Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Sharing His Word To Many Believers & Countries

by | Aug 23, 2023

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Master and not to men, knowing that from the Master you shall receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Master, Mashiaḥ, you serve.” Qolasim / Colossians 3:23-24. Praises to the Most High, our Creator who provides every breath we take.  We have seen His love and goodness toward those who are suffering and have seen such miracles through those of you who help the poor.  You have helped thousands upon thousands to receive His Word freely and you have been an answer to so much prayer, HalleluYah. The Project assists hundreds of thousands in the western world as well, but sadly, those in the western world do not send pictures in most cases, even though we ask them to, as we love to share as many pictures as possible. Pictures from prisoners are incredibly rare, as in most cases it is not allowed, even though the Project has sent out hundreds of thousands of free materials for prisoners. The Project only shares around 1% of the work being done, as hundreds of thousands of materials have gone out and we do not receive photos of sharing. We try and share as much as we can as time allows.

His Word is necessary for instruction, guidance, and teaching, and there is no better Teacher than our Savior. Scripture tells us there is only One Teacher, YHWH guides us and teaches us in the Word through the Ruach (1Jn 2:27). It is very hard to live and walk this path of Truth without His Word, and that is why our burden, and our heart is to get His Word into as many hands as possible – to those who can’t afford, supported by those who can, for His Word is more important than anything in this world and is the greatest Treasure a believer can own! Time is racing by fast, and we really need to reach as many as we can all over the world.


The Project has been working in India for the past 13 years and has been able to send tens of thousands of free materials over the years directly from different printers to India so that Brothers and Sisters can have His Word in their hands. We have so enjoyed sharing His Word in India and the postal agents in India have been able to do a lot of work spreading free materials all over the country.

“So excited!! I just received my package today and am beyond words!! Praise YAH! So grateful for the work you have done! I love everything and can’t wait to dive into the WORD even more! 🤗”

There has been a wonderful awareness of Truth rising in India over the years, and there has been a wonderful change in many lives. There is a lot of work for the Project in this country, as we not only help those in need of His Word, but the Project does a lot of work with orphans, widows, lepers and the extremely poor and truly needy. We have become very close to those who do wonderful work in this country.

The Project has distributed hundreds of thousands of free Bibles and materials to believers all over the world for many years, and our focus has always been on those who cannot afford, like prisoners, the homeless, those in 3rd world countries, and those who just cannot afford or are new to Truth. It has been an honor to help in this way.

“Someone who I met at the shelter has the bible and told me about H.S. I looked at it and was very intrigued with what I saw. Be positive and trust the Father because he really cares about you.”

The Project deals with thousands of emails a week and we try and do the best we can and help as many as we can all over the world. The HalleluYah Scriptures main team may be small, but the Father does an incredible, huge work through your hands and ours. We try and share as many pictures and messages as possible with you through articles and videos.


Madagascar has always been a special place for us, as it was the Father that led us to this country through an unplanned meeting Israel. Around 7 years ago we connected with this country, and it was the hand of the Most High, HalleluYah.

From that one incident this country has grown in love towards the Father and His Truth. A special thank you to all those that made the trip to Israel possible.

They had not heard that the Father and His Son had Names and much of the Truth in His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, was never known by them. When copies of HalleluYah Scriptures and materials were given freely, they were overwhelmed and speechless at this Truth, as they just could not believe that they were so deceived over the years. They were very shocked and in tears when we offered the free materials.

May we all keep them in our prayers as this country grows in Truth.


Praises to the Most High for Nigeria. We have been working in this country for 13 years and have so enjoyed working with brothers and sisters in Truth in this country. The postal agent family/fellowship have been so wonderful to work with, and nothing is too much for them.

They have sent out thousands upon thousands of free materials over the years with no issues, problems or demands, and most importantly, have done this work for the Most High, and done it with gladness and joy. We have found them to be such conscientious servants for the Father.  

We have always thought kindly on this country, as many are seeking Truth and coming to the knowledge in His Word. They are very grateful and thankful and have consistently sent pictures and comments from those receiving freely. They have such a respect for the Father and His Word and are very prayerful over each copy they share. They have always fulfilled orders for thousands of copies over the years and done it with pleasure.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Master and not to men, knowing that from the Master you shall receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Master, Mashiaḥ, you serve. Qolasim / Colossians 3:23-24

We know that they keep us all in their prayers and are so thankful to you, the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. You have touched their hearts so deeply, and again, many lives have been changed over the years forever, because of the love you have shown towards them all. They ask us to thank you for your kindness and love towards them.

We give back all the esteem back to our Father YHWH and his Ben Yahshua Ha Machiack. Shalom Aleichem. Brother Edward

“See, Ĕl is my deliverance, I trust and am not afraid. For Yah, YHWH, is my strength and my song; and He has become my deliverance.” Yeshayahu / Isaiah 12:2


Praises to the Most High for this wonderful country filled with those that love Him and His Word. We have worked in this country almost from the beginning of the Project for 13 years now and the postal agent has been an incredible help to those in need. 

The Project has been sending out free copies to many and most countries in desperate need – those who have never seen His Word or even the Names in print. The Project is getting copies into places that we have never heard of and the joy that is expressed is priceless. The enthusiasm and gladness witnessed is truly so wonderful and the Father receives so much praise because of you all.

It is their heartfelt prayers that have been answered. HalleluYah!!!

For years this brother has taken the HalleluYah Scriptures by bicycle to many places/believers, he started this in 2013. The Project was able to buy him a bike to use to get food for the poor and take the HalleluYah Scriptures to those that made orders. He would ride for hours and hours to get the Father’s Word out. We purchased another bike last year to help him get more copies out and also help the poor and needy.

Let us all say a huge HalleluYah for our brothers and sisters in Namibia. It is such a great honor to serve with His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, as there is nothing more important after our salvation than His Word, for it is our Instruction Book for this life. We praise the Father for giving us His Son and His Word.

“See, Ĕl is my deliverance, I trust and am not afraid. For Yah, YHWH, is my strength and my song; and He has become my deliverance.” Yeshayahu / Isaiah 12:2


Praises to the Most High for believers in the Philippines! This country is very close to our hearts, as the Filipino people have a deep love for the Father and His Truth and we have felt it a great honor in helping tens of thousands of brothers and sisters in this country, who have a wonderful passion to serve. A number of those the Project has helped in this country travel to the mountains, which are quite remote, where the truly poor live, to take His Word and share His Truth.

We love to work with the Filipino people as they are so loving and kind. Three of our main team who have been with the Project full-time – for 11 to 13 years – come from the Philippines. They have worked full-time for all these years, and they work hard giving all they have to serve.

Two of them have forsaken everything in their lives including marriage and children, as they feel to serve with His Word is more important than anything else, and to be hand-chosen by the Father to serve in this way is just a huge honor, and so important.  They take their work very seriously and serve with all their hearts and beings. They are examples of what our Savior requires of us. We fast a day a week and pray daily for you all, and mean this, as prayer is important.

All those we work with in the Philippines are such a joy, so loving, kind and very giving of their time in seeking out the lost sheep.

No trial has overtaken you except such as is common to man, and Elohim is trustworthy, who shall not allow you to be tried beyond what you are able, but with the trial shall also make the way of escape, enabling you to bear it. Qorin’tiyim 1 / 1 Corinthians 10:13

We, as a team, also consider it a great honor to serve with them. They are beautiful sisters with genuine passion, so please keep them in your daily prayers. The main team have forsaken their lives also, as we have no time for anything in our lives with the work taking all our time each day. We all live a simple, basic life and want for nothing but to get His Word out to those in need and help orphans, widows and the truly poor in this world.

We have wept many tears over this Project and have seen the Father’s hand over so many situations, and it is because of believers all over the world that has made it happen; believers like you who have a big heart to help those lesser off than yourselves. Those that receive your free Gift rejoice and praise His Name for you. They are truly thankful and so very grateful.

“Wow, YHWH would be proud. What a work of art. Thank you. I pray for continued success of this ministry! I long to understand and connect with YHWH and His message in as close to its original delivery as possible. Thank you!! Love and support this ministry! We must preserve the Qodesh Word of YHWH”.


What a great country! The work that is being done here has been incredible, as we have been able to send hundreds of thousands of free materials into this country for the Father’s children and for those seeking Truth. South Africa has a special place in our hearts. The HalleluYah Scriptures is very close to believers in this country and the HalleluYah Scriptures has a special place in their hearts for this country.

The Father is using others to spread your ministry because that is how I found you. I was so encouraged to hear that there is a Bible with true names included so that I can learn and honor the Father best.

We have come to know many wonderful believers in South Africa who have worked hard to spread and share His Word, for they understand that the Father owns His Word, for He is the Author and Finisher of His Word, and no one but He owns His Word. The Father would love that all who call on His Name receive a free copy if they cannot afford, and we know those the Project helps in 3rd world countries truly cannot afford a copy let alone the postage to receive it.

The Project sends box-loads to groups/fellowships and believers who are reaching out to believers who cannot afford and have no means of affording. This brother above takes pride and joy in sharing the Father’s Word, the HallelluYah Scriptures.

It is so wonderful to receive pictures and comments from those that receive freely. They have so much joy and are encouraged to go and share the Father’s Truth with all those around them in their respective countries.

They have not seen such a wonderful Bible, that is the closest to the Hebrew than any other Bible, and done according to Scriptures, so that the Father receives all the praise, and not man. They had not seen the Father and His Son’s Names in original form before. We have had many stories shared with us how brothers and sisters in 3rd world countries will walk for days to come to see or share the HalleluYah Scriptures, so they see it as a great Treasure and that the Father’s Name is on the cover.

“But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these shall be added to you.” Mattithyahu / Matthew 6:33


HalleluYah for Kenya, Africa. We love to work and serve in Kenya, as there are huge numbers of believers in this country. The postal agent in Kenya has been a very long-standing supporter who started 13 years ago with the Project and has worked tirelessly to visit groups who order the HalleluYah Scriptures.
She has spent countless hours, days, weeks and months to reach those who are in need of His Word. Over the years she has even travelled to many surrounding countries to take stock and share how special the HalleluYah Scriptures is. This special sister is in her 80’s and she is still going strong!

We praise YHWH for you, our supporters, as your heart is so very special, and it is a great honor in coming to know so many of you over the years. We truly are very touched by your kindness toward others as it really takes a special person to have a big heart to give and help others in desperate need. Sadly, there are very few in this world who really care.

Pushing, pushing me to fall, but YHWH helped me. Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance. Tehillim / Psalm 118:13-14

It truly is a team effort to do this work with you all, as we are all in this together. We, as a team, could not have achieved so much without you and it has amazed us greatly over the years how much work has been done by believers all over the world.

The Project works in many countries with many believers who have been with the Project for up to 14 years. They have been wonderful to work with and deal with, putting the Father and His Word first, and themselves last. Here are some brothers and sisters from Barbados, Ghana and Zambia just to name a few. We will, and have shared, pictures from many countries and will continue to do so as time allows.

Those you help truly praise the Father for you, for it would not have been possible without your prayers, fasting, donations and encouragement. We have seen the Father stand up and battle for His Word for years and when it belongs to Him, He will go to battle. Each battle the Project has faced, the Father has won every single one. He has given the team such peace and joy that can only be given by Him.

The enemy has tried all he could to destroy the Father’s Word from the beginning of time and uses those who are willing to be used to do the wicked work.  Attacking and coming up against the Father’s Word is not a wise thing, as it belongs to Him, and if we know Scripture, we will know that not one person won when they fought against the Father. All praise to YHWH!

We know the days are getting shorter and that we are in the last days where everyone will be tested. We are praying and preparing for these days, as we want to be led by Him, with wisdom, in what to do with His Word. We have put many measures in place and that is why we are sending 130K of materials to many countries, so that they have His Word on hand to share with those seeking Truth and asking questions, as there will be many questions in those days.

We want to continue to help those in need, but we know a night is coming when no man will be able to work so openly (John 9:4), but we know the Father will do the work with His messengers and those who have stored up His Word.

But the Master stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the preaching might be completely accomplished, and that all the gentiles should hear. And I was rescued out the lion’s mouth. Timotiyos 2 / 2 Timothy 4:17

What you have done, is left a legacy of love, and your reward is with the Father, and we know He will reward you for all you have done for His Word.

Kindly check out the comments page so you can see the most wonderful comments from all over the world from many you have helped. They thank you for this Project and are very grateful. Kindly keep updated with the articles and videos on the website.
HalleluYah for the widow programs the project has helped with you, His people. We have added these pictures on the website under the orphan, widows & the poor page. We will be updating those pages as time allows.
The widows are very thankful and grateful for the help with food and their basic needs. It takes a special person to help those who are truly poor and needy.
This is what this project is all about. We pray you enjoy seeing the pictures and what you have done for the Father and His people. They are not just given food but they taught the Truth in His Word. This is what is so important. HalleluYah.
May the Most High show you favor always,
The Halleluyah Scriptures Team.

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