Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Zimbabwe, Zambia and Nigeria Receiving His Word Freely -HalleluYah!

by | May 10, 2022

“See, we call those baruḵ who endure. You have heard of the endurance of Iyoḇ and saw the purpose of YHWH, that He is very sympathetic and compassionate.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 5:11. 

We have said this many times and we will say it again: it takes a very special person that loves the Father to help those who are without. To put a copy of His Word into empty hands is so very loving and kind. It reaches welcoming hands either by your prayers, fasting or donations and it really is someone special that can do this. It does not take much to help another in such desperate need. Many of us in the western world have means, even small means to help another, for we are baruk (blessed) by the Father to be able to do so.

Shalom brothers I Barack YHWH for providing me with the Bible is a birekoth to me. Please send my love to the rest of the brethren, I am happy being part of the prayer and fasting for halleluYah scriptures. Love.

“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, so that you are healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 5:16

















What a wonderful way to barak (bless) a brother or sister with the Words of Life. There is no better gift than to give His Word, which is everlasting. It is far better to invest your offering to the Father in Bibles, for this is His Word directly speaking to His people. It is His Instruction Book for our life’s walk and it has all the answers we need, bringing comfort and releasing the captives of sin.

I truly appreciate all of the work you’re doing for the Most High. You are a gift to us all and may the Most High continue to bless and guide you!

“Beloved ones, I pray for you to do well in every way, and be in health, as your life is doing well.” ~ Yoḥanan 3 / 3 John 1:2


HalleluYah for brethren in Zambia! We have enjoyed being able to accomplish good works in this country. Believers and those coming to Truth are amazing and they have a burden to reach out and share His Truth. 

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters and those trapped in harsh conditions in countries like this, who feel they have no hope. It is a horrible feeling not to have hope or joy in ones life. Let us all join together and praise the Father for helping us reach those we have reached so far, for we know they are very thankful and grateful for the gift. Hope is what we need in these last days, as some very dark and evil times are coming upon us all. That is why it is important we pray for each other daily, for if we know that others are praying, it gives us comfort.

Thank you for sending me a free copy. Eyes are being opened here. HalleluYah.

“And my Elohim shall fill all your need according to His riches in esteem by Mashiaḥ Yahushua.” ~ Pilipiyim / Philippians 4:19

Our contacts work tirelessly in this country, traveling to take copies to many groups, fellowships and believers. Please pray for these groups who work very hard to reach the lost in this country, as they spend endless hours reaching out and going from house to house, village to village, to towns and cities and are honored to be picked by the Father to do this work. We want to support them in their efforts with free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures, Names books, Children’s Books, Cards of Hope and 10 Commandments bookmarks in their own language.

Enjoying the free copy you sent. The audio is amazing and helps with learning Hebrew. Praises to Abba.

“O YHWH, show us favour, for we have waited for You. Be their arm every morning, our deliverance also in time of distress.” ~ Yeshayahu / Isaiah 33:2

The needs in Zambia and surrounding African countries are so urgent and important, for there are thousands seeking Truth and coming to find the true Names of the Father and His Son and wanting a translation that is pure with no footnotes or doctrines of man. They are so amazed at the HalleluYah Scriptures when they receive a copy for themselves and their family to read and learn from. They all express how just having a copy feels so exciting and that a joy raises up in them and they feel the Ruach touch their hearts. They express a special thank you to those that donated for them to have a free copy.

I have come to leave a comment about my free copy you send me. I want to give all the thanks to YHWH for His kindness towards me.

“He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” ~ Yeshayahu / Isaiah 40:29

There is always so much joy and excitement when the poor and desperate receive a FREE copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Most of the soft covered editions go out freely all over the world and we work diligently to seek and find those in desperate need. Our missions team work very hard, daily, to seek out those in need of His Word. There is no greater work than working with the Father’s Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, and each day brings new contacts and connections.

It is amazing how the Father and His Son lead His people to us through others to find the HalleluYah Scriptures. We have received so many messages of how believers have found His Word and in most cases, it could only be YHWH. We have enjoyed doing this work and as you would all know, it is not an easy job, as the enemy battles daily against this project, but we put all that in His hands and just do what He has asked us all to do. There is no doubt that He has barak this project greatly for His esteem and has since the beginning and He continues to answer thousands of prayers all over the world.

A blessing arrived today. The best blessing one can receive. Thank you to YHWH for the free blessing.

“YHWH my Elohim, I have cried to You, and You have healed me.” ~ Tehillim / Psalms 30:2


HalleluYah for Nigerian believers and the surrounding countries. They help by sending out boxes and parcels of His Word. So much rejoicing is done by His people in Africa, for there is a huge awakening and many are finding His Truth and Ways and want to walk away from what man has taught, with a renewed desire in wanting His teaching straight form the Source!.

Daily, in this Project, we see how much the Father cares and loves His people, as He has heard their cries and has provided His Word freely through those whom He has chosen to assist. We receive many messages like those you read on the comments page, many tears are spilled over receiving a free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. The joy expressed is moving and touches our hearts deeply, as we know it touches your hearts.

Thank you for the free HalleluYAH Scriptures and audio you sent me.

“Baraḵ YHWH, O my being, and do not forget all His dealings, who forgives all your wickednesses, who heals all your diseases.” ~ Tehillim / Psalms 103:2-4

There are many groups of believers and new believers coming together in Nigeria as you can see in the pictures we are sharing. They are a grateful people and are thankful and humble when they receive their free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures. They are never demanding, for they respect the Father and His Word and consider it a very special gift to be treasured.

There is no other beauty in this world than this free gift that was sent to me. His Name is shining so brightly all over this book.

“Let them praise the Name of YHWH, for His Name alone is exalted, His splendour is above the earth and shamayim.” ~ Tehillim / Psalms 148:13

The brothers and sisters we deal with in Africa and many countries are so willing to learn new truths and learn new Hebrew words in the HalleluYah Scriptures. They do not see it as too hard, but a great honor. It reminds us that it is never too hard with YHWH by our side. He gave us all He had including His Son and for us to learn a few extra words in the Hebrew tongue is not hard, but an honor and we give Him all the praise, for we humble ourselves before Him.

Thank you for your kindness in sending me a free copy of the Father’s Word. I thank Him.

“My flesh and my heart shall waste away, Elohim is the rock of my heart and my portion forever.” ~ Tehillim / Psalms 73:26

It has been exciting to work with a number of believers who have traveled from the USA to Nigeria and other parts of Africa. We have been overjoyed in seeing the very poor and needy, the forgotten and the desperate receive His Word freely in all countries around the world.

It seems the Father is bringing to our attention the many needs in Africa and not only Africa, but all countries around the world and it has been a great joy in getting copies of His Word – the HalelluYah Scriptures – to all these brothers and sisters. We still have a lot of work to do and are open to be used right to the very end.  A very special thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have made this possible, for without your support, these brothers and sisters would not have received freely.

Thanks for the free Bible and I really like the Names book, very interesting. Yes I will praise YHWH for the free material.

“YHWH is the strength of His people, and He is the stronghold of deliverance of His anointed.” ~ Tehillim / Psalm 28:8

This will truly be a blessing and investment in our missionary future adhering to the calling and command and standing ready to proclaim the Gospel! Thank you and Almighty Bless.

Thank You for providing these scriptures! I recently began following the Hebrew roots after reading the bible and realizing that the english translaions and transliterations are often biased towards the interpretors beliefs, and not in accordance with the original writings. YHWH bless you and keep you; YHWH make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; YHWH lift up his face toward you and give you shalom.

I have received my HalleluYah Scriptures TODAY! I was so excited! So happy! So thankful to Father Yah and to all of you for making this happen.

I am very glad to receive this wonderful message from you the servants of YHWH. I am earnestly waiting for the YHWH’s Word.The moment I receive the books, I will surely send the picture. Thank you and Shabbat shalom. (Free Copy Sent)

“Therefore do not fear them. For whatever is covered shall be revealed, and whatever is hidden shall be made known. What I say to you in the dark, speak in the light. And what you hear in the ear, proclaim on the house-tops.” ~ Mattithyahu / Matthew 10:26-27


HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES – Feeding the Poor and Needy

HalleluYah for those who work hard by feeding, clothing and helping those in such desperate need. Thank you to those that help these children, widows and the very poor and needy with basic needs.

Many lives have been changed forever through this important work and we could not have done it without the support from you, His people, who have fasted, prayed and donated to see others without, receive. We want to say a very special heartfelt thank you to all those that have stood by this project. Your reward is with YHWH. May He show you favor always.

Thank you once again. The HalleluYah Scriptures Team


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