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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

From Canada

Dear people at Hallelujah Scriptures thank you for getting my new bible to me so quickly. I was eagerly awaiting it and it is beautiful. This is going to be my prized posession for the rest of my life. I want you to know that I would have never found you without Alan. I thank Abba Father for leading me to Alan’s truthful and enlightened way of bible studies. Thank you all for what you are doing with all my love and respect


Thank you for the free copy you sent to me in my time of need. I really want to help anyway I can so email me anytime.


Thank you for sending a box of HalleluYah Scriptures. We have shared these with our group. All were very pleased. We are praying for your work.

South Africa

We received our shipment and have started to share the copies to those in need. Pass on our thanks to those who donated for the copies we received. Photo’s to come. Thank you and Barak Ata


HalleluYah! HalleluYahushua! YHWH bless your works! – We have received many free copies from the HalleluYah Scriptures team. Thank you to all those involved


Thank you for the update, it is wonderful to hear that the scriptures are being shipped! We have received a good number of free copies over the years. I thank you very much. I much appreciate your kind prayers as well. I will be praying for all of you and for this ministry as well, I hope it will bless thousands!


PLEASE let me know what monetary help you may need. I am “financially capable”. However, I am supporting my family while I am in school full time. I am here to help get this WORD out. Shalom.


May Yahuwah bless this project of LOVE in all aspects..” Thanks to all of you for your hard work and the free copy I received.I appreciated it for myself and others. I have no money until I get SSD and when I do I will donate to support this great work.


low income and could not afford and you kindly sent me a free copy. Thank you so much! May YHWH bless you for all you do! Sonya

Jade B. (USA)

I thank you for your obedience! This is beautiful! May the Almighty give you shalom!

geoffrey n.

Greetings to you all who serve in HalleluYah Scriptures Team. I’m indeed glad to hear you are sending me a copy of HalleluYah Scriptures Bible! May YHWH barak you for your tireless job and great efforts you are putting into helping Yhwh’s people like me and others who will benefit through me…

Linda, USA

Thank you so much for your dedication to Yashua’s work. Your work is so dearly needed as we are in the last days before our Messiah returns for His bride.

Jamie. England

Thank you so much for a free copy of the Halleluyah Scriptures which I received yesterday. Already the Ruah is helping me to grasp the Hebrew within it and allowing the words to settle on my heart. It is a true blessing in a day of age where people are lost in deceptive translations and traditions of men. Once again thank you, I will continue to pray for your ministry. Jamie United Kingdom


Praise YHWH for his grace and his blessing on this task and truly “YHWH shall supply all our needs according to his riches an glory.” Thank you HalleluYah Scriptures

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