“And He said to them, ”Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature.” Mark 16:15 HalleluYah. We here on the HalleluYah Scriptures project feel it is so important to reach as many people as possible with His Truth. We were once lost and someone reached out to us, so we feel it is important we do the same. Many of those we are reaching do not speak English and that is why we are working towards projects that can be translated, like the Cards of Hope, the 10 Commandment Bookmarks and the Children’s Book & Children’s Book DVD. If time allows we would like to work on the HalleluYah Scriptures being in other languages.
We feel these bumper stickers that can be stuck anywhere will proclaim the Names of the Father and His Son. We want to be able to produce the verses on them in other languages so that others in many countries may come to Truth.
We are always thinking of ways to proclaim The Names and Truth directly from His Word and not from man’s words, for His Word is powerful and is what teaches us and guides us daily.
“All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for straightening, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.” 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
We now work with and know thousands of believers in many countries who are more than pleased to take these and share these around their town, country, village and city and are proud to proclaim His Truth. It has been heartbreaking for many we deal with as they love to reach out with Truth, but have nothing to share or give to the person they have just shared with, and the HalleluYah Scriptures project has gone a long way in helping them at no cost as supporters have had a huge heart in helping the very poor.
When we get the donations for these we will start printing them and sending then all over the world for free. We would like to print around 20,000 of each one if not more, as we have groups and believers that can take these now and use them. If you would like to donate towards these, you may do so on the following link:
If you have a heart to proclaim The Names and Truth, kindly feel free to order the Cards of Hope, Bookmarks and the Audio, as supporters have donated to have these produced for you to give out freely. These are so very important to share with others who are in darkness.
The HalleluYah Scriptures project has reached thousands in countries and villages that have no way of contacting us. We work with many brothers, sisters and groups that go out of their way to go to very harsh places to share about the Father’s Truth and His Word – the HalleluYah Scriptures.
We are working hard to reach even more countries and places that have been unreachable, as it is our hearts desires to proclaim the Truth. There will be a time quickly coming upon us when we will not be able to do this work, so we are doing all we can to reach as many as possible all over the world. If you know any groups or believers in countries that are reaching the lost in their country, kindly let us know.
We have just organized another very large print run as the needs are so urgent all over the world. The shipment arriving in Sept will have the long awaited Hebrew/English Parallel version that hundreds have been waiting for. This is the first and the only one of it’s kind, being history in the making. All praise, honor and esteem goes to the Father and His Son for it is They that have done all the good works.
Above and below are pictures of an outback village where an Indian Elder we have worked with for a while now travels to villages and places in India to reach and seek those searching for truth.
Our heart is with those who are down and out and who are in such desperate need of the Father’s Word, those who have never seen nor owned a copy and have no means or options of affording, for the heart of this project is about these types of believers.
This can only be possible when those who can afford to help, do so. We stand in awe daily in what the Father has done with this project that belongs to Him and His Son. So much has been completed in such a short period of time that it could only be the hand of the Father. HalleluYah.
The latest print run we have just ordered will have around 35,500 HalleluYah Scriptures Books. We are finding that many have not seen nor owned a copy and have no mean or options of affording. They do not have a computer, internet, phone, car or in most cases 3 meals a day, or are in prison or homeless or on govt benefits that pay out very little, and for new believers. These are who this project is for, and all this is supported by those who can afford for, this is the heart of the Father, His Son and the HalleluYah Scriptures project.
We also send out a Name Meanings book with each order when possible as these are very popular and have aided His people in learning so much more in His Word.
The HalleluYah Scriptures project is working on other languages for the Cards of Hope, 10 Commandment Bookmarks and the Children’s Book. We have have completed the Filipino Cards of Hope and the 10 Commandment Bookmarks which have arrived in the Philippines and believers are now starting to receive them and will be sharing them with those around them seeking truth.
The Filipino Cards of Hope have been very welcomed in the Philippines. Now many brothers, sisters and groups are receiving these and sharing with those seeking Truth. It has been wonderful to be able to equip His people in the Philippines with His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures, the Audio and Children’s Book. They will be able to read the Children’s Book in their own language.
The HalleluYah Scriptures team are praying daily for ways to be able to reach those who are unreachable, in countries and villages where there are no means of contact – those in prison and those also out on the streets. We are forever thinking and praying about equipping believers with free materials so they can go and reach those around them with the Father’s Word.
Above are the Cards of Hope in the Filipino language which have finally arrived with the 10 Commandment Bookmarks. They are now being sent out all over the Philippines for believers to share with those seeking truth. They are great to leave in places for people to find and read, good to hand to those that serve you or put in with your bills. His Word gives hope and comfort, so hand them out in the local hospital.
We will be starting to print the Cards of Hope in Spanish and another language next month. We are so excited to be able to print as many as we can in other languages so that believers can be equipped with free material to share and evangelize with.
Many believers want to spread the Truth but cannot afford the material to give away freely and the best thing is, that HalleluYah Scriptures only use His Word, as we know He is the one that teaches and guides in ALL truth. Man has always added their names and doctrines as they free they are right, but man’s words have always misled us all.
We are continuing work on the HalleluYah Scriptures Spanish – HalleluYah. We have a team of around 10 believers working very hard on this project and we aim to make it the purest and will be the only one of it’s kind.
It is much harder work than anticipated. The team has been so busy with many other projects and systems we needed to put into place, so the Spanish has had to have a back seat, but that has changed as we now have a dedicated team of around 10 believers. The Renewed Covenant is completed with the First Covenant having around 8 books completed. Please pray for all those who are so dedicated in doing this translation for the Father’s Spanish speaking people. Above is the 12 Cards of Hope and the English 10 Commandment bookmarks.
We, on the HalleluYah Scriptures team work as hard as we can daily on the project as we know time is short and it is so important and urgent to get as many copies of His Word out to the world. This has only been possible because of those who are His have some forward to help those who have no means. We want to say a special thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters who pray, fast and donate to make much of this happen. May the Father and His Son show you favor always.
Thank you and HalleluYah
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team