have donated to help the very poor receive freely.

Esteem and many thanks for the free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Our family are going to learn so much more and we want to say “Thank You”

“And those who have insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” – Dani’ěl / Daniel 12:3

You can see so many who have received freely in the articles on the website, in the videos and also the comments page. There are so many photographs and comments that are waiting to be added as time allows, which we try and share as many as we can with you all, as we feel it is important and good stewardship.

It is a very special day when the HalleluYah Scriptures arrives for those in need. Families meet together to receive their free copies so that they can read and share truth together. It is a special time when a family comes together to read and learn from His Word. Every family that loves the Father and His Son really deserve a free copy, for they have no way to affording to pay for even one copy. It is such a great joy to gift a family in need. HalleluYah!

Praises and a huge AWESOME HALLELUYAH to YHWH our Father. I love my HalleluYah Scriptures. I could not afford to send a donation but they sent it to me for free.

“Whoever then humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the reign of the shamayim.” – Mattithyahu / Matthew 18:4

Thank you for sending me the HalleluYah Scriptures Bible you sent me at no cost.

“And having come, He brought as Good News peace to you who are far off, and peace to those near.  Because through Him we both have access to the Father by one Ruaḥ.” ~ Ephesians / Eph’siyim 2:17-18

HalleluYah Scriptures – Feeding the Widows

HalleluYah for the work being done with orphans, widows and very poor, all supported by you, His people. The Project has helped the very poor who cannot afford to feed themselves over the years and it has been a great honor.

It really does not take that much to provide basic needs. The brothers and sisters who do this work in India, Philippines and Africa consider it a great joy in helping those in need. HalleluYah.

Praises to the Most High for providing through you, His people. It is because your heart is towards His people who are in such desperate need, either for a free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures or for basic needs for orphans and the truly very poor in this world.

We want to say a deep, heartfelt thank you for your support and prayers which give us strength and encourage us as a team. Please pray for us as the workload has more than tripled and the project is sending out thousands upon thousands of orders all over the world each week. We pray for good health and strength and most of all wisdom to 

Thank you and HalleluYah,

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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