We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race put before us… Iḇrim / Hebrews 12:1 - It is a wonderful joy for us, as a team, to...
Thousands Of Materials Going Out – Praise The Father & Thank You!
“For the Word of YHWH is living, and working, and sharper than any two- edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Ibrim/Hebrews 4:12. HALLELUYAH! Let us...
Urgent Message For YHWH’S People – Enjoy The Photos
“And because of this we thank Elohim without ceasing, that when you received the Word of YHWH which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is truly, the Word of YHWH, which also works in you who believe.” 1 Tas'loniqim/1 Thessalonians...
Free Materials Received By Prisoners – HalleluYah Scriptures
"And because of this we thank Elohim without ceasing, that when you received the Word of YHWH which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is truly, the Word of YHWH, which also works in you who believe." 1 Tas'loniqim/1 Thessalonians...
Philippines Large Shipments Sent & Many Receiving Freely – HalleluYah
“Only be strong and very courageous, to guard to do according to all the Torah which Mosheh My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it right or left, so that you act wisely wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Torah depart from your mouth, but you shall...
Are You Hated, Abused, Accused, Beaten For The Truth – Rejoice & Be Glad With Us
"Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not of grief or of necessity, for Elohim loves a joyous giver. And Elohim is able to make all favour overflow toward you, that you, always having all you need in every way, have plenty for every good work." 2...
So Grateful For His Word – Reaching Those In Need – Rejoice With Us All.
“I praise You, O YHWH my Elohim, with all my heart, and I esteem Your Name forever. For Your kindness is great toward me, and You have delivered my being from the depths of the grave.” ~ Psalms / Tehillim 86:12-13. HalleluYAH! Baruḵ be YHWH our Abba from whom comes...
Special Visit To Uganda – Check Out The Work With Orphans & Widows & His Word
"Baruk is the nation whose Elohim is YHWH, The people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance. YHWH has looked from the shamayim; He has seen all the sons of men He looked from His dwelling place On all the inhabitants of the earth - He who fashions the hearts of...
Many Received His Word – HalleluYah! Ghana, Nigeria & Philippines
In order that He might give you, according to the riches of His esteem by power, to be strengthened in the inner man, through His Ruaḥ, that ha'Mashiaḥ might dwell in your hearts through belief – having become rooted and grounded in love. - Eph'siyim / Ephesians...
The Team Gathers & Unite To Send Out Thousands Upon Thousands of Items
"Come, let us sing to YHWH! Let us raise a shout to the Rock of our deliverance. Let us come before His face with thanksgiving; Let us raise a shout to Him in song. For YHWH is a great Ěl, And a great Sovereign above all mighty ones." Psalms 95:1-3. Let us...
Thousands Of Witnesses Receiving The HalleluYah Scriptures – The People Speak.
“Who is like You, O YHWH, among the mighty ones? Who is like You, great in qodeshah? Awesome in praises, working wonders. “You stretched out Your right hand, the earth swallowed them. “In Your kindness You led the people whom You have redeemed, In Your strength You...
Delighted by YHWH’s Word – Nigeria, Madagascar, Fiji, Ghana and Philippines
"In the day I am afraid, I trust in You. In Elohim, whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted; I do not fear; What could flesh do to me?" - Tehillim / Psalm 56:3-4. There are no words to express how important supporters have been towards those who are in such...