Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Parallel Hebrew/English HalleluYah Scriptures.

by | Feb 22, 2013

This special edition (the Hebrew/English Parallel Edition) is the first of its kind and it has never been done before in history. The translation team has worked on this special edition for many years, this does not count the near 25 years of learning and understanding the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to get a better understanding of His Word. You can read the English side by side with the Hebrew.
Hebrew is the qodesh lashon (tongue) and many believers are starting to learn and love the Hebrew language because they know the importance of understanding the Scriptures in the language that was intended it to be read.
We as a team feel it is so important to learn and understand Hebrew for yourself. This Edsition has now been in print for 8 years.

Psalm 51:18 “Do good in Your good pleasure toTsiyon; Build the walls of Yerushalayim.”


So now we are bringing the HalleluYah Scriptures and Hebrew/English Parallel Edition together to aid learners in the understanding of the Word in it’s original language.  There has never been a special edition like this before for His people as they have always been given a pagan Bible that is filled with pagan words and names and many false doctrines.
The Jewish people  who have converted to Truth have never had a first and renewed Covenants in one edition with the Restored Names. We know that tens of thousands of Jewish believers will come to Truth and accept the Savior and will want to read more about Him and what He has done for us all in their own language. This Edition has gone a long way in helping His people. 

Size of the Hebrew/English special edition is around 9.5 x 6.5 and around 2″ thick and around 1800 pages.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible + The Scriptures & Cepher Yahweh & Yahwah & waterproof bible & Hebrew 3

A Special note from a brother in Yisrael. A very dedicated brother.

He states:

“I believe that is the best thing that you can do for our people. Because, than they can learn by ‘themselves’.

This edition is very important for the Jewish people for when they come to the Savior they do not want to read English as they see it is filled with paganism.

Blessings in our Messiah

Psalm 137:5-6 “5 If I forget you, O Yerushalayim, let my right hand forget. Let my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Yerushalayim above my chief joy.”

This one-of-a-kind special Hebrew Parallel Edition has been given freely to the Jewish people who live in Yisra’el and who have come to the knowledge of our Savior as Hebrew is their language. These were donated for this reason and these copies are in Israel.
Also, we have been giving free copies to Elders in 3rd world countries who share truth to their group or fellowship. These are from the donated copies in Israel.
We have printed a soft-covered, PU leather and also a humane cowhide leather edition for those who donate $250.00 to the project to further this important work and reach as many as possible around the world. The special humane cowhide edition is high quality limited edition and is very special.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible + The Scriptures & Cepher Yahweh & Yahwah & waterproof bible & Hebrew 1

Please help us to help others with this special history-in-the-making project that will change lives forever. When we help those who are close to the Father’s heart and the apple of His eye we are barak (blessed) beyond words. 

We as volunteers consider it the greatest honor to be handpicked by the Father to do this work and know that this urgent and important work will never make the enemy happy and he will never stop trying to destroy the Father’s Word. The HalleluYah Scriptures project goes from strength to strength daily and we will never stop this work until the day the Father closes the door. This will not happen by man’s hands.

HalleluYah Scriptures Review + Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible + The Scriptures & Cepher Yahweh & Yahwah & waterproof bible & Hebrew 2

We want to take the time to say a very special thank you to all of our supporters who have stood by this project with your prayers, fasting and donations, you have made it possible for thousands to receive freely. Like you, our reward is from above and not of this world.

Cost To The Project – Includes Shipping:
*All prices given are in USD – These to the updated 10 Psalms

Soft Cover Parallel Hebrew/English – $65.00
PU leather Parallel Hebrew/English – $85.00
Genuine Humane Leather Hebrew/English $250.00
(comes with Extra Biblical Books & Torah Book)

Soft Cover Parallel Hebrew/English – $85.00
PU leather Parallel Hebrew/English – $105.00
Genuine Humane Leather Hebrew/English $300.00
(comes with Extra Biblical Books & Torah Book)

Soft Cover Parallel Hebrew/English – $95.00
PU leather Parallel Hebrew/English – $110.00
Genuine Humane Leather Hebrew/English $325.00
(comes with Extra Biblical Books & Torah Book)

Any donations after covering costs go to helping the project print and ship standard editions for the poor and needy all over the world.

Thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team


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