Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

So Grateful For His Word – Reaching Those In Need – Rejoice With Us All.

by | Jun 10, 2024

“I praise You, O YHWH my Elohim, with all my heart, and I esteem Your Name forever. For Your kindness is great toward me, and You have delivered my being from the depths of the grave.” ~ Psalms / Tehillim 86:12-13. HalleluYAH! Baruḵ be YHWH our Abba from whom comes every good gift! All praise and esteem be to Him who has brought us forth by the Word of truth. It is joyous indeed to see people throughout the world receive free HalleluYah Scriptures containing the depth of the riches of the wisdom and the knowledge of our Creator. All because of His love with the guidance of His Ruaḥ ha’Qodesh who has united us in this common cause: to bring His Message of peace and reconciliation to the scattered sheep of Yisra’ĕl.

There is no other project or team that has dedicated their lives to serving the Father and His Word, protecting it and getting it out to hundreds of thousands who have never seen or owned a Bible and have no options to affording. This has been possible because of the Father and His people. When you donate for your copy/materials, anything up and over the costs go to printing and shipping free Bibles and materials to the truly poor and needy. Kindly know you have done a wonderful thing. 

There is no other project like the HalleluYah Scriptures. It is the only project that has dedicated 25 years of study, learning Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and so much more so that His Word can be the best and closest to the Hebrew in English so that His people get to read it the way He wanted. All praise to the Most High for he deserves it all. HalleluYah.


We pray that all is well with you and that you find yourself in the favor of our loving Father. It is neither accident nor coincidence that you are reading this… It is because of the leading of the Ruaḥ of YHWH, so please take your time to read through and be encouraged and challenged by this great work that is before us, and how much greater is He who is with us, bringing us good success every step of the way, as we labor in prayer and tears, hand-in-hand with our many supporters, to bring the Word of YHWH to the destitute and poor citizens of countries all over the world. HalleluYAH!


I am so grateful to halleluYah scripture team whom YHWH our Elohim is using to re-educating the world from the worship of false deities to true Elohim of universe. May his abundant blessings shower on you all and continue to energize you for greater works. Shalom.

Therefore, go and make talmidim of all the nations, immersing them in the Name of the Father and of the Bĕn (Son) and of the Ruach ha’Qodesh, teaching them to guard all that I have commanded you. And see, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Amen. ~ Mattithyahu / Matthew 28:19-20

Ethiopia is a country that is close to our hearts as many in this country have very strong ties to Israel. We have enjoyed working with brothers and sisters in this country as they are very open to hearing the Truth in the HallleuYah Scriptures. The project with believers in this country have done some very good work in sharing His Truth. Kindly keep them in your daily prayers.

The project has produced many special books that has aided His people to learn the Truth. It is the only project that has a full Hebrew Edition and many books all Scriptures to help His people. This has taken a lifetime of work and dedication, but we feel it was important to serve and dedicate our lives in this way. We know we will never be loved by those who are used by satan to do his work as wicked people will always see wickedness and not the good works the Father is doing through those who are willing to be used.
Even the Savior was abused, accused, hated and was accused that His Works were by satan, this has not changed even today, many who called themselves believers put their hands to wickedness by accusing good people who are doing all they can for the Father. Please let us all be united standing strong in prayer, uplifting each other.
HalleluYah for Nigeria, another very large shipment has just arrived HalleluYah, it will be delivered in the next week. The HalleluYah Scriptures team has been working with many brothers and sisters in this country who love the Father deeply and have a passion for Truth.
For years now, we have given away tens of thousands of HalleluYah Scriptures materials to the poor and needy people in Nigeria, along with various study materials and children’s books, to the poor and needy in Nigeria, equipping YHWH’s people with His Word and enabling them to share the same with others.
We have been sending very large shipments to Nigeria for a good number of years and have a wonderful postal agent team who we work closely with.

Thank you for being the representatives of our Almighty YHWH; May your strength be renewed and your soul empowered by the Ruah. Be Baruk.

It has been a wonderful journey doing this service for the people of Yah and we can truly say we have tried our best with the hours given each day, six days a week. This has been our life and breath and we have given all we can to help those in need of His Word and tried our hardest to help orphans, widows and the truly poor with the limited time we have. The team has done this without wage or lifestyles funding, as we do not have time for anything in our lives but to live basically and we have loved it this way and would never want it any other way. This is all praise to the Most High and no man.

Raise a shout for YHWH, all the earth! Serve YHWH with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing. Know that YHWH, He is Elohim;
He has made us, and we are His – His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Psalms / Tehillim 100:1-3

Did you know that Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa? Based on the Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data, it’s current population is expected to be around 214 million to-date. With a total area of 923,770 km² (356,669 mi²) and a total coastline of 853 km (530.0 mi), Nigeria is approximately 133% the area of Texas making it one of the largest countries in Africa and the 32nd biggest in the world. The Father still have work to be done in this Country, kindly pray for those in need to find His Word for many are crying out for it.

I’m so grateful and bless to finally have my Halleluyah scripture bible. Now I can read and learn more and study Yah word . I love how it’s big print and it’s very clear to understand. Thank you soo much and I continue to pray for the team , may Yah bless you and your wonderful family. Sister Annette

I want to say thank you so much for your help with getting the Word of our Elohim. Without you this would not be possible or possible in the near future. Kimberly

Thank you so much for offering these scriptures to the public and even offering free of charge. I can’t thank you enough, hope my donation helps bring these scriptures to more! Bless you all. HALLELUYAH!

Unfortunately, Nigeria is also known for its long history of persecution and civil unrest. Many believers in this country are attacked and hated for following this path of Truth. Many have lost their lives when they want to follow the path of Truth and they are willing to give up their lives for the Most High.


Christians and Muslims reside in approximately equal numbers in the central region and southwestern states. In the southeastern states, where the Igbo ethnic group is dominant, Christian groups, including Catholics, Anglicans, and Methodists, constitute the majority. In the Niger Delta region, where the Ogoni and Ijaw ethnic groups predominate, Christians form a substantial majority, and a very small minority of the population is Muslim. Evangelical Christian denominations, however, are growing rapidly in the central and southern regions.


Thank you for the work that you are doing and restoring the integrity of the holy scriptures so that we can read the word as it was actually written.

As Abba remembers Nehemiah for all his work regarding the wall, may He remember all at Halleluyah Scriptures for good for ALL their work of providing pure translated scriptures to the masses. Be Encouraged.

“But brothers, I make known to you the Good News, which I brought as Good News to you, which you also received, and in which you stand, through which also you are being saved, if you hold fast that Word I brought as Good News to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” ~ Qorin’tiyim 1 / 1 Corinthians 15:1-2

That said, it is needless to say that efforts of reaching out to the people in countries such as this are definitely not without challenges. This is, however, all the more reason for us to persevere, with prayer and fasting, trusting in Him who has overcome the world for us.

We praise the Name of our Elohim, YHWH, with deep respect, as He deserves everlasting praise. Engaging in this ministry for the Father and His beloved children is a privilege. Our hearts brim with happiness and satisfaction as we assist those in need through you, the chosen instruments of His work.

We extend our heartfelt thanksgiving to you for your prayers and contributions, which play a crucial role in supporting those who have no means or options of affording, the genuinely impoverished, as well as all the initiatives facilitated by the project. Your generous support is deeply cherished and greatly influences the lives of those facing hardship. There is no better gift to give than His pure Word the HalleluYah Scriptures.


Don’t let life’s hardships get you down. Be grateful and remember somebody somewhere did not wake up this morning to continue with TMH’s work, but you did. Candise

To all at Hallelu’Yah scriptures, you have our deepest and innermost gratitude. Me and my family are very excited, and feel very blessed by your gift of this wonderful translation of the scriptures. And the additional materials will certainly go a long way in deepening our understanding of the Torah as well as restored names and places. May our Wonderful Creator bless you all, and may your ministry reach millions and open their hearts to obedience and seeking the Father in earnest contriteness. What wonderful scriptures, and what a beautiful and kind gesture to share the word of Our Wonderful Creator with the world, especially to those who are not able to pay for these scriptures. Shalom, and may Father YHWH continue to shine His light through your ministry. Benjamin Sout Africa


Declare His esteem among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For great is YHWH and greatly to be praised, He is to be revered above all mighty ones. Psalms / Tehillim 96:3-4

May we strive to live lives of Qodesh, completely immersed in His presence through His Word. With both bravery and humility, let us approach His throne, seeking His favor and presenting our prayers as pleasing sacrifices.

In a world clouded by sorrow and hopelessness, we acknowledge that only our Father can safeguard the well-being of our hearts and minds through His Word. We have trust that He will never abandon those who put their trust in Him, relying entirely on His Word as their constant source of truth. His Ruach Ha Qodesh is their steadfast companion and mentor. Stay strong and the end is near and as believers from all over the world we need to stand shoulder to shoulder under His wings.

We are truly grateful for the generosity of our many benefactors in Mashiaḥ who readily give of the abundance of the fruits of their own labor to the advancement of YHWH’s Word in this region. The continuing support both in prayer and in finances of those who love YHWH and His Word is a solace and encouragement for us to keep on doing the works of Him who hath called us from darkness and into His marvelous light: that we may be bearers of that Light to this part of His creation. HalleluYAH for His Word!

I received the “pure, qodesh scriptures” today and am so thankful to have them! What a treasure they are to me and all who receive them! My these scriptures be spread far and wide! HalleluYah!!!!

Thank you for bringing these scriptures to us! Using YHWH true Name has brought me closer to Him and I believe it does for everyone. It is a blessing to be His! May Yah bless you all in what you do and continue to open the eyes and ears of His sheep so that they may see and hear the Truth in ALL things, and cast out that which is false!….Thank you all for what you do! I love this project. I think it will help draw people closer to our Father in Heaven, by making their relationship with him more personal and intimate. Psalm

What an amazing thing to see His Word reaching the four corners of the earth because of His faithful servants! Praise YAH, His Word WILL go out and perform the purpose for which He sent it, no matter how dark and evil the world becomes, Amen! Hallelu-YAH, thank-you for your wonderful work:) James


“Therefore, I give thanks to You O YHWH, among nations, and I sing praise to Your Name. – Psalms / Tehillim 18:49”

The project places emphasis on the vital endeavor of actively identifying fellow believers in need and formulating strategies to enhance and broaden the area they live in so that all believers without can find His Word, particularly for the times ahead. We are collaborating with an increasing number of brethren to offer assistance to the most impoverished and vulnerable individuals who are in need of basic needs like food and clothing.

South Africa

HalleluYAH for South Africa! Receiving the HalleluYah Scriptures for the first time is always a joyous occasion for our brethren in South Africa. Grateful for the opportunity are these wonderful brothers and sisters who have been praying for the HalleluYah Scriptures along with the other study materials and children’s books that have just arrived. The wonderful feedback through emails, comments and those that share the free materials is wonderful to read, their messages always encourage us greatly.

Every year, more and more of our South African friends get a chance to receive their free copy of the HallelluYah Scriptures with other materials. Something that may have been an impossibility to them has now become a reality. It’s incredible how a seemingly small act of kindness can change a life and those around it forever. Check out the latest video we did on believers receiving freely His Word in South Africa. Another shipment will be sent in the coming months.

I am so happy.. today I received my Bible and a gift.. Thank you very much Halleluyah scriptures for giving me this opportunity to know the real names of our Father and lots more…

Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature.” Mark / Marqos16:16

The current population of Southern Africa is estimated to be at around 61 million, making it the world’s 23rd-most populous nation. It is larger than Nigeria in land mass with an area of 1,221,037 square kilometers (471,445 square miles). The country is extremely rich in mining and minerals and considered the world’s leader with nearly 90% of all the platinum metals on earth and around 41% of all the world’s Gold! Even so, poverty in South Africa continues to be a prevalent issue with nearly half the adult population of South Africa living in poverty.

We truly have loved working with so many brothers, sisters, groups and fellowships in this wonderful country that has such a passion for the Father’s Word the HalleluYah Scriptures, we get inupdated with so many requests from those wanting to seek and know the Truth. The help they have received has only been possible because of the Father and you His people who donated for them to receive freely. Hundres of thousands of free materials have gone into this country for His people.

I pray to Yah almighty that he uplifts and protects eveyone who continues to seek him out and puts him first in their lives! Tamra

In this time of greed, lust and self centered living, from what I’ve read, the staff at HS are living Like WAY in the book of Acts!!! Coming together, THERE WAS NO NEED, worrying about people RECEIVING OUR HEAVENLY FATHERS WORD AND NOT LOOKING FOR A NEW CAR, HOUSE ETC.It does my heart good!!! THANK YOU!!!! I would love to come hang out with y’all sometime, helping distribute YAHUAHS WORD!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!! John

Thank you and Father bless, I pray the Ruach Ha Quodesh be with you brothers and sisters. Thank you. Peyton

Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not of grief or of necessity, for Elohim loves a joyous giver. And Elohim is able to make all favour overflow toward you, that you, always having all you need in every way, have plenty for every good work. 2 Qorintiyim/2 Corinthians 9:7-8

For great is YHWH and greatly to be praised, He is to be revered above all mighty ones. For all the mighty ones of the peoples are matters of naught, but YHWH made the shamayim. – Tehillim / Psalms 96:4-5

Given the ongoing challenges the project and team face, it is essential for us to remain vigilant and proactive in anticipating potential hardships. With this perspective, the project broadens its support to encompass assistance for for orphans, widows, prisoners, and urgent needs identified across various countries. We remain dedicated to being ready to provide aid wherever and whenever it is needed. 

Assisted by volunteers, we offer more than just food and basic necessities; we also distribute complimentary HalleluYah Scriptures Bibles and other resources aimed at nurturing a deeper relationship with the Father and guiding individuals along His path.

Despite all this, it is a fact that South Africa is still one of the most beautiful countries in the world and many people who have travelled all over the world keep coming back because of its natural beauty and its welcoming citizens. We love our brothers and sisters in this country and all the volunteers who work so hard to do all they can for the Father’s people.


Shalom! I collected my books yesterday! Thank you so much! I was so pleasantly surprised; you guys are truly doing Elohim’s work. I am truly so so so grateful……. Thank you thank you thank you. I already feel so blessed beyond measure and that goes for my gratitude also. Thank you…

We have been working with brothers, sisters, fellowships and groups in Zambia for over 12 years. We have a family who are wonderful postal agents for the Father and His Word and have been able to send a good number of shipments and parcels to them for orders and for sharing. Our hearts have been touched so deeply by the love they have for the Father and His Truth.

But qadosh YHWH Elohim in your hearts, and always be ready to give an answer to everyone asking you a reason concerning the expectation that is in you, with meekness and reverence, having a good conscience, so that when they speak against you as doers of evil, those who falsely accuse your good behaviour in Mashiaḥ, shall be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the desire of Elohim, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.  ~ 1 Peter 3:15 – 17

In a Ruach of brotherly love, let us show gentle affection to one another, expressing grateful by cherishing each other; fulfilling our duties, serving the Most High with fervor; finding joy in love, persevering through trials, and remaining steadfast in prayer; extending a helping hand to meet the needs of the qodesh ones and actively demonstrating kindness to strangers.

It is our pleasure to share with you, that as a result of the benevolence of many of our friends/families all over the world, we have been able to reach many of our South African brothers and sisters with YHWH’s Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, and bring them comfort in this present life and peaceful expectancy for the future.

“Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For it is YHWH your Elohim who is going with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you.” Debarim/Deuteronomy 31:6

Our brethren in these parts of the world, despite the constant affliction of poverty and violence, have some of the biggest hearts we know of. Their love for the Father fills our own hearts with warmth, gratitude, and humility. People like them with simple lives and joys, make us see beyond our own troubles and instead look for ways by which YHWH can work through us that which He has purposed for us: to love Him above all and to live for Him by loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Thank you for your wonderful extensive hard work you do for countless. I have my HalleluYAH Scriptures with thankfulness to YHWH for such a gift. YHWH Baruch you pressed down, shaken together and running over! Shalom shalom.


It is a great honor to be part of this endeavor, where we can come together with you His people, working closely with those in need. All this work has been possible because the Father called you to help His people and you heard his still gentle voice. Together, we strive to be the salt and light of the earth for our families and countries in the most impactful way. So much work has been completed over the years and in such a short period of time. HalleluYah

Together let us take a stand for YHWH and serve as agents of reconciliation for our brethren across the world.  With knees bent and arms raised to the shamayim, let us call upon the Name of Him who is our strength and song, our helper and deliverer — the One in whom alone we can place our trust, YHWH of hosts! HalleluYah! What a privilege it is to engage in this for the Father and His Ben!

“And this Good News of the reign shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” Matthew / Mattithyahu 24:14

We may never know most of the names the prohect helps, but knowing that the Gift of YHWH’s Word, willingly and freely given across thousands of miles, spanning oceans, has touched a life, a family, or even a whole community with the Light of YHWH’s countenance, is more than enough reason for us to keep on doing what we’ve been doing for more than a decade. There is no life more meaningful than that which is in submission to YHWH’s Word and is obedient to His purpose. We are so honored to work with you His people and to serve Him in helping the very poor and needy in this world.


Sing to YHWH, barak His Name, proclaim His deliverance from day to day. Declare His esteem among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. ~ Tehillim / Psalms 96:2-3

In the Mighty Name of YHWH, let us form an unbroken prayer around the earth, bestowing strength, wisdom, and protection upon His people every day and for the last days that are coming upon us fast. May we envelop the world in the warmth of His love, facing the final days with courage and patience. Let our prayers be constant and unceasing, interceding for one another’s needs and placing our trust solely in Him, who gave us His Mashiaḥ so that we may gain all things through Him. We need prayer and fasting more than ever as we need to get as much material out as possible. 


HalleluYah Scriptures – Feeding the Orphans in Zambia

The precious truth that there is a Father who loves us can be quite difficult to grasp for one who can barely get enough food on their plate from day to day. Hence, the HalleluYah Scriptures Team, in coordination with some of our lovely brothers and sisters in Zambia, have also been helping to conduct a regular feeding program for the most vulnerable in their community. Every now and then, our Zambian brethren prepare a nourishing meal and serve them to the orphans in their community. We are not able to be there with them, but we can let these precious children know that there is a Father in the shamayim that loves them, cares for them, and wants to dwell with them. We have been working with a family who feed those in need. Kindly keep them in your daily prayers.

Kindly take some time and see many pictures of those the Father has helped through His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures. 

Here is the link to the orphans, widows and truly poor programs:


Praise YHWH, for He always provides our needs in wonderful ways! Even amid the dire circumstances that surround us daily, He commends His love towards His people, as they diligently seek and teach the Truth, His Word. We may, in one way or another, find ourselves affected by the constantly changing and deteriorating society in which we live, yet there are those who have remained firm in belief and in good works, finding it in their hearts to freely give to this endeavor. HalleluYah for such generous hearts!

We are made grateful by His Word and sincerely appreciate all our supporters who have allowed themselves to be used by our Creator to deliver His message of love and comfort to more and more people as we strive to reach them one copy of HalleluYah Scriptures at a time.

You are an answer to our prayers. For this, we are truly grateful. First, to the Most High for uniting us toward this common goal, and, second, to you, our co-laborers in Mashiaḥ, as we communicate His Good News through His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures. Your kind-heartedness has definitely allowed us to do more than we could ever have imagine, but with the Father with the project it has been possible. We remember you, with thanksgiving and supplication, always in our prayers. We thank you! The recipients of the FREE HalleluYah Scriptures thank you. May you always be baruk!

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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