Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Where Are The HalleluYah Scriptures Going?

by | Jul 31, 2012

HalleluYah, in only a year the Father has done amazing things with HalleluYah Scriptures! We receive a tremendous amount of comments describing how believers are so amazed at what has been accomplished in such a short period of time, and we ourselves stand in awe and amazement as we see what He has done, and how He has reached hundreds who have never seen nor owned a copy of His Word and have no means of affording a copy are now receiving His Word for the first time.

Most of us would never know what it is like not to have His Word, but truly there are thousands that go without, and it is the duty of this ministry to do all we can to reach these brothers and sisters and give them a copy. We have witnessed so many who have for the first time received a copy, and who fall to their knees and praise the Father for the gift of His Word; they weep, wail and cry out with so much praise and joy. They receive this gift because the Father has made it happen through those that love Him and who care about other brothers and sisters who need His Word. Be assured that these brothers and sisters praise the Father for your gift and they know the Father will barak you.

There is so much that has happened in just over a year that it would take months for us to write up and put together. We receive emails and letters daily from His people that are so uplifting and exciting. We try and keep everyone updated on the site with information and have added a ‘subscribe’ button to the right-hand side on the front page half-way down. If you add your email address in there, then you will be automatically updated when we add new info to the site.

Much of what we have seen and heard make us weep, and as you look through the HalleluYah Scriptures website you can read and see some of the amazing things that the Father has done, which can only be attributed to His hand over it, halleluYah, He has provided every step of the way! His people in countries we could never dream of reaching are now receiving a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. We and many others have never seen something flourish so fast and in such a short period of time. He will use those who are willing and able to get His Word out, as He hears the cries of those in need of His Word. The Father has led many believers to help in all areas of this project and we all have a role to play in seeing those in need receive His Word.

HalleluYah, the audio is the next step to where He is taking the HalleluYah Scriptures project; indeed this is the greatest works ever done in audio for the Father for His people. The audio dramatization is truly something amazing and we are willing to do this for the Father and those in need of His Word. The CD of the HalleluYah Scriptures dramatization will go to some countries and places easier than the hard copy. It can be disguised and packaged so enemies of the Word will not know. HalleluYah Scriptures is getting into many Muslim countries and we have contacts that we work closely with to smuggle His Word into these countries and this has been going well, halleluYah. If caught, these believers could be tortured or killed for having a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. They are willing to do this for the Father as long as His people are willing to provide the HalleluYah Scriptures. Please pray for these brothers and sisters as they live on a knife’s edge for their belief.

HalleluYah this mighty restoration work of the Father is going forth unto all the earth! Again, in such a very short time, His gift of the HalleluYah Scriptures is reaching His children who are scattered all over the globe. We are so excited and grateful to those who share this vision to restore His Name to His Book and get it into the hands of those who are in need through their continued support in prayer, fasting and donations…halleluYah for the Father’s trustworthy servants! Take a look at some of the places HalleluYah Scriptures are going:

  • Prisoners
  • Prison Libraries
  • Homeless
  • Philippines
  • Russia
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Nepal
  • Ghana
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Pacific Islands
  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Canada
  • China
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • Norway

HalleluYah for such a time as this! His Word is going forth! Please know, copies of these limited HalleluYah Scriptures are going to those who are in desperate need and who truly have no way of donating and to those who donate as they seek to help others as well as themselves. As you can see, the copies of HalleluYah Scriptures are going not only to those in the USA who are in need, but there are 50 other countries with a multitude of believers in need as well whom we receive hundreds of requests from, truly from all over the world… While it is very exciting, it is also heartbreaking at times. We earnestly pray and seek discernment in regard to these requests and how best to distribute responsibly.

Please take a moment and read some of the many comments we receive in praise of the Father for the receiving of His gift the HalleluYah Scriptures:

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If you have not already, we hope you will join us and all of our supporters and helpers in our mission to continue the vision of reaching the Father’s people with His restored Word the HalleluYah Scriptures.

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