Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Working With Prisoners & Prisons & Widows HalleluYah

by | Aug 29, 2023

“And be kind towards one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as YHWH also forgave you in Mashiaḥ.” Eph’siyim / Ephesians 4:32. We pray you are all well the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. We are excited to share and give you an update on the work done with prisoners and chaplains. The work with prisoners has increased so much that a good number of chaplains are now contacting us directly, even more now than ever, to request boxes of free HalleluYah Scriptures, as hundreds of prisoners are requesting them through their chaplains. We are so excited to get even more orders and requests through many ministries, with some we have worked with for over 12 years.

The following video is of a group we have worked with for 8 years and it has been a great honor in working with them. We cried when we watched this video, as it touched our hearts so deeply. The love they have for the Father’s Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, is shown clearly in this video. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has helped a huge number of prisoners in the prison these brothers work in. Pictures are so important, and we consider it good stewardship as stated in our Vow page.
Pictures give so much praise and esteem to the Father who deserves it all. The project receives 10K+ visitors a day, they come to find comfort and joy and they give so much praise to the Father which is important to us as a team.
There is no other Free Restored Names Bible and has never been one since the first printing of the Bible. The HalleluYah Scriptures is the most popular Bible for prisoners and those in need, they know how special it is and that it is the closest to the Hebrew than any other edition and most importantly has the only One True Author’s Name on the cover and inside. All praise to the Most High.
We want to share as example of is accomplished within a week when pertaining to prison orders, both inmates and chaplains from the projects warehouse. This is only a small number of photos compared to the work done daily for prisoners in the USA. A large number of boxes are going out weekly, these have increased. The other pictures are from a prison ministry that send out HalleluYah Scriptures as well. There is a number of helpers doing this work. HalleluYah

We have a lovely couple in Wales that are volunteers that have done a great job contacting prison chaplains in the USA and UK, spending many hours weekly.
Prisoners have always been important in this ministry, and we have been honored in serving prisoners through the mail, through families, through chaplains, and through ministries that work with prisoners and through those who have a heart after helping prisoners. It has been a wonderful journey walking this path in trying to help as many as we can, all over the world.
The Project works in nearly every country of the world and tries to spread out His Word to many who cannot afford nor have any means of affording and who do not have a Restored Names Bible. It has been a pleasure and an honor to help thousands upon thousands of prisoners.
The Project works in nearly every country of the world and tries to spread out His Word to many who cannot afford nor have any means of affording and who do not have a Restored Names Bible. It has been a pleasure and an honor to help thousands upon thousands of prisoners.
The Project received thousands of letters from many prisoners with the most heartfelt, deep messages shared from their hearts, and we have shed many tears over the years, reading the most painful messages. With these heartfelt, sad messages written from the heart, they end up with wonderful news, as they all share that they may not have come to the Truth if they had not been sent to prison.
We have been able to build wonderful relationships over the years with many prisoners and families and keep in touch with many, having come out of prison stronger.
We have worked with tens of thousands of prisoners through this ministry and through many other ministries that deal with prisoners. We have enjoyed and do enjoy helping prisoners and have sent pallets of free stock to prison ministries so they can send out free copies to their contacts.

It has been a wonderful journey helping prisoners receive His Word, for His Word gives comfort, joy, and a peace we cannot get from this world. We have tried to do the best we can with the hours given each day, to help as many as we can, all over the world. The Project sends in many other books as well.

We have had many messages from brothers and sisters in the Philippines, Middle East, Australia, and Dubai where HalleluYah Scriptures have been shared and loved by prisoners all over the world. The HalleluYah Scriptures project has and still does send thousands upon thousands of free copies to prisoners through many avenues.
It has not always been easy doing this work, helping not just prisoners, but those in need, as the enemy hates the Father’s Word and will try all he can to stop or destroy the Father’s Word. But neither man nor the adversary can fight against the Most High, for they will always lose, for He will always protect those that are His, and He has always protected and provided for His Word through you, His children.

Sadly, the Savior’s good works were credited to Satan and He said, “If they hated me, they would hate you,”  so we just lay all these things at the Father’s feet as He fights the battle. We are fully aware that His Word will be outlawed under hate speech and banned, as it has been in many countries, but this has not stopped the Father.

We know there is a time coming soon when we will not have an option as control is coming over the internet and banks, that believers will need to walk away, but until that time, we will keep going… If there is breathe in our lungs we will continue for the Father and you, His children.

We love to help and serve those this way: to work in Truth which includes prisoners, as the Savior instructed us in His Word to help our brothers and sisters, so prisoners are important to the Project and team, and we try and get as many free copies out to them as possible. The team also prays over each parcel before sending and this has helped, as we do not get returns.
The Project receives thousands of requests through the mail and email, as those working in the prisons contact us for free stock, so we do our best to help, and we are more than pleased to help whenever possible. We truly try the best we can with the small team, and the Project is working with believers in most countries of the world and these volunteers also work freely for the Father and His Word, as they love to serve the Father and you His people. They too consider it a great honor and are so thankful to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters for allowing them to serve in this way, as we all do as well.
It takes a lot of prayer, passion, and dedication to work with prisoner’s mail and requests and it is really a full-time job to dedicate the time to sitting and reading for hours each day. Our dear Sister that retired a couple of years ago, who has been with us since 2012, was so dedicated to this work and worked with many prisoners and ministries. She has the kindest heart and was so gentle and filled with so much love, and would write to most of those who needed a reply. Her dedication was from the heart, as she had a big heart for prisoners. The Father has been good and has put a small number of believers to read the mail and arrange to send free materials.
We are working very hard to contact many prison chaplains to get as much stock spread about many prisons and feel an urgency to do as much as we can in this area while the law allows.
The HalleluYah Scriptures has sent tens of thousands of free copies to many prison ministries and groups worldwide who take them into prison or send them through their own ministry. We are very close to many of these ministries who know the work the HalleluYah Scriptures Project has done over the years and have considered it a great honor to receive such materials.

This work would have been impossible to do without your support – this we are forever grateful and thankful. We truly could not have done so much in a short period of time if it was not for you, His people.
We need your prayer more than ever, as the enemy knows his time is short and is doing all he can to destroy the Father’s Word. He battles hard each day, and the prayers and fasting for the Father’s Word and team have been effectual, and we have such a peace and joy and serve with gladness in our hearts, for we know the days are number for those that walk the path of Truth.
We do feel we are racing against time, which is why we have dedicated our lives to this work, and want for nothing, asking nothing for ourselves, as we live a basic life. We have no time for anything else in our lives, as we are dedicated to the Father and His Word and have no love and need for anything else. We are so very thankful to you for letting us serve the Father and you, His people.
The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has seen many special and amazing miracles when pertaining to prisoners. The thousands of letters we have received over the years have made us weep, and we have cried with many prisoners and their families over the stories of their lives of which some have been quite painful. It has not been easy, as you are dealing with people’s lives, and in many cases, some have had very sad lives.

This urgent work is so important for His people. Having His Love Letter in one’s life is very important, as it has all the answers, and gives comfort and joy. It is the most important Book in one’s life and it is from the Father and not man’s words or opinions. His Word is what we all need in our lives and for the coming years, which will be so hard for most of us who want to follow Truth.
We feel it is so urgent and important to get as much stock out around the world as possible. We have 70 pallets being shipped out around the world and are working as fast as possible to move boxes/stock/copies out to groups/fellowship and believers in these countries.
HalleluYah, we have been given some very good contacts in a number of countries in Africa, and are so excited to be able to provide free materials to many more groups and fellowships. We know the enemy is so very angry with this Project and small team, but we keep our heads down, for the Father is the one that does the battling.
We love working with Prisoners and those in 3rd world countries, as they are so very grateful and thankful and are never demanding or abusive. They are so patient and willing to share their copy with those in their family and extended family and anyone else that is around them.
Believers in 3rd world countries love to share their pictures of joy and surprise and this is where the Project gets most of their photographs, as most in the Western world that get free copies don’t follow through by sharing their pictures.
We love to share the work the Project does with His Word all over the world and try and share through newsletters, articles, and videos. It is a joy to share the work the Project does with you, the Father’s supporters.
We ask you to pray for believers behind bars: those that are in prison. Pray for their strength and walk, as it is not easy to be a believer in prison.
We just want to take the time to say a special THANK YOU to all those that support this wonderful and special work with His Word, that belongs to Him, as He is the author and finisher of His Word.
Please, could you keep the Project, team, and those we help around the world in your daily prayers, to continue to do this work daily, as the small team work 6 days a week and 12 to 16 hours a day, as the workload is heavy and so much needs to be done.
Let us keep strong together, standing in agreement, asking for protection daily over His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures. We want to share with you that the website has hit close to 12 thousand people a day coming through, all coming to see the wonders of what the Father has done! People from all over the world find comfort and joy in the videos and articles.
Here is a wonderful letter from a Sister that has been doing prisoners mail and parcels for many years. She wants to share the work she does for the Father and His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures for prisoners. Nothing is too hard for her, and she deals with a huge amount of mail and parcels and has for many years. 

Where in the course of time, can one experience knowledge of another soul’s journey in connection with an awakening to a Great Hope, a Great Comfort and a Great Gift is given by One Creator to those who are destitute.

I am a witness of this through the Work of Elohim in a population that one might not consider very often in the routine of their daily life.
Those who are imprisoned, many for unlawfulness and paying for their past sins, and many who were innocent of transgressions of law and imprisoned to serve for a crime they did not commit.

I came upon the ministry for the prisoners after my Mother went Home – to her Eternal Home.

My Mother who taught me the Love of Elohim from a child. Her love for me was unconditional as mine for her, and our great love for Abba made us One with Him.

This became a beautiful experience which was an exercise in His Love through her sickness and His Ever Presence in our time of need.
I was steadfast in my heart for Elohim and desired to do good work for Him after Mom’s departure.

I was led to HalleluYah Scriptures – finding dear brothers and sisters of belief, and one beautiful sister who led me to the prisoner ministry.
After becoming familiar with the inmate’s stories and needs, I realized the calling of Abba as His Word tells us to “remember the prisoners as if chained with them and those being mistreated” and the beautiful passage that teaches us:
“And it shall be in the last days, says YHWH, that I shall pour out of My Ruach’ on all flesh”.

HalleluYah for a time such as this – for there is a great need and a crying out for Abba in these places of imprisonment.
Behind those prison walls came words of such joy, gratitude, and a place of comfort for them that could not be attained anywhere else through the free gift of HalleluYah Scriptures.

I do not exaggerate when I speak of the great need that was provided to a select group of YHWH’s calling – through His priceless and precious
Word in a place of great darkness, gloom, and violence for many in their everyday existence.

This is without a doubt an anointed work through YHWH in HalleluYah Scriptures as here is just a small amount of mail and orders that have been done by myself through this Ministry for many years. I read every letter that I receive, and I can say I have received hundreds of letters from prisoners that have made me weep:

“When I received the copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, I opened it and read it, I walk with it daily and I hug and kiss it!”
“I now have peace as the HalleluYah Scriptures make me relax as I read YHWH’s Word the way it was meant to be”.

“I have a work and love for the inmates with me in my heart as most are castaways and forgotten, unseen and numbered walking dead, on death row without Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding as I am working amongst them sharing the True Names to those who will listen”. I have replied to hundreds of letters from prisoners over the  year and what an honor it has been.

“One day when I cross the river and I meet you when we go Home, I am going to give you a great big hug and thank you face to face for serving the King of Kings. I thank you and love you” all at HalleluYah Scriptures, my brothers, and sisters who I have worked with for over 7 years, working with prisoners’ mail and orders.

The Father then wrote a prayer for HalleluYah Scriptures team and the supporters which was absolutely beautiful. You will hear it when you go to be with Him.

Judge for yourselves dear believers, this is from my heart that has been enlightened and full of love for the Father. See the mail and copies that have gone out to prisoners. This is only a small amount of the work that is being done.

This has been an amazing ministry for YHWH through HalleluYah Scriptures and I have seen it daily and worked with it daily. The team I love dearly as they are my family and I have worked closely with them for all these years.
– HalleluYah indeed!
I am humbled and honored to serve in this way. Thank you Abba Father.

We are sharing just a tiny number of comments we received from prisoners when they received a free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. We pray they touch your heart deeply as they do ours.

I just saw the bible you sent out and was blown away by it! I wish one day to be free to help the poor, afflicted, sick and forgotten. Bless you all, here from Texas -Matthew 25:31-46 “I was in prison and you came to me”. Blessings and love, Brandon

Thanks be to your ministries and for your fellowship and supporting the Truth, The Light, and The Life!
James T

May YHWH continue to bless the work that you are doing and bless each and every one of you individually. Thank you and Yah bless you! Ruben R

I am a Messianic believer in Yahushua our Messiah. A fellow brother of mine introduced me to HalleluYah Scriptures, this is a wonderful gift to further strengthen my most qodesh faith and walk with our Great Creator YHWH, thank you for your help and may YHWH continue to richly bless you all in His Service. Terry

Though incarcerated, I have found a relationship with our Creator. Some brothers have taken me under their wing – they showed me the scriptures that they study – The HalleluYah Scriptures, thank you so much! Geremy G

I would like to thank you in advance for a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, for your time, consideration and ove for fellow brethren who are desperately trying to come out of darkness into Light. May Father Yah bless you for this act of kindness that is in accordance with His Will that none more perish but all would believe in the Messiach and have everlasting life – Yohanan 3:16
Paul F

My Dearest Qodeshim,
My name is Robert L, I am a talmid, a qodeshi. For eight years I have been studying the scriptures.
It was 3-4 months ago that I came across a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. The man that had it said I could check it out.
As I read different things in it, my heart leapt. I was overjoyed!! I hugged and kissed this man’s book and I knew I had to have one.
I received my very own scriptures and have not ceased hugging and kissing it. I finally felt that I had the Truth. I encourage all who read this message to get a copy. Now is the day of deliverance – 2 Qorin’tiyim 6:2 Thank you again, Robert L

Blessings in the wonderful Name of Yahshua. I just received my free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, and I am so so happy! Thank you so much for providing this wonderful service to those who cannot afford them!

May the Father continue to bless your ministry and use you to reach many others! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Mario L. (USA)

I want to thank you for the Bible you sent as it is very nice. I was just informed today that you also have a compassion on study for the Scriptures of Yah. Brian S. (USA)

The HalleluYah Scriptures team, thank you very much for the HalleluYah Scriptures. I wake up praising YAH and go to sleep praising YAH. I am a true believer in the Messiah. Howard C. (USA)

Shalom Mishpah. I wish to thank you very much for your wonderful gift of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Shabbat Service we passed it around and read, it was enjoyed by all. Hubert L. (USA)

Praise the Name of YHWH! May His favor and mercy be upon you all. I recently received my copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures and I wanted to send my prayers and my most humble gratitude. It is wonderful blessing to have my own cope of our Father’s Word with the restored Sacred Names. Kevin B. (USA)

Greetings in the Name of Yahshua. I want to thank you for the free HalleluYah Scriptures. I am incarcerated in branchville correctional facility. I am starting my walk and learning who the real Messiah is. May YHWH bless you and your Ministry. Thank you. Leon F. (USA)

Praise YHWH! Shalom! My brothers and sister in Yahushua ha’Mashiach. I just received your very very welcome blessing gift to me, the free HalleluYah Scriptures; and I thank my Precious YHWH Elohim, for touching your hearts to send me with one of this blessed book in Ha’shem of my Precious Adonai Yahushua ha’Mashiach. I’m so in love with this HalleluYah Scriptures bible I really enjoy reading YHWH’s qodesh Word, thank you so much my brothers and sisters in ha’Mashiach, I love you all! and may Abba YHWH Elohim bless and continue to bless you all and your wonderful ministries in Ha’shem of my Precious Adonai Yahushua ha’Mashiach. Santiago P. (USA)

Greetings HalleluYah Scriptures Team, Thank you very much for all the services you render for the glory of our Father YHWH and Saviour Yahushua. I was very excited and blessed to receive the copy of HalleluYah Scriptures you sent me. I also feel great joy for an opportunity to return to you a blessing of my written appreciation, a purpose to inspire you all to continue to share the truth with love. Bless you all in the Name of Yahushua ha’Mashiach. Peace be with you. Donald W. (USA)

Dear HalleluYah Scriptures team,
First, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my HalleluYah Scriptures. I know it came to me as a free gift. I have done nothing but read it since I’ve gotten it. The Names being in the right places is so right. Thank you once more. This world needs people like your team to help people like me. Who can’t get hold of stuff out there in the world outside these walls of wire. I, you, and your team a piece of my peace that I now have cause of my new bible. Thank you so much. Now I can relax and read YHWH’s Word the way it was meant to be. Joey F.(USA)
Greetings. I pray that by the time you receive this that you are doing well. I believe my HalleluYah Scriptures and I love it so much. I was at ease as soon as I started reading. I thank you so much. This bible gives me a chance to study the Scriptures and get a complete meaning of exactly what the True Names are. I really thank you for your help, your time and your prayers. Lenton W. (USA)

Thank you so much for sending me the HalleluYah Scriptures. I received it tonight and feel so honored and blessed for getting this Scriptural Truth sent. So much is coming my way right now that is opening my eyes and mind and heart to the Truth. I know our Father rewards those who diligently seek Him and the Truth. Luke J. (USA)

The HalleluYah Scriptures, the Word awesome continues to fall from my mouth and try to describe how I like it. So, to close, and as a Jewish born believer in Messiah Yahshua – I can honestly say that this is by far the best book of Scriptures I have read in nearly forty five years! Thank you to all of those who put in the time, research and effort to make HalleluYah Scriptures the greatest, most excellent bible I have, the privilege and honor to own and read. Marshall J. (USA)


Greetings in the esteemed Name of our Father YHWH & Savior Yahshua, I like to say thank you for the Torah It’s a big help in my life it’s the truth.May YHWH baruk you and keep you. I just like to say thank you all so much it’s a big help and I can’t put it in words you all are helping YHWH’s people get a better understanding and that’s great. Keep up the good works. Shalom. I love all in the Ruah of YHWH. Maurice T. (USA)

Thank you very much for your generous donation. I have begun reading the HalleluYah Scriptures and it is such a blessing. It is so encouraging to find organizations like yours that are committed to helping people change their lives by discovering the Truth int he Holy Scriptures. I find my relationship with YHWH deepening in a way I have not experienced before. I know the HalleluYah Scriptures will take me even further into my faith. Perry S. (USA)

Greetings in the Name of YHWH and Yahushua. The knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of our Father YHWH and Savior Yahushua is priceless. Thank you for the HalleluYah Scriptures you sent me. I was blessed to received it and will encourage other brothers to become seekers of Truth. I am hungry to devour YHWH’s Word. Thank you once again. Shalom. Shayne A. (USA)

Blessings in the wonderful Name of Yeshua! I just received my free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures and I am so so happy! Thank you so much for providing this wonderful service to these who cannot afford them! May the Father continue to bless your ministry and use you to reach many others! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Mario L. (USA)

I want to thank you for the Bible you sent as it is very nice. I was just informed today that you also have a compassion on study for the Scriptures of Yah. Brian S. (USA)

The HalleluYah Scriptures team, thank you very much for the HalleluYah Scriptures. I wake up praising YAH and go to sleep praising YAH. I am a true believer in the Messiah. Howard C. (USA)

Shalom Mishpah. I wish to thank you very much for your wonderful gift of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Shabbat Service we passed it around and read, it was enjoyed by all. Hubert L. (USA)

Praise the Name of YHWH! May His favor and mercy be upon you all. I recently received my copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, and I wanted to send my prayers and my most humble gratitude. It is wonderful blessing to have my own cope of our Father’s Word with the restored Sacred Names. Kevin B. (USA)

As you learn about the Truth, you will begin seeing who the Father, Yahshua and the Ruach’ ha Qodesh really is! – Rodney C. from USA

Praise Yah, I was better than blessed when I saw and held a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. But it does not belong to me but to another inmate who received your gift and he is so happy that he studies non-stop !! I now need a copy as well, as a few other inmates, so that we all CAN BE IN ONE ACCORD. Please send me a free copy and THE WORD WILL SPREAD LIKE A HOLY WILD FIRE!! Thank you – James from USA

I received the copy of free Halleluyah Scriptures, “wow”, how wonderful & beautiful. Thank you! I’m glad there is one place YHWH has shown the Truth; and they’re listened. I thank the Brothers & Sisters at HalleluYah Scriptures. – Frederick H. form USA

I pray that in the Name of Our Father YHWH & Savior Yahusha that many blessings continue to be bestowed on those at HalleluYah Scriptures. I was truly blessed and honored in receiving my personal copy of free HalleluYah Scriptures. We have been so blessed because of using and reading the scriptures. – Gerald B. from USA

Hi and thanks a lot for you guys sending me the Torah in Helping me with my study and walk with Adonai YHWH and our Adon Yahushua. And thanks and barak to all you at HalleluYah Scriptures. – Marque B. from USA

Shalom beloved HalleluYah Scriptures brethren, I have received from you my free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Thank You! It is a beautiful version of the Scriptures, which I will treasure and read continuously. David E. (USA)

“Thank you so very much for sending me my free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures with YHWH’S and YAHUSHUA’S Sacred Names Restored. It’s a blessing and will surely be for the very good use. May YHWH bless your team really for your tireless work at giving freely what was free given. Shalom. I would also like to request the Companion Book “Names Meaning Book” from you. May YHWH bless and keep each of you at the HalleluYah Scriptures Team. – Anthony W. from Detroit, USA

” I want to thank you greatly for the Bible for myself and my fellow brothers here. In your letter you mention a free book called “Name Meanings Book” I would greatly appreciate receiving one if possible. Thank you and may YHWH bless you greatly and reach many more people who are lost find their way back to the Father.” – David E. from USA

“I want to thank you for the offering this gift to those of us who are behind these walls and fences. I humbly pray that YHWH enrich your lives, blessing you and your ministry.” – Garvin P. from USA

“I would like to receive a copy of the Name Meanings Book. Thank you for all you do for getting the True Word, you truly are a blessings to those who are seeking the Truth.” – James C. from USA

“First of all, I would love to say thank you very much for the Halleluyah Scriptures. It’s so amazing to be able to have a bible with the True Names replaced, having this bible helps me fill closer to YHWH. Can I please have the Name Meanings Book? I would love to learn more about Names. Thank you very much.” – Jason H. from USA

“I want to thank you for blessing me with your gift of the Halleluyah Scriptures Bible. It is everything I had hope it would be, and will only enhance my study of YHWH’s Word. Praise YHWH and Yahushua for your work, and may it continue unabated. Bless you.” – Samuel D. from USA

As you learn about the Truth, you will begin seeing who the Father, Yahshua and the Ruach’ ha Qodesh really is! I was better than blessed when I saw and held a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. But it does not belong to me but to another inmate who received your gift and he is so happy that he studies non-stop !! I now need a copy as well, as a few other inmates, so that we all CAN BE IN ONE ACCORD. Please send me a free copy and THE WORD WILL SPREAD LIKE A HOLY WILD FIRE!! Thank you, James ( copy sent)

As you learn about the Truth, you will begin seeing who the Father, Yahshua and the Ruach’ ha Qodesh really is! – Rodney C. from USA

Praise Yah, I was better than blessed when I saw and held a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. But it does not belong to me but to another inmate who received your gift and he is so happy that he studies non-stop !! I now need a copy as well, as a few other inmates, so that we all CAN BE IN ONE ACCORD. Please send me a free copy and THE WORD WILL SPREAD LIKE A HOLY WILD FIRE!! Thank you – James from USA ( Free Copy Sent)

I received the copy of free Halleluyah Scriptures, “wow”, how wonderful & beautiful. Thank you! I’m glad there is one place YHWH has shown the Truth; and they’re listened. I thank the Brothers & Sisters at HalleluYah Scriptures. – Frederick H. form USA

I pray that in the Name of Our Father YHWH & Savior Yahusha that many blessings continue to be bestowed on those at HalleluYah Scriptures. I was truly blessed and honored in receiving my personal copy of free HalleluYah Scriptures. We have been so blessed because of using and reading the scriptures. – Gerald B. from USA

This letter made us cry and weep.
My family at the HalleluYah Scriptures Team. About 15 years ago, I decided that the King James bible was wrong. I did not why or how.
Last year I prayed to God to help me know and understand the truth in
the scriptures and also teach me the truth in why the bible is wrong to
me. God guided me in the truth. I now have 2 complete bibles that shows me the truth. Just knowing that YHWH is our Father’s Name. Yahushua is His Son and our Savior. With people like all of you, people like us can receive the truth in how the scriptures talks to us. Chapter 1 in John tells us this is so.
I am very pleased in the bible you sent me. I started reading it walking down the sidewalk. YOU HAVE BROUGHT GREAT JOY TO MY SAD HEART. MY LIFE IS BAD AND VERY SAD. MY HEBREW BIBLES ARE MY ONLY JOY IN LIFE. Thank you very much. Yes, I would like a copy of the Name Meanings Book. I am a new born baby in the Hebrew scriptures.
I have no one to help me with reading the Hebrew language or pronouncing the words. Even the Jews in this prison refuse to help me, because I am not Jewish.
Peace be with you all, Mark
Dear HalleluYah Scriptures,
Thank you for your donation to our Jewish Studies Group without your kind donation I would not have been able to afford such a great Torah. This gift means so very much to me and the others in our group. This was a true blessings for all. Shalom to you all. John D. (USA)

I give glory to our Only One True Father YHWH and to His Son our Savior Yahushua. I am extremely thankful for the knowing of His Name and the showing of His fame. The HalleluYah Scriptures has made witnessing to the Truth both accurate and enjoyable. I have received a new boldness in sharing and a new confidence in declaring that Adon Yahushua is my Hai and my Master. Amen. This free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures is worth far more to me than the thousands of dollars I spent on the traditional writings of my past. Thank you so much for your service to our Father and Savior; that is YHWH and Yahushua. Amen. – M. Hogan from USA

Hi and thanks a lot for you guys sending me the Torah in Helping me with my study and walk with Adonai YHWH and our Adon Yahushua. And thanks and barak to all you at HalleluYah Scriptures. – Marque B. from USA

We praise the Most High, as the workload/orders and shipments have tripled and so has the support! Thank you for your kind and encouraging emails, messages, and comments. They truly mean everything to us and give us such strength each day.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support toward prisoners and those who cannot afford the Word. This is the Fathers heart and the heart of the Project. Be assured, we pray for you daily, and your donation always goes where you have requested.
Thank you to those who have helped the prisoners, widows and the truly poor programs. We are working on a special page on all the work that is being done in with the truly poor and need which includes orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy.
This is a group we have helped for 12 years now in India. We enjoy this work and we thank you for allowing us to be a part of it. All those that are helped in India and around the world are so thankful and grateful. You see our lepers in some of these pictures. You can read more on this link: you.
We want to take the time to say a special heartfelt deep thank you for all you have done for the very poor and needy in this world. We know they praise the Father daily for your help. We pray you enjoy this article and praise the Father for He deserves it all. Kindly praise Him and thank Him for all the work that is being done.
Our daily prayers are with you and thank you,
The HallelulYah Scriptures Team

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