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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed


“HalleluYah! Wonderful news to all of you. The Father’s favor always follows us to make known His Qodesh Name to all people. A Pastor and his loved ones will go to Japan to share and give HalleluYah Sciptures (H.S.) to their sister who happens to be a missionary in Japan. HalleluYah to our Father YHWH and His Son ! Now this Pastor and the whole assembly with him is requesting us to continue to conduct a seminar about the Name of our Father. More doors are opening as we share the H.S. to different leaders.”

Allan D. (South Africa)

The HalleluYaH Scriptures have inspired me to research even further. I feel connect now to my “roots” so to speak. I have watched many video’s and liked them and shared them. What a blessing to have found your video’s. A whole new understanding that I have been awakened to.

Regina S. (USA)

I have always wanted to own a copy of YHWH word with the proper names of Elohim written in the Word. Thank you so much, Continued Blessing in your work. My son has MS and Nystagamus in both eyes and can not focus to read small print, so the audio version would be ideal for him. And, I can use the standard written version. May Elohim bless you, always.

Marjorie USA

Many Thanks to your wonderful ministry. May our Father bless you as you labor in the field for His esteem.

Melikia USA

Thank you for doing such a work. I did not know about the use of pagan terms to describe the name of our Almighty.


Pastor Ramel traveled far from Infanta, Quezon Province where he currently shepherds the Servant of the Lord Church. We thank and praise YHWH Elohim for sending him to fellowship with us last Sabbath day. His is a heart of love with Elohim’s True Names and he is for YHWH’s Qodesh Word which he will be bringing to share back home. Inspired by bro Jerry’s teaching on bible history, he invited all [brethren of our congregation] to visit them next time! Two weeks later, Michel dad Wilfredo joined his son to worship YHWH Elohim, to listen to the Qodesh Ruah’s voice on our latest “Family” Sabbath Day at Quezon Circle park, and received the HalleluYah Scriptures. Welcome, daddy Hill! HalleluYahushua.”

Agnes C. (Nigeria)

I am grateful to YHWH for this gift (FREE HalleluYah Scriptures) from brethren that do not know, and I do not know them may YHWH continue to fill them with HIS wisdom in this love that is shown to me. In fact I never expected this gift. I thank you all for this encouragement. May YHWH bless you all richly.

Marjorie USA

Blessings to all the staff at Halleluyah Scriptures as you labor for His most worthy Name.

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