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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Middle East & India Receiving HalleluYah Scriptures Freely!!!

by | Mar 4, 2014

Pakistan 2013 1“For Elohim, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts for the enlightening  of the knowledge of the esteem of Elohim in the face of  ha’Mashiaḥ.”
Qorin’tiyim 2 4:6 / 2 Corinthians 4:6

HalleluYah for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. Pakistan is coming alive and are so hungry for the Father and His Son’s Word. It is so urgent and important for these brothers and sisters as there is no way they could afford a copy.

Pakistan 2013 5Pakistan is under huge attack and many are killed daily. There is children being killed and many innocent people. They really need our daily prayers and our love for it is not easy to be a believer in this country.


Pakistan 2013 3The HalleluYah Scriptures has been going into the Middle Eastern countries for a while now and we are excited as we have been getting copies into Turkey, Yisrael and a good number of other countries in this area. The Missionaries that live there have been reaching brothers and sisters with copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures. It has been exciting to see so many being reached all over the world. We do not always get photographs of those who receive freely as they do not have camera’s. Our missions team has put it upon themselves to purchase camera’s and send them freely to the poor so that we can receive pictures as the brothers, sisters and groups love to share their joy in receiving freely. When we receive photographs and messages we are pleased to share them.


The HalleluYah Scriptures is shining so brightly all over the world and touching hearts that have never been touched before by the Father’s Word. This work is so special and each morning we awake fresh to start another day and each day is never the same as there is many in need all over the world and we are finding new believers in towns, cities and countries that we never heard of and it is so exciting to hear about them.

A lovely and special message from a brother.

“Hello just letting you know I received my copy of our Father’s word I love it & now I feel like I’m now getting to know The Father & his only begotten Son. May Yahweh Bless you in your ministry & bringing our Father’s word to the poor.”

Another special message:

“I was in tears when I got a halleluYah scriptures. THANK YOU Father for this book and thank you halleluYah scriptures people. I love it and it is the best book I have ever seen. I promise to love it and look after it.”

Pakistan 2013 1

HalleluYah Scriptures has been sending out many shipments to India. It has been wonderful receiving pictures of brothers and sisters in India who are so excited to receive a copy of the Father’s Word. There is no way that these brothers and sisters can afford to purchase a copy of the Father’s Word.

The poor receive freely because the hearts of those that support this project have provided for them. Like our supporters our heart is for those in need.


Bro Ratnapaul said that he is very prayerful in distributing the bibles to ensure that the bible goes to brethren who will read them and not just put them on shelves. He said : “Even though its giving  freely I was distributing it on one condition  ” who have interest to  read regularly & who will tell the names of Bible books without  looking into bible.” That way I knew they love His Word.
We have worked with this Brother in India for a number of years now and he has been doing a great job in traveling to give out free copies to those who love the Father and His Son’s Names. It is so refreshing to see brothers and sisters like this all over the world who have a heart in taking the time to travel and share the HalleluYah Scriptures. They all comment that those who receive the free gift are so excited and the joy and tears in their eyes are very touching.

Many are coming to truth in India and a number of countries. There seems to be an awakening in many countries for the truth. We are so honoured to be a part of prophecy and in making the Names known and it is a great honour to get copies into the hands of the needy.

India - Vijayand Golla

May the Father and His Son’s Names be praised for all the good that is being done with the HalleluYah Scriptures project. Please take the time to praise them for they have done an amazing thing in providing for the poor and needy through His children that care about the poor. We at HalleluYah Scriptures are mere servants and it is an honor to serve the Father, His Son and you his children.

this one

HalleluYah and thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have helped those in desperate need receive a free copy. Thousands of copies have gone out around the world freely. Most of the standard HalleluYah Scriptures go out freely to the needy.


Those that have helped brothers and sisters receive a free copy have been an answer to much prayer, those that have received have been praying for years for a copy and when they receive the gift they are so thankful and grateful and praise the Father daily for the gift.


The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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