Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Reaching Out All Over Africa With His Word – Thank You

by | Sep 6, 2024

We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race put before us…  Iḇrim / Hebrews 12:1 – It is a wonderful joy for us, as a team, to send as many free copies to those who are in such desperate need and have no means of affording. The joy on their faces and the joy they have in their hearts in receiving is so special and it is the best Gift you can give a believer.

We, as a team, truly praise YHWH and His wonderful Son for allowing us to do this special work and to those who donate to make it happen, thank you!  The significance of the work we are engaged in and its profound impact on the lives of countless individuals cannot be overstated, particularly in the current circumstances we find ourselves in. It is during times like these that our resolve is tested, yet it is also when our commitment to our mission grows stronger than ever. We are acutely aware of the immense birekoth bestowed upon us by our Father, who lovingly pours out His goodness and compassion upon us each day. It is this abundance of His birekoth that empowers us to continue sharing His favor with others, even amidst uncertainty and adversity.


We only share less a very small handful of photos for you to praise the Father. We try and share more as time allows.

HalleluYah for Nigeria, and when we share about Nigeria, it also includes surrounding countries, as this group send and give out free copies to thousands around them. The work being done in this country and surrounding countries is amazing and can only be the hand of the Most High. He has been amazing and wonderful and so full of kindness towards His people, we praise Him daily for what He has done through His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures.
Your eagerness to join us in our efforts to support those in need fills our hearts with gratitude and appreciation. It is a covenant to the spirit of compassion and generosity that resides within each of you. By entrusting us with the opportunity to be the conduit through which you extend the birekoth of YHWH to those who lack the privileges and freedoms we often take for granted, you exemplify the essence of selflessness and love for our neighbors.
A warm greeting to you too. I am so happy to receive your response. Thank you so much for the blessing. May YHWH Elohim continue to bless your ministry. (Free Copy Sent)

But the Aḏon stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the preaching might be completely accomplished, and that all the gentiles should hear. And I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth.  Timotiyos 2 / 2 Timothy 4:17

Working closely with these individuals and communities has provided us with a firsthand glimpse into the challenges they face on a daily basis. From the struggles to get His Word the isolation experienced by believers, we have witnessed the depth of their suffering and hardship. Yet, amidst these trials, we have also witnessed incredible resilience, courage, and trust.

We know we keep sharing the same things as, there is no greater joy than seeing His people all over the world receive His wonderful Word bringing such a peace and joy into one’s life, really making a huge difference, but this is the joy we try and share with you.

Looking ahead, our commitment to serving the Father’s people and the truly poor and needy remains unwavering. We recognize that our work is far from finished, and there are still countless individuals and communities in need of our support. However, with the love of the Most High and the continued dedication of our team and supporters, we remain steadfast in our mission to bring trust, healing, and restoration to all who are in need.

Those that receive are so very thankful to the believer that donated for their copy and praise the Father for that person. Our aim is to get His Word – the HalleluYah Scriptures – into every town and city in Africa and the Most High has already been able to reach tens of thousands in Africa through this Project.

The profound truth embedded in His Word, that the Father loves us unconditionally, serves as a source of comfort and assurance, enveloping us in His shalom—the peace that surpasses all understanding. Yet, for many who struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis, grasping this precious truth can be an immense challenge. In numerous regions across the world, where large segments of the population live below the poverty line, the plight of the fatherless and widows is particularly dire. Among those who are deprived of even the most basic necessities for survival, there exists a profound lack of expectancy for the future.

“For then I shall turn unto the peoples clean lip, so that all call with on the Name of YHWH, to serve Him with one shoulder.” Tsephanyah/Zephania 3:9

Thank you so much for offering this, is almost impossible to find true pronouncing of their names. Also thank you for offer it for free like how the word is suppose to be. May Yah bless you and yours. I want to thank Yahweh for blessing me with guidance to find your site.

“But the helper, the Ruaḥ ha’Qodesh, whom the Father shall send in My Name, He shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you.”  Yoḥanan / John 14:26

Reaching those in Africa has been very important to this Project and team, as there has been thousands upon thousands who have been waiting all their lives for just one copy of His Restored Names Word to share with their family and also to take to show others the Names and Truth in their area.

It is much easier to witness when you have an accurate Bible in your hands. The groups we work with have a wonderful gathering so that they can share about the HalleluYah Scriptures, as they have never seen anything like this before and it is such a very special and exciting time to be had by all. HalleluYah!

It is always lovely to see His people come together to read, even in tin sheds or out in the openness of the fields. So very refreshing.

Thank you so much for providing these Bible for FREE for those who desire to have it but can’t afford it. May Almighty bless you abundantly and continue to use this ministry mightily to advance His Kingdom in Messiah’s Name! Amen! Thank you and Almighty bless you abundantly!

“For whoever desires to save his life shall lost it, but whoever loses his life for the sake of Me and the Good News, he shall save it.”  Marqos / Mark 8:35

HalleluYah Scriptures is being spread all over the world into many countries and places that have never seen nor heard of a Restored Names Bible. Many hearts and lives have been changed daily for ever because of the love the Father and His Son have for Their people through you who have donated to help the very poor and needy in this world.

Among these individuals and families, uncertainty and helplessness loom large, as they navigate unfamiliar territories and grapple with the challenges of displacement. In their moments of despair, we serve as a beacon of trust, offering unity and assistance to those who may feel abandoned and alone. Through simple acts of kindness performed in the Father YHWH’s Name, we seek to remind them that they are not forgotten, and that there is a Father who loves and cares for them unconditionally.

Those that have donated to make this happen have heard the cries of the people through the Ruaḥ and they also have come running to help, and that is why tens of thousands all over the world have now received the best gift they can ever own. Our prayers are that the Most High will baraḵ (bless) you and keep you and show favor to you all.

When confronted with such pressing needs, we are compelled by our trust to extend a helping hand, as we are commanded to do. In fulfilling this duty and it is an honor to do so for the Father.

“Let the Word of Mashiah dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing with pleasure in your hearts to the Adon in tehillim and songs of praise and spiritual songs.” Qolasim/Colossians 3:16

Shalom Family, First and foremost I would like to give all the glory and honor to the Father in Shemayim. I would like to say todah for your kindness and generosity towards me, you have given with a joyful heart, the word of the Most High.Todah is not enough. These books will definitely and obviously be put to use in the best hands possible. May the Most High Yah send and keep shalom on you all. Todah raba!

But the Aḏon stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the preaching might be completely accomplished, and that all the gentiles should hear. And I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth. Timotiyos 2 / 2 Timothy 4:17

South Africa

HalleluYah for South Africa and the surrounding countries, what a great honor in helping our brothers and sisters in this country and surrounding countries to receive His Word freely.

A lot of work goes into organizing, preparing and packing each large shipment that are sent by boat to different countries and there is always a huge amount of paperwork with many hundreds of emails from shipping companies, customs agents, warehouses and then further customs and then the transport companies picking up and delivering the shipments in trucks.

Hi I just want to say that what you guys are doing is truly awesome it’s heartwarming to know that people out there still want to live for the Father and bring glory to his name. Thank you for being kind enough to offer this for free to the less fortunate it’s truly humbling and encouraging.

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Yisra’ěl. And you shall hear a word from My mouth, and shall warm them from Me.” Yeḥezqěl / Ezekiel 3:17–19

Please pray for our postal agent family that has dedicated their lives to this Project. Around 8 years ago, they took on this task and have never turned back from the plough, working full time and hours each day packing and shipping His Word without delay, we receive very little messages complaints about parcels not received. The family has made it their mission to get His Word out as fast as possible to those with hands that are waiting and is not always an easy task, but one that needs to be done, and many have commented on how one small family can do all this work. They confess it is not just us, it is the Ruaḥ that does a lot of the work.

Greetings, I am thankful to YHWH and His Son for leading me to your site through a brother who has helped me in my quest for knowledge about YHWH’S kingdom that I may not perish. I see the work you are doing and I pray in Messiah’s Name that YHWH may bless you for all of it.

“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My Name is great among nations. And in every place incense is presented to My Name, and a clean offering. For My Name is great among nations…” Mal’aḵi / Malachi 1:11

They consider it a very great honor in working for the Most High, and it is a great honor in being caretakers of His Word and even more so in these last days.

Truly, the manpower and of course the strength and protection come from YHWH and His Wonderful Son, without whom nothing would be possible. We stand in awe and praise His wonderful Name for all He has done, for we, like you, are just lowly, willing servants and what a great honor to be able to do this important work and also to be able to work on many projects that are the very first and only ones of their kind. All praise, honor and esteem to YHWH.

HalleluYah for your prayers and fasting for this Project and for His people. We are not alone, as these are our true brothers and sisters and as Yahshua said, “Who are my mother, brothers and sisters?” Those obeying the Father, these are our brothers and sisters!

Comments from all over the world. All Praise and Esteem to the Most High.

Shalom. I’d just like to thank you for your work in making a really good version. I enjoy using my halleluYah scriptures and it teach me more as I go along. The pronunciation chart in the beginning of the book is very helpful to me in learning how to pronounce Hebrew words. I also like in acts 11:26, it has the correct word Mashiahiyim, so you can see the disciples in Antioch was not called Christians, as other translations but the word really mean messianic, not Christian. This translation is the best I ever had. Thank you.

I am so Grateful that I have received and already have a copy of restored Paleo Hebrew names. The HS Bible will help me to grow my faith in the Almighty YHWH and his Savior Son Yahushua. AMEN. Thank You ! HalleluYAH !!

Thank you all for this mission and thank you to the Father for leading me here. I pray His hand is always on your project, guiding, blessing, and protecting you all.

It is wonderful to learn about your work and efforts to spread the truth that leads to a proper relationship with YAHUAH. I hope this HalleluYah Scriptures will help me understand better how to praise and obey the commands of YHWH. Thanks again and may YHWHcontinue to bless your work.

I am so happy to be able to have this bible for studying and for my spiritual growth. Praying for this MINISTRY and the works you do. HalleluYAH!

We have been blessed and uplifted by the change in understanding of bible by the first copies you sent us. Yah ricchly barak you for the great works you are doing. I will be grateful if my request can receive a positive response. Thank you.

“Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it shines to all those in the house. Let your light so shine before men, so that they see your good works and praise your Father who is in the shamayim.” Mattithyahu /Matthew 5:15–16

HalleluYah there is power in His Name and in His Word, and this is the most important thing we can have in our hands. It instructs us and guides us in our walk with Him and without it in our lives it makes this walk much harder. 

HalleluYah for the old and young in this world receiving His Word freely. We have enjoyed helping believers all over the world. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has also helped thousands of prisoners all over the world and it has been an honor in helping them, receiving hundreds of letters from prisons with our Sister on the team working with them for near 10 years now who enjoys writing to them and encouraging them. Prisoners are so important to us and we know to you as well. Thank you to those that donate to help the prisoners.

We just wanted to thank you for our free copy of HalleluYah Scriptures, through….We were impressed with the notes and layout. We are so thankful and wanted to give thanks to you and YAH for helping us. YAH bless and keep you.

“For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Běn, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but possess everlasting ḥai. For Elohm did not send His Běn into the world to judge the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” Yoḥanan / John 3:16-17

Praises to the Most High YHWH and His Wonderful Son who have provided through believers all over the world. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has been able to send thousands upon thousands of free copies to brothers, sisters and groups in India. We have enjoyed working with a number of brothers and groups in India where the Name of the Father and His Son has grown in awareness, and it has been wonderful to witness. Those coming to Truth and those who have been waiting for many years have been receiving freely and so many are rejoicing and praising the Most High YHWH who deserves all the praise, honor and esteem.

I’m very happy to have received my copy. Its a great blessing. (Free Copy Sent)

Then He said to His talmidim, “The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few. Pray then that the Aḏon of the harvest would sent out workers to His harvest.” Mattithyahu /Matthew 9:37–38

Thank you for providing the word of Yah for the less fortunate and that this organization keeps getting blessed for you can continue to help people. (Free Copy Sent)

“But I do not count my life of any value to me, so that I might accomplish my mission with joy, and the service which I received from the Master Yahushua, to bear witness to the Good News of the favour of Elohim.” Ma’asěh / Acts 20:24

The articles take a lot of time to put together, so we only get to share a tiny amount of photos but many in these groups are receiving freely His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures.

Feeding Programs – Orphans & Widows – Please help them if you can.

HalleluYah and a special thank you to those that support the HalleluYah Scriptures orphans, widows and poor programs. Your donations have helped numerous needy believers receive basic needs like food, clothing and hygiene. These brothers and sisters are from India. 

In sharing the favor and birekoth we have received from our Father, we seek to extend His love and compassion to those who are in need. It is our fervent trust that through our actions, others may find solace and comfort in His Qodesh Word, just as we have. By spreading the message of His love and love, we aspire to inspire trust and bring about positive change in the lives of those we serve.

Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to serving others, drawing strength from the abundant birekoth bestowed upon us by our Father. As we continue to share His favor with others, may His Qodesh Word serve as a source of comfort and inspiration, guiding us on our journey and instilling in us a sense of expectancy for the future.

We want to take the time to say a very special thank you to all our supporters who have stood by us in the hard times and the good times. Your prayers, fasting and donations have made this possible. We pray for you daily and ask the Father to show you favor, as you have shown many of His people much favor.

HalleluYah and thank you,

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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