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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Rejoice For His Word HalleluYah Scriptures – Philippines Receiving Freely!!!

by | Jul 1, 2014

Philippines new august 3“And Elohim shall wipe away
every tear from their eyes, and
there shall be no more death, nor
mourning, nor crying. And there shall
be no more pain for the former has
passed away.”
Revelation 21-4

Oh HalleluYah let us sing praises to the Father for He has provided through His people. There are a good number of elders, groups, fellowships and ministries now taking stock of the HalleluYah Scriptures to distribute in their respective countries.

“I am soooo excited!!!! Yeah!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!I hope you and your team are doing wonderful! Blessings!” (All Blessings to the Father & His Son).

philippines 5Above is one of many messages we have received over the years. It is so exciting to receive such messages from brothers and sisters all over the world and who love the Father’s Word the HalleluYah Scriptures.

All praise, honor and esteem to the Father for He deserves all praise. We have been praying for a long time with all the prayer warriors who have given up their time daily to pray and fast for this urgent and important project.  We have been praying to reach brothers and sisters in countries that are hard to reach. We have wonderful news to share: we have had a brother contact us from Russia and we will be working with him to get copies of the HalleuYah Scriptures into communist Russia. This has been a wonderful answer to much prayer.

philippines 7Many countries have been reached, and many prayers have been answered over the years and much rejoicing all over the world given to the Father and His Son for the free gift of His Word. Many sing, dance and praise Him for this everlasting treasure.

We ask that you pray for us to be able to reach even more in forgotten and religiously persecuted countries around the world. Our heart is to reach as many brothers and sisters as possible

philippines 8“Blessings to Yah for His kindness in giving us boxes of HalleluYah Scriptures Bibles for our group. No one in our group can afford to pay for Bibles so we are grateful. Thank you HalleluYah Scriptures Team”

It is lovely to hear messages like the one above and the thanks and praise that brothers and sisters offer to the Father and His Son. He has provided for them to have such a wonderful gift.

philippines 9

These brothers and sisters in the Philippines were touched by the generous gift of the HalleluYah Scriptures and were keen to show their thanks through these pictures.

It has been a great joy in seeing brothers and sisters all over the world receive a copy of the Father’s Word freely. It has been a great honor in being a part of seeing the Father and His Son’s Name restored to their rightful place.  It truly brings much joy and comfort to have all the answers at hand for these believers. HalleluYah!!!

philippines 10Our missions team family is on a trip to the Philippines and they go back each year to visit family, as that is where her family is from. They hope to visit a number of groups and fellowships that we have been sending free copies to. Last year they went and gave out free copies to many brothers and sisters who were so overjoyed with the gift. They will be getting a few photos to share with us all soon. It really touches our hearts to see such joy and we know those that pray, fast and donate also have their hearts touched when seeing where their donation has gone.

Davao City, Philippines“I am baruk. Tuda tuda.I know I WILL enjoy reading, guarding and obeying the  MOST HIGH commands.” Thank you!!!

“Baruk is the Name of the most High Yah, this is my first Bible and I am in love with it. I have tears of Joy over this free gift. Thank you!!!”

philipines 4HalleluYah Scriptures is so special and is so important for believers all over the world. There is no greater Book that has touched and changed lives forever.

“My life will never be the same after receiving this special book. I never felt comfortable with the KJV and now I know why, it had the wrong Names. The HalleluYah Scriptures has bought the Word alive and I love it. Praises to our King!!! Thanks.”



We are preparing another large shipment to the Philippines, as the last shipment that has just arrived is already distributed around the Philippines to believers. The needs there are so urgent and they are so grateful and so thankful and we consider it a great honor to provide for people like this and treasure the gift.

u 79 Philippines photos

There are many smiles all round when brothers and sisters receive freely the best gift in the world. We are also planning a number of other large shipments to other countries, so please support more shipments going out with your prayers and donations if able.


“For as the shamayim are high above the earth, so great is His kindness toward those who reverse Him.” Psalms/Tehillim 103:11

Please pray for the new shipment that is being prepared now for the Philippines. We will be shipping 500 copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures with Name Meanings book, Audio, Cards of Hope and YHWH hand bands that were kindly donated.

The Philippines has been experiencing somewhat of a revival in regards to the Truth and Hebrew roots awareness and are in urgent need of these copies. All this is made possible through the kind donations of brothers and sisters who have a heart for those in need.

Thank you to all those who have not only donated, but also supported this project with their fasting and prayers.


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