Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Children All Over The World Love The HalleluYah Scriptures

by | Jan 11, 2024

“Hear, My son, and accept My words, and let the years of your life be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom, I have led you in straight paths. When you walk your steps shall not be hindered, and if you run you shall not stumble. Hold fast to discipline, do not let go; watch over her, for she is your ḥai.” ~ Mishlĕy/Proverbs 4:10-13. Children are so important to the Most High and to this Project and team. We love children and have enjoyed working on the children’s materials over the years that have been sent out around the world in many languages. They are a real treasure and we have found just how much they love His Word. 

In such a way, Father YHWH showed His great and unconditional love towards all mankind. That YHWH even sacrificed His only begotten Běn (Son), that whoever believes in Him will be saved and have everlasting ḥai/life!

We are only sharing a very small handful of

Children From Around The World

Children from Ghana.

HalleluYah for children in Ghana. The Project has been sending free materials into this African country for over 12 years now, and many children have received the Children’s Books and Coloring Books that are all Scripture.

Throughout Scripture, the Father YHWH teaches and leads His beloved children towards the path of righteousness. He even gave His Torah as His way to keep His chosen people away from sin, and for them to be kept on the right track to be led by His Ruaḥ ha’Qodesh.

In the same way, earthly parents strive to teach their own children in the right way because of their love towards their own children, and love is what drives these parents to do these wonderful acts for their children’s own sake. This is the same with the Father who created us, who loves to teach us and guide us in His Word!

In such a way Father YHWH showed His great and unconditional love towards all mankind. That YHWH even sacrificed His only begotten Ḇen (Son), that whosoever believes in Him will be save and have an everlasting ḥai/life.

Therefore, beloved brethren, it is very important for a child to grow up in a household that honors and obeys YHWH and keeps His words and Commands. Being able to practice discipline inside the comfort of their homes; where every child starts to learn what is good and bad by what He sees through those surrounding Him.

That is why it is important to have the HalleluYah Scriptures and children’s materials in homes. Thousands upon thousands have been given freely to families and children all over the world and it is the Fathers Love Letter to us, His children.


HalleluYah for this country and for the children that live here. The Project has and continues to work diligently with young ones in this country. The Project works with many orphans and truly poor and needy and we have enjoyed it so much.

This country is growing daily with many coming to Truth and loving it. Two large pallets will be arriving into Uganda soon. We have many, many orders and requests for free materials in this country.

YHWH’s words even tell us that all discipline is necessary for training towards righteousness and many we deal with are very respectful of what they receive. They are so thankful and grateful for the free materials. They have learned so much about the Truth through the materials and are filled with such joy and gladness. You can see this in the multitude of photos and videos we share.

The kind of discipline that comes from a place of love is what everyone desires when walking in Truth, because everyone deserves to feel cherished, loved and secure while they are being taught to keep away from evil and seek what is good. They love the HalleluYah Scriptures 10 Commandments Coloring Book in Uganda.

“Good and straight is YHWH, therefore He teaches sinners in the Way. He guides the meek ones in Right-Ruling, and He teaches the meek ones His Way. All the paths of YHWH are kindness and truth, to those who guard His covenant and His witnesses.” ~Tehillim/Psalms 26:8-10

Praise YHWH! For He is good! Oh, how baruk are the ones who listen obediently to the voice of YHWH of hosts and observe carefully all His Commandments and do what is right in the sight of YHWH Ĕl Ĕlyon

For this reason, the HalleluYah Scriptures team have seen clearly how important the children’s materials have been over the years. The materials have been so important for the children and families all over the world, who hunger and thirst for His Words.

There are many challenges and struggles for those who cannot afford, but they have a passion and desire to learn the Truth. It has been hard for them in the past, but the HalleluYah Scriptures are the only Free Restored Names Bible and materials given to those who cannot afford supported by those who can – this is the heart of the Father and is also Scripture.

The HalleluYah Scriptures team have been able to reach a large number of believers – young and old, including children from all over the world. Thousands have been able to receive HalleluYah Scriptures Bibles, children’s books, coloring books and a number of other books without cost. It has been delightful to see children who are without receive His Word freely.


Let us wrap the earth in an unbroken chain of prayer and love for one another in the mighty Name of YHWH, granting His people the daily strength, wisdom, and protection they need.

Let us uphold each other, residing constantly in His presence through His Word, empowering us to approach His throne boldly while seeking His favour with humility. May our prayers ascend as a delightful fragrance, akin to an offering pleasing and satisfying in His sight. For we were created to serve and worship Him and do all we can to help our fellow believers, the Father’s children.

In a world marked by sorrow and hopelessness, we comprehend that only our Father can safeguard our hearts and minds through His Word when we obey and follow Him. We know that He never abandons those who believe in Him, depending entirely on His Word as their steadfast Truth, accompanied and guided continuously by His Ruacḥ ha’Qodesh.


HalleluYah Scriptures has been working in Kenya for over 13 years, reaching thousands of believers, children and families through our wonderful postal agent who works with dedication in Kenya. We are so very honored to work with her, as nothing is ever an issue with her and her group.

The Project has worked with many groups, orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy in Kenya and have connected with some amazing believers who have a real passion to see His people have His Word. Another large shipment is being sent this month for those in need.

Those who receive His Word and materials freely are so pleased and are so very grateful. Many smiles, joy and rejoicing happens when they get the best Gift in the world, the Father’s Word – the HalleluYah Scriptures. They express such joy and thankfulness when they are given such a wonderful free Gift!

We are honored to serve them, as we do you, and we are so thankful to you for allowing us to do this work – giving it to them for free. We feel a great sense of fulfillment and joy in contributing to others, as we delight in the notion that we’ve become an instrument to give these gifts to them without cost.

“But the Aḏon said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name before nations, sovereigns, and the children of Yisra’ĕl.” ~Ma’asĕh/Acts 9:15

A huge HalleluYah! Praises to the Most High who deserves all the Praise! We are so excited to have offered the children’s books on DVD’s for children to have enjoyed for many years now. The most exciting part is offering the children’s movies in a number of languages so that children in other countries can watch the animated DVD – children in Pakistan, Philippines, Kenya, South Africa and Israel can read along in their own language and see the Father’s Word come to life.

Embracing the world with His love, let us face the upcoming days with courage and perseverance, persistently interceding for each other’s necessities, placing our full trust in Him—the One who gifted His Mashiaḥ, through whom we find all things. Days will get darker and harder and we have to stand together in prayer, not pulling each other down but encouraging each other for we all need one another in these last days.

The purpose of the HalleluYah Scriptures Project is to see groups of children and families grow their belief in the Most High and train their minds in the Laws of YHWH and instill them in their hearts.

That is why, the Team will do the very best that we can to reach and provide as many individuals as possible all over the world with the HalleluYah Scriptures and materials. To spread the Good News and let the salvation of Ha’Mashiaḥ shine upon their lives.


The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has worked in India for 14 years now and it has been a wonderful journey. The Father’s Word has touched and changed thousands of lives in this country. Much work with orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor has been done over the years through you, His people.

“In brotherly love, tenderly loving towards one another, in appreciation, giving preference to each other. Not idle in duty, ardent in Ruaḥ, serving the Aḏon; rejoicing in the expectancy, enduring under pressure, continuing steadfastly in prayer; imparting to the needs of the qodeshim, pursuing kindness towards strangers.” ~Romiyim/Romans 12:10-13

How do we show our love toward others? It is simple… We show them love from His Word, for His Word – the HalleluYah Scriptures – is His Love Letter and Instruction Book for this world.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he turns not away from it.” ~ Mishlĕy/Proverbs 22:6.

We do this work as we know it makes a huge difference in lives all over the world and helps many to receive salvation. It also brings joy to many families as they grow in this Truth. It helps families and their children to walk this path, and guides them, giving them comfort.

They become a great example to others and share what they have with others as they have a passion, being truly thankful and grateful to those who donated for them to have the free materials.

Furthermore, the team is so grateful for your positive feedback through emails and comments and support for the HalleluYah Scriptures Project. Below, we have gathered some of your amazing feedback and comments which show your love and support for HalleluYah Scriptures. Seeing this, we want you to know that we see you and hear every word that you say that comes from your heart.

From the Philippines, Belize, Jamacia, South Africa extending to all over Africa and many other 3rd world countries, the HalleluYah Scriptures Project has sent hundreds of thousands of free materials to believers. All praise to the Most High!


We have seen many come to Truth over the years through these materials, and it has been a wonderful journey helping families. A special thank you to those that have donated to help others receive freely.

“Thank you for your effort and time, many are eternally grateful to our Father, Messiah, and you, His hard laborers in His field. Continue and endure, and seek Him with all your heart, and you will find Him. I pray these scriptures help and encourage you along The Way of our Master and King, Ha’Mashaich. To Him be all the glory honor and praise forever and ever, Amen.” ~Astara, USA

“The work the project is doing is very taub, it’ll save lot of souls and change lot of lives Aba YaHUaH up in the Shamaym must be proud, it’s no coincidence that this project got this far But it’s Aba YaHUaH’s Kabud and Shall the napashym behind the project be favoured by Our Alahym and be covered by the dam of ah mashyach! I Ahabah you all Natsarym for The taub hearts that you have.” ~Kabudyah, South Africa

“Please continue to do all the great work you do. I’ve been learning a lot lately about how names and words have been changed around and also that things that I was taught before were not true. I now believe I’m learning the truth and I want to keep learning in every way that I can.” ~Tamara, USA

“I really love the work y’all are do and I pray Yah keep Blessing you and your family.” ~Tyrone, USA

“Hello and thank you for all that you do! I am already a prayer warrior of you all’s amazing project! I pray that you all abound more and more in Yah’s love and that you are strengthened in you all’s good fight of faith. In Yahusha’s Mighty Name I pray, Amen.” ~Toreeda, USA

It is an authentic honor to engage in this joint endeavor, standing together with our young dear brothers and sisters. around the world, we aim to be the guiding light and preserving influence for the families and nations, through the power of His Word.

Together, let us come together standing for and with YHWH and serve as believers of reconciliation for all brothers and sisters and families. With humble hearts and raised arms to the Father, let us call upon the Name of the One who is our strength and song, our helper and deliverer—the source of our trust, YHWH of hosts!

HalleluYah! What a privilege to carry out this work for the Father and His beloved Son! Only those who have eyes to see will see the wonderful works He has done with His Word. For the HalleluYah Scriptures is owned by the Most High.

Love towards our brothers and sisters who cannot afford and have no means of affording is what this project is all about, those who cannot help themselves are helped by you who can, this is the greatest gift you can give a believer for His Word has all the answers, gives peace and joy.

As part of this wonderful project, we find our belonging with Him, offering us resilience and comfort, assured of having our Father and His Son in our midst. Things are getting harder for many believers around the world, for them and their families, so having His Word is what is important.

Consider the multitude of individuals who have now received His Word FREE of charge, they are holding the most treasured thing in their hands —hundreds of thousands are engaging in prayers of thanks to the Father for your gift. They pray and thank the Father for answered prayer and praise Him for you and your love towards them. They are all truly thankful and grateful to you who donated for their free materials.

Belize & South Africa

HalleluYah for believers in South Africa. The Project has worked in South Africa for close to 14 years and have sent thousands upon thousands of free materials into this country for those who cannot afford. It has been a great honor in sharing His Word to those in need. It is the Father that provides His Word to the poor and it is He that is to receive all the praise and esteem.

We have enjoyed distributing His Word to Children all over the world. The first children’s book was completed in 2013 and we are so excited to get these out freely all over the world over the past 10 years. The first children’s book was translated into, Spanish, Filipino and Telegu for the children in India. The Project has two children’s books (with supporting animated DVD’s) and three coloring books.


Thousands of free children’s books have gone out around the world into many hands of families and children. The HalleluYah Scriptures children’s books and materials have been loved by thousands of children who have learned so much from the Father’s Word. 

The Project has sent out thousands of free Children’s material to families and children in the western world, but sadly, most in the western world do not send pictures. To those who have donated for the children’s books for the poor and needy, we want to say a special thank you on their behalf.

HalleluYah for children. Children are so important to the Father and He loves to provide for His people. 

As shared, HalleluYah Scriptures children’s materials are all Scripture, just like His Word, with life-like artwork. The Project went on to produce two movies – one for each book, and these DVD’s have been given out freely by the thousands for children all over the world.

Children around the world have enjoyed the children’s materials over the years.  A number of believers have enjoyed working hard to get His Word and materials into countries that forbid His Word. Even though they acknowledge they may be putting their own lives and families lives at risk, they knew it was so important for His people who have been praying and weeping for His Word.
The Project has been able to share thousands of free materials into these types of countries, all praise to the Most High! The HalleluYah Scriptures is the only Project that gives free Restored Names Bibles and materials by the tens of thousands worldwide.


We love and have enjoyed working with brothers, sisters and families in Jamaica. The Project has just sent a large shipment of free materials to Jamaica for His people. We have been working in these countries for well over 10 years and many have now received His Word and are enjoying His Word in their lives.

HallelluYah once again! We have only shared a few pictures of children all over the world receiving free HalleluYah Scriptures and children’s materials.

The Project has sent out thousands of free materials to many countries for His people to enjoy and learn from, for having His Word is so important to have in one’s life. 

Thank you so much to those who pray, fast and donate to help those in need of His Word. 

May the Father show you favor always,

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

You can read more on the Children’s Book & DVD’s – Here is the link:

Children’s Books & DVD’s & Materials

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