Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Praises To YHWH – Orphans & Truly Poor Helped By You.

by | Dec 12, 2023

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good! Seek Right Ruling, reprove the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” Let us offer our praise and gratitude to the Father and His Běn (Son) for their remarkable contributions to the welfare of orphans, widows, lepers, and the truly impoverished in third-world countries. We, as a team, praise the Father for allowing us to do this work. Since the Project made good changes a year ago, we have been able to focus on getting more important work done, and part of this important work is the orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy.
The Project has been able to do a huge amount of work and focus our time on the work. We praise the Father for the wonderful and special team/family we have, and love each other and respect each other,  uplifting each other in love and prayer daily.
The orphans are fed daily, bedding, clothing and needs are met through you, His people. You have bought a lot of joy and hope to these little ones. If you have no time to read the article have a look at the wonderful photos.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have fervently prayed and generously donated to support these precious orphans. Your “fruits” are before the Father and you can see the wonderful good works that have been done.

You have given hope where there was no hope and we pray you enjoy some of the photos we are sharing. We have thousands of photos but only a certain amount of time to work with them. It is a great honor in helping the truly poor and needy in this work, as Scripture instructs us to help those in need such as orphans, widows and prisoners.

All the orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy are taught from the Father’s Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures. The children are taught near daily and enjoy learning the Father’s Truth. We have sent out thousands upon thousands of children’s books and materials around the world for children to learn from.

We were contacted by groups over 12 years ago seeking help, but as you all know, our focus is getting His Word out day in and day out to those without, and all donations go to printing and shipping unless specified.

However, as we got to know and connect with brothers who work with the very poor (and they are known by other supporters of the Project) we just could not simply stand by and not help. Those we have helped over the years have been good stewards and always sent receipts and photographs to show that the funds were used for the specified purpose – a rule we put into place which encourages good stewardship.

“Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ/James 1:27

We are adding hundreds of pictures of those you have supported through your donations and the self-sufficiency programs we have implemented so far. We feel this is very important for the long-term, as there is a time coming when we will not be able to send funds due to changes in the world.

Extensive work has been done over the years with the truly poor and needy, and this has only been possible because of you. HalleluYah! We have enjoyed our work with the truly poor of this world and feel a deep urgency to do all we can for those in need.

The profound truth within His Word, that the Father’s love envelopes us, serves as a source of solace and reassurance. It is essential to acknowledge that this truth may be challenging to grasp for those struggling to meet their daily needs.



In many regions worldwide, where a significant portion of the population lives below the poverty line, the fatherless and widows are left particularly vulnerable. Among those who lack the most basic necessities for survival, hope for the future can be difficult. This important work has been carried out for over 12 years when the needs were bought to our attention.

Children who are bereft of a father, a mother, or both find it difficult to fathom the existence of a compassionate and loving Father who cares for them. While we may not always have the opportunity to physically be with these children in their circumstances, we can convey the message that there is a Father who loves them and desires to be present in their lives.

These precious children may never experience the nurturing love of earthly parents, but with the support of our dedicated volunteers on the ground, we can act as the Father’s hands and feet, offering these children and impoverished families the assistance they require in His Name. You can see the Father’s hand in helping those that are His – those that cry out to Him – and you, His people have come running, as you heard His calling.

Many self-sufficiency programs have been put in place over the years which have been very successful. These programs really help with extra food for the very poor and needy. Here are some we have put in place with the orphans and widows:

Providing animals for long term food (milk, eggs, meat) and irrigation. Growing fruit trees and vegetables are also important and been put in place as well as digging and preparing grounds for large fishpond as this is also a good source of food. Growing food is important and a lot of hard work is put into growing food for those in need.

We are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to partake in this vital mission alongside you, and our dedicated partners in these countries we help, all under the guidance of the Father.

The children you have sponsored/helped are a witness to the power of compassion and generosity. You can follow their incredible transformation from the moment you first connected with them. We know they pray for you each day, for they are indebted to the Father and you, His people.

Growing food is important and a lot of hard work is put into growing food for those in need. It takes a lot of dedication. All those that help the poor do not take a wage and you are not funding lifestyles.

We know that the Father loves those that are poor and needy who cry out to Him, and when they do, He will always find a way to help them. We have seen this multiple times over the years, how the Father provides and how He cares.
It really takes a special heart to see the suffering and actually do the work that is needed. There are many needs, but we have to spread out what is donated and we do get a lot for the funds donated.
The orphans and widows are taught from the Father’s Word the HalleluYah Scriptures. They have lesson most days.

You have the right to feel good about making a difference in the lives of children, widows and the truly poor, for the Word instructs us to help those less off than ourselves, even in prayer and fasting, as that is a wonderful gift as well.

Working with the poor is truly an honor and no single day is the same for those who work with those who are in need, and serving the Father in this way is considered a great honor. Children and the poor make you a more knowledgeable person and children are, by nature, very curious and love to ask questions about the Father and His Ways and are taught His Truth.

Preparing and growing food is vital, and this group has worked hard to put this village together made up of orphans and widows. The stories from these children and widows are heartbreaking and many tears have been shed by them and us.

The widows have been abused for many years by church leaders who took all they had, all their basic needs and their daily food and many went without food for multiple days. The brother and his small group have worked hard in taking care of 30 orphans and 32 widows.

We are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to partake in this vital mission alongside you and our dedicated partners in the countries we help, all under the guidance of the Father.

The children you have sponsored/helpled are a testament to the power of compassion and generosity. Witness their incredible transformation from the moment you first connected with them. They we know pray for you each day for they are indebted to the Father and you, His people.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has been helping orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor and needy for over 10 years. We help many orphans and widows in many countries through you His people.

We have established provisions for clothing, food, hygiene, and various other essential needs, and the most important thing, His Word and Children’s materials for learning the Father’s Ways.

Our efforts with the Self Sufficiency Programs, which we consider of paramount importance and urgency for the orphans and those who care for them. These initiatives include chicken programs, vegetable & fruit cultivations, animals for good like milk and eggs, and water systems.

Furthermore, we have established provisions for clothing, food, hygiene products, and various other essential needs, and the most important thing, His Word and Children’s materials for learning the Father’s Way. The children are taught the ways of Truth from the Father’s Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures.

The children are being nurtured in the teachings of the Torah through the HalleluYah Scriptures and related educational materials. Their radiant smiles reflect the profound impact of your support, as many of them have experienced fear and neglect after losing their parents. So, let us all raise our voices in a resounding HALLELUYAH to the Most High!

HalleluYah for the animals, goats, cows and chickens all producing good food. Fruit trees and veggies have been planted and are producing food to help with the needs. This has been possible because of those of you who help regularly. This truly would not have been possible without your help.

Hope and joy has been given to orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor and needy through you, His people. We are only a small team, dealing with His Word and also trying to help as many as we can such as orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy.

Growing and bagging corn and wheat that have been grown for food. Lots of hard work goes into growing food for the poor. HalleluYah.

HalleluYah, kindly give all praise to the Father..

Large Fish Tank – Working On The New Huge Fish Tank – HalleluYah

Praises to the Most High for the amazing work that is being done. We stand in awe of what the Father has done through you who donate to the truly poor and needy. So much work has been done for with this new project that will help 30 orphans and 32 widows in Uganda. We are working on putting a lot of videos together of the orphans, widows and leper programs. We truly love to share the work.

Once completed we will get fish into the pond so they can breed for food. Thank you once again for all your help, as this would not have been possible without it.

Bangladesh. _ Orphans & The Truly Poor & Needy

Helping orphans is commanded by our Father, for He has a lot of compassion for those who have no way of helping themselves.

HalleluYah that the Father provides for those who are His including children who have no means or providing for their needs. We have seen the Father consistently provide through this Project for those that are His. We have seen the Father move so wonderfully over the years and have seen clearly how the Father has won all the battles that have come against His Word and the very poor and needy. We, as a team, are just lowly, willing servants trying to do the best we can with the time given each day. Please praise Him and give Him ALL esteem.

The food given to the poor and needy is always clean food, for we obey the Father’s food laws, and when this is done, He will always provide.

So delightful and joyful it is when you see His people all over the world receiving His Word freely along with aid for their basic needs. Children in 3rd world countries LOVE the HalleluYah Scriptures and love to learn from His Word. The Project has been able to send tens of thousands of free materials into many countries and we have been honored to serve His people in this country as well.

The Children’s materials and aid have gone into a huge percentage of countries of the world, proclaiming the Names and Torah. The Father has received so much praise over the years for His Word and the help given through you who have donated, and many lives have been changed, as it is His Word and Project and as we have shared, it is all about the Most High and it is He that provides His Word. It is He that provides all the needs of those in need.

It is a wonderful thing to see those who are suffering receive basic needs and help with daily food and basic needs and also for clothing, blankets and other urgent needs. We know firsthand how thankful and grateful they are for the help.

HalleluYah, let us all give praise and esteem to the Most High. Oh how we love Him dearly for He is our breath and life. What wonderful love He has shown His people through this proect and you.

As shared over the years, we have seen and heard such terrible accounts from those that take care of the fatherless, and how many have been found in ghastly conditions. This brother and a number of other brothers in India are extremely dedicated believers that see this as important work in their lives, and get up early each day to work as hard as possible to do this work for the Most High and His people.

It takes special people to look after orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor – to live and work with these believers. It is often heartbreaking, but we all have to put a smile on our faces and keep up the work.

The Project has helped this brother to help Lepers for over 12 years. It is so important that we help those that have no means of helping themselves. It is truly very sad to see situations like this, but in saying this, it has been a great honor in helping the Lepers, as they cannot work and have no means of helping themselves. Praises to the Most High, for He knows who is needing His help. 

In many cases we purchase wheelchairs and crutches for the lepers and widows who are unable to walk, which gives them wonderful freedom to move around, or someone they know can push the wheelchair so they can get out and about. The living conditions are not that great in the villages, but the brother and his helper try and do the best they can in helping to bring basic needs into the lives of those suffering.

Here we see the purchase and and pickup up the water tank and materials to set up the water tank for the widows and orphans. We would love to get them another water tank at some time.

The water tank was needy desperately for the elderly, as they are not in 100% good health due to having a very hard life. Most do not have any family, but the widows and orphans turned up for this special day. They were celebrating and rejoicing and most of all, praising the Father, who deserves all the praise.

The Project has been able to help clothe the widows, orphans and lepers, so they love to share their clothing to say a special thank you to those that helped them have material to wrap around themselves.


They all came to pray over the water tank, with such excitement and joy from the orphans and widows. A huge and special thank you to those who made this happen. Prayers were answered this day.

We praise the Father for being able to help the very poor and needy in this world. As shared, it is not an easy work when dealing with orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor and needy. So many need the help and it is an honor to do as much as we can for the Father and His people.

”Do not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you do afflict them at all – if they cry out to Me at all, I shall certainly hear their cry, and My wrath shall burn and I shall slay you with the sword, your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless.” (Exodus 22:22-24) 

Helping the poor and needy is a real witness of the love of the Father. Praises to the Most High for the work that has been done over the past 12 years with the orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor in 3rd world countries!

It has been so rewarding, fulfilling and life-changing for the team that has been put together from the beginning and those that have been with the Project over the 12 years. We all have so enjoyed our time together, uplifting and encouraging each other, praying and fasting for one another and the projects we all work on. We have tens of thousands of pictures of the work that has been done and are sharing just a few from each country we are working with.

We have set up a page on the site for the orphans, widows, lepers and truly poor and needy, and try and update these pages as time allows. We have thousands upon thousands of photographs of the work that is being done and are working on another way of sharing the pictures, as they take a lot of our time.

We pray you enjoy seeing the wonderful work the Father has done, for it is He that does all this work. We have only shared a very small number of photos as it takes week putting pictures together, we try and do the best we can with the time given.

We know we will never be loved for this work and will be hated as our Savior was for the good He did. They even said His works were of Satan. Those who have eyes to see will see the amazing work the Father is doing for His people through this Project. It is not about us, but about our Father and His Son and you, His people..

Please consider supporting orphans, widows & the truly poor and needy.

Here is the link:

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May the Most High show you favor always for all you have done for the poor and needy in this world.

Thank you,

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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