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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Simeon (Kenya)

We are there to stand with HalleluYah scriptures and you are serving our most High YHWH!!!! I thank our Ruach Hakodesh for hearing that doors have opened to some countries, HalleluYah!!!!

Earl – USA

I salute your approach to literal translations with minimal “modern” content.

Cheryl – USA

Thank you!! Thank you because the work that you are doing is helping Yahshua to come back more quickly!! We love you!!

Leslie G. (UK)

I am new to studying the bible although as a child I used to go to church some 40+ years ago. I have a King James Bible but do not study it for various reasons but intend to start studying and praying for guidance as I feel I am being lead by the spirit like everyone else but I have perhaps ignored this calling for far to long. May the Most High bless you all in carrying out such work on behalf of TMH. Thank you

Robert B. (USA)

I heard about your wonderful Bible from ……… and had to get a copy for my wife and I. I am so looking forward to diving into it. That you so much for offering a true translation with the Hebrew names. Shalom!

Riccia F. (USA)

I first heard about you when you donated bibles to the …… I was very moved by your donation and all the good that you are doing. May YAHUAH bless you and all your undertakings.

Keith J. (USA)

I pray that everyone finds Shalum and seek the one and only Elohim . Toduh YAHUAH for all that is being done each and every day by HalleluYah Scriptures foundation. May we all continue to share the most valuable treasure of life with all mankind so that all can be reborn. In YAHUSHA HAMASHIAC Name so let it be #HalleluYAH Shalum love ALL


I was newly introduced to this Bible. I see that you offer a FREE version for those who cannot afford it, and I think that is ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!!! I love the heart behind that! Thank you for making the Word available!

Rachel F. (USA)

Thank you for your honesty and integrity in sharing this precious gift with the world. I’m excited to get my copy so I can deepen my relationship with Yahweh and understanding of His Word.

Mary S. (USA)

Thank you for all of your work to help us truly know the Words of YHWH that can only lead to a higher spiritual walk with The Ruach.

John W. (USA)

I love what you all are doing! Your valiant effort to make the true Word and true Name of our Father available to the world means a lot! Thank You!

Peter – Zambia

I am very glad to receive this wonderful message from you the servants of YHWH. I am earnestly waiting for the YHWH’s Word.The moment I receive the books, I will surely send the picture. Thank you and shabbat shalom. (Free Copy Sent)

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