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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Last Days Booklet – To Be Shared Around The World & Prepare Now.

by | May 12, 2021

“For then there shall be great distress, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” ~ (Matt 24:21)  As a team, we are always thinking of ways to reach those who are seeking or wanting Truth. Much is happening around the world and as we know, there is no time in history that every country has come together in agreement and no time in history, has no buying or selling unless you have a “mark” been put on the people, and we have heard from those in control that a mark is coming. If you do not have this, then you will not be able to buy or sell or be able to leave your home. We have, in the past, mentioned that we feel the need to publish a small booklet that is the size of half the Torah of YHWH Book or Names Meaning Book.


A huge HalleluYah, we have donations to print around 100,00 of these booklets. A huge thank you to those that donated to help get this project off the ground. The booklet is completed. A brother on the team locked himself away for 2 weeks and the Ruach worked through him, and this booklet came to life. All praise to the Most High.

The Scriptures warn that what has been taking place will pale in comparison to what is coming through Ya’aqob’s Trouble. (Jer 30:7)

While the majority of unbelievers and atheists etc. will be in bewilderment, there will be those who knew the Scriptures and had prepared or at least been forewarned and will face what’s coming without fear and absolute trust in YHWH that He will deliver many through it all.

“YHWH your Elohim in your midst, is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy, He is silent in His love, He rejoices over you with singing.” ~ Tsephanyah / Zephaniah 3:17
How amazing it would be for one of those fearful, bewildered individuals to stumble across (or be given) a small booklet that outlines much of what is in their face, giving answers and hope to them in a desperate time!

We have completed this high-quality small booklet full of Scriptures and prophecies, that even the Savior spoke of and warned about, which will give answer to the question of, “Why are all these things happening?” Also giving them the solution through repentance from wickedness and rebellion to seek forgiveness through our Savior.

“Thus said YHWH, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from YHWH” Jeremiah/Yermiyahu 17:5.

The booklet is professional, as it reflects on our Father and His Son) like this was no easy task as some prophesies appear literal, yet some are clearly allegorical, so much prayer and fasting went into this booklet so as not to cause more confusion rather than providing answer.

Thank you to all those that prayed and fasted while this important booklet was completed.

HalleluYah Scriptures publications have always been the Word of YHWH alone, so this is something that is completely different for this Ministry which is why we would like all of our supporters to aid in the content. All the images in the booklet came from Shutterstock images. The images are powerful.

As you well know, we cannot use HalleluYah Scriptures donations for this Booklet, as those that donate, donate to printing and shipping His Word or to our orphan/prisoner projects, so we cannot use the funds given by supporters for this Booklet, which we feel is needed and urgent. Update: We have had large donations from a brother, and we have been able to print 100K of these, HalleluYah. Thousands of these are now all over the world and those that cannot afford now have these to share with those that have ear to hear.

The Father answered the needs for this booklet through a brother who was the first to give a large donation towards this Booklet and then a small handful followed that that the Most High called to help, so we first printed 30,000 and now we have printed a total of 100,000.

As you well know, we have postal agents in nearly every country of the world, and they would send the Booklets out to believers to have and hold for those days. 

It is online for you to download and share through email to those you know and those you do not know. Having it in hardcopy is important so you can share the Truth with your loved ones and friends.

“We shout for joy to YHWH our strength and we praise His Name!”

Very Important.

We, as His people, must show joy and His Truth through our actions. If we are depressed and complainers in front of unbelievers, then we are representing our wonderful Father in the same light and many will not be drawn to our Father and His Son through how we show Him in our lives. We must share hope and joy to those who are not aware of His Truth.

Yes, attacks are against us all each day and it is about to get much worse! So, we must have our feet firmly on His Truth and guard the words that come out of our mouth towards others. Time is very short and there is no time to argue, debate or fight against brothers and sisters about trivial doctrines! We must show our light in this dark world so that those who are in darkness, but seeking the light of Truth, will see your light.

Mattithyahu 7:7 (Matthew 7:7) says: “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. I called out to ELOHIM and asked for the HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES and I was gifted with the HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES! thank you ELOHIM and the team Of HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES! Jahun D USA

If we are walking in Truth in His light, then we, as His people, should shine that light, so that those around us see how wonderful it is to serve the Most High and how wonderful He is in our lives.

As we mentioned, if we share in a negative way and show ourselves depressed, hateful and bitter and unforgiving, speaking badly about others when our own lives need to be addressed, then those that are around you won’t see a difference and would see no reason to be a believer.

They want to see something different, not what the world offers, but someone special and alive! When we are not part of this world, involving ourselves in worldly matters and in wickedness and following the world and it’s way: serving idols, worshipping a false system and following the worlds holidays and ignoring His Festivals and Shabbaths, where is the difference?

When we are not part of this world and are shining His Love and Ways, then people see a difference and want to know why are we at peace, with no fear in us. Let Him live in us and let us follow what He has Commanded. HalleluYah!

Remember: no matter what is coming upon the world, we are to have our eyes on our Father and His Son, as He does not give us a spirit of Fear. And also remember that, those who control the world can only do what the Father allows them to.

It is judgement time for the “ruler” of this world, so let us prepare our lives and also be in prayer for His protection and guidance and let us pray for each other daily. We do not need to know names for He knows all that are His. If we, from all over the world, know that others are praying daily, this will give us a peace. HalleluYah.

Prepare Now!

” ‘See, days are coming,’ declares the Adon YHWH, ‘that I shall send a hunger in the land, not a hunger for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the Words of YHWH’ ” ~ Amos 8:11

This is an URGENT MESSAGE to ALL believers. Most of you will know the world is racing rapidly towards end-times and we are about to go into some very hard times, with total enslavement for many. Some of you may not be aware of this, but we pray you can see clearly what is happening. We, as a team, have been praying more than ever as we are led to even more than ever and many times, on our knees. There is a time coming very soon, that we will not be able to send out His Word so freely (if at all). We have seen this in the past month with countries’ doors being closed to accepting parcels and a number have been sent back.

We are working to put things in place for these times, but may not be able to help everyone. We are asking because the Father has warned us all in His Word that there is a famine for hearing the Word coming. As you well know, there is nothing like the HalleluYah Scriptures and if you can find a way to stock His Word and help get His Word out in those times, then kindly order, for we are unsure how long we have before the powers-that-be close down the internet. Many will have regrets during this coming time, regrets of not doing all they could to get His Word out.

If we all do not act now, then it may be too late to send out stock. We are not looking forward to that time, which we feel is not far away. It could be days or weeks, maybe months away if YHWH is patient. As most of you will know, things have been put in place that will enslave the people and it will be a time of great famine, not only of food, but of His Word.

We really need His people to step up and step forward before it is too late, to take up this mission, for people will be crying and weeping for His Word and for answers in those days because nothing will give them peace, comfort or joy. There is much pain and suffering that only He and His Word can alleviate. The world has forsaken His Commands, Festivals and His Shabbath; they have turned to their own ways and have said, “He will understand.”

If we read His Word, we will know that all those that did this either died or went into enslavement. Scripture is clear that this time, it will be the worst ever, for the world is so wicked and very few want His Truth or want to follow His Ways, but they will when all this starts coming upon them!

Time is short, so please take heed and be warned, as we feel very strongly about this. This project has never been about money or thanks for any person on the team, but it is about getting His Word into the hands of those in need. As you know, the enemy has tried all he can to destroy this project, but has not been able to break through, as the project belongs to the Most High and not to any man.

Money and riches will do no good to anyone of us in this world in the last days for those will not save us, but having His Word is what will be needed – it will be worth more than all the gold and silver in this world! We would like to get stock into each state so that His Word is spread all over the US and into Canada, stock to be held for the coming days, month and years. Please visit the website to make your order or let us know if you are aware of other believers around the world that is in need. Help us to find groups or believers in other countries so that we can prepare large shipments as we never know when borders will be stopped.

Let us come together in prayer daily for each other and for His Word, we have all ran the race and now look towards the finish line to where our reward will be waiting for us. Have no fear but Truth in the Most High to get us through these times, pray without ceasing and keeping our eyes above. Prayer can move mountains so let us draw strength in praying for each other daily. 

A Special Thank you

We want to say a very special and heartfelt thank you for your support through prayer, fasting and donations over the years and since the project started. We are and will be forever grateful to you and those who receive your free gift of His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures are very thankful as well. We are all a team working together with you to get His work done. HalleluYah.

A very special thank you and a huge HALLELUYAH for your willingness to help those in such desperate need of the Father’s Word. Thank you for allowing the Father to work through you to help His people all over the world. Also thank you to those who donated towards the booklet, lets pray for wisdom in working on this important booklet.

May He show you favor always.

Thank you,

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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