Help us to print 20,000 of His Word to help so many more in desperate need around the world. There is no better gift to give to and nothing more important than His Word, as it is everlasting. It has all the answers we need and gives such comfort.
Most of us in the western world would not know what it is like to not have His Word to open when we need comfort and answers, but we can tell you first hand that thousands and thousands of brothers and sisters do not have this option and it is heartbreaking. We weep over this genuine need near daily and take it very seriously.
There is not enough words in this world to say a special and huge thank you to those who have donated to help so many in need. We could not have gotten this far without your help. HalleluYah!
The HalleluYah Scriptures is reaching out even more to the Philippines, Indonesia, Africa, Jamaica, Dubai,Ghana Domica with a first shipment to Egypt sorted, Thailand and to many other places which are hard to get into. There is no end to His wonderful love and compassion for those in need of His Word. Many brothers and sisters in the USA have taken stock to some of these countries . This has saved us so much in postage costs. If you know anyone who is traveling outside the USA and is willing to distribute copies to the needy brethren abroad, can you kindly let us know so we can give them stock to take with them.
YHWH willing, we shall get our first shipment to Egypt soon. No parcels can be sent to Egypt so a brother is traveling to our postal agent in Yisrael to pick up a good number of copies for our brothers and sisters in Eygpt. This is wonderful news and we are rejoicing. Thank you to those who continue to take stock for us to our postal agent in Yisrael. The Ruach is leading us to so many countries with many brothers and sisters in need. We are so excited about this and surely, you all will be to.
A first shipment will also be going into Thailand to a good number of fellowships. A sister who is a missionary in Thailand has been sharing His Name and Truth to a number of groups there who have converted to His Truth and are needing the HalleluYah Scriptures. It is truly amazing and we praise the Father daily for these miracles. The Father loves all those who love Him and will always find a way to provide for them.
The HalleluYah Scriptures has been helping a good number of fellowships in the Philippines and now hundreds of brothers and sisters have received a copy and are rejoicing. We continue to support them with His Word as the need is great there.
There is a zealous Filipino brother who was led to go and to share His Word and His Truth in a Christian Bible College. The Father used him to share His Name and the Torah and through that, many Filipino brethren, as well as a good number of Korean brothers and Sisters ( some Pastors) embraced His Name and the Torah. These Korean brethren have gone back to their country with the HalleluYah Scriptures and His Truth. Oh halleluYah!
Below is a message from that brother in the Philippines who witness His Truth. Not only did he reach out to those in high positions in the Philippines but also to the poor and to those in the outback villages of the county. He is open for the Ruach to use Him anywhere. Please pray for him and his family as they need our prayers. He is not scared to go anywhere for the Father and to share His truth. He has a deep love for those who are seeking the truth.
“Shalom ! First of all, I want to Thank the Father for giving you to us as an inspiration to our ministry. Sorry for the late answer cause I’ve been in Quezon City witnessing to Catholic Couples for Christ leaders and showing to them the importance of Halleluyah Scriptures. During the period of my silence. . . the Father worked great things. Halleluyah Scriptures was received by key people whom I know and believed the Father will use as [His] instrument to spread His Word. First , the senior engineer of Globe Telecom in Makati City, 2nd The Publisher of local newspaper in Bulacan and at the same time Media consultant of Bulacan province Governor, 3rd a woman whose background was a former believer of witchcraft now a believer of YHWH and His Son. 4th Former Policeman from SBMA and many more whose picture I have attached here. Other pictures are to follow. Here’s another comment from those who received H.S. ” “Halleluyah Scriptures revived my zeal in the Bible I used to read it hit and miss focusing on the the New Testament. I was taught that Torah is past tense and irrelevant. Going through the HS in detail had an impact on me specially the Torah, it gave me clear understanding of the new testament. My goal now is to read and reread the HS and encourage every one I meet to read the HS scripture.” From … [ an Asian Theological Graduate ] now a believer of YHWH and His Son.”
Note: This statement is so true. You can read any other bible and never get to understand the importance of His Name and Torah – but when you read the HalleluYah Scriptures —which is the purest version, the closest to the Hebrew than any other English translation and is anointed by the Father —- you will then see the anointing and the power in it. A Spanish supporter gave a copy to his friend/believer who had only basic English skills, and when they met a week later, the Spanish brother who received the copy said ” This translations is so anointed and I can totally understand it better than the Spanish Bible I have. All praise to the Father and His Ben!
This brother went on to say:
“Lately this afternoon I was sharing the HS to a pastor of the Church of Christ, and he is showing interest about this Qodesh Scriptures. To all of you who are in the HalleluYah Scriptures I am so grateful, you are a great encouragement to me [ I’ve been rejected by many Christian Leaders for believing in the Qodesh name of the Father and teaching about His appointed feasts ]. I was very discouraged and feeling so all alone, no one want’s to accept me as a believer [ within Christian Ministerial Circle ] , so I’ve tried to contact HalleluYah Scriptures then you answered me. . . . now my faith within me was revived , The Father in heaven encouraged me through you. Eternal thanks ! “
Another letter from the Philippines:
“Shalom ! You make me cry for joy ! Your letter touched my heart. Actually I’m out of town to share the HalleluYah Scriptures here in Quezon City leaving my family behind in Olongapo City. Thank you very much for the encouragement, It is also my prayer to our Father to spread the truth about His Name in the whole country of the Philippines. Everything you will send I will distribute. Pray for me and my family. Since I have started distributing the HalleluYah Scriptures scriptures there are some opposition arises, but I will not be deterred by this, I know our Father YHWH will strengthen me. Thanks for all your prayers and The Big letter HalleluYah Scriptures so that I can easily read it. I love you all though I didn’t yet see you. May the blessing of YHWH our Father be with you all through His Son.”
We have received so many letters, pictures and emails from all over the world. We try to share as much as we can with you all but it is just impossible to share them all.
Please read our vow on the moving banner at the top of the site, all donations go to printing and shipping of the HS. It is important you know this because we take this vow very seriously.
Please pray that we can go more for the Father and His people in genuine need.
“YHWH is near to all who call upon Him … in truth. …And He hears their cry and saves them.” – Psalm/Tehillim 145:18-19
You are in our daily prayers and we praise the Father for you all. HalleluYah