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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Catia – USA

I praise YAh for for providing His truth words through your ministry. MAy He bless all of you to keep strong untill the return of our messiah.

Earlyn – USA

Hi, I love the work that you all are doing! I heard about your organization and mission through the Youtube channel. Through there ministry and through yours, I have no doubt that I will grow in the Lord and do his will. Thank you for your work- the work that you are doing is the most meaningful that one can do.

Travis – USA

Thank you for helping the needy across the earth please keep it up they need YHWH and His word, also our love and help!

Tralena – USA

Yahwah be glorified! Thank you Yah for bringing this family together to bring your truth to the world. Love to all.

Shackera – USA

All Praises to the most high Yahuah for allowing his people to have this powerful book with the truth. Praise Yah!

Ashley – USA

I want to thank this website for being able to spread the truth and send these wonderful items to people around the world. It’s truly a blessing and so important people realize the true names.

Eli, Sudan

These people lied to us they are lieing to you. Do not believe these people they hurt our village and stole from us. We accepted their offer and it never came instead they took advantage of our generosity through false works of praise. They are not the way to salvarion, they lie and steal in the name of god, but they are false. I am finding more people in my region of the world with the same story.
Gary buchanan United States

Gary buchanan United States

Shalom family, I just received my extra biblical books along with some really awesome names of the most High wristbands for my grandchildren. Going to disappear for a couple of days and really get to reading the extra biblical books, thank you guys so much and thanks to the most High Yahweh.
Gary buchanan United states

Gary buchanan United states

Praise YAH: enjoying a coffee time with the extra biblical books,,so far they are great.. I know we don’t have much time so Baruch you for being obedient and giving grace to brothers like me ..

Tazia – USA

Thank you for providing the scriptures to everyone worldwide. I received my first copy of the scriptures for free during a time I could not afford them. Praise Yah I’m now able to donate to help others. You all are greatly appreciated!

Frank – USA

Thank you for the Salvation Pamphlets that you sent. I thought that they were very well done and very thorough. Thank you again.  Blessings and Shalom.

Tyler – USA

Thank you for doing this may you be blessed in the name of Yahshua. I heard about this from a YouTube channel.

Freddie – South Africa

Thank you for being the representatives of our Almighty YHWH; May your strength be renewed and your soul empowered by the Ruah. Be Baruk.

Christopher – Canada

Thank you for putting together such a good booklet to help wake up the lost as well as the lukewarm believers. Just what I was needing to help spread the word about the Last Days. May Yah keep you secure in the times ahead.

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